검색어: behalf (그리스어 - 영어)

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더 나은 번역 제안

인적 기여

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번역 추가





if the ancillary system so requests , the ecb may act on its behalf .


if the ancillary system so requests , the ecb may act on its behalf .

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1


and / or the ecb makes clean payments on behalf of the ancillary system .


and / or the ecb makes clean payments on behalf of the ancillary system .

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1


and / or ( iii ) the ecb makes clean payments on behalf of the ancillary system .


and / or ( iii ) the ecb makes clean payments on behalf of the ancillary system .

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1


participants shall be deemed to have instructed the ecb to dedicate liquidity on their behalf if the relevant ancillary system so requests .


participants shall be deemed to have instructed the ecb to dedicate liquidity on their behalf if the relevant ancillary system so requests .

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-21
사용 빈도: 2


participants shall be deemed to have instructed the ecb to dedicate liquidity on their behalf if the relevant ancillary system so requests .»


participants shall be deemed to have instructed the ecb to dedicate liquidity on their behalf if the relevant ancillary system so requests .'

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1


( ii ) the ecb creates and / or processes xml instructions / files on behalf of the ancillary system ;


( ii ) the ecb creates and / or processes xml instructions / files on behalf of the ancillary system ;

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1


mrs pascale charhon from the european network against racism expressed, on behalf of organised civil society, the need to reframe the debate and the terms of reference of eu immigration policies.


ms pascale charhon from the european network against racism expressed, on behalf of organised civil society, the need to reframe the debate and the terms of reference of eu immigration policies.

마지막 업데이트: 2017-04-06
사용 빈도: 1


==="reichskonkordat"===the "reichskonkordat" was an integral part of four concordats pacelli concluded on behalf of the vatican with german states.


==="reichskonkordat" and "mit brennender sorge"===the "reichskonkordat" was an integral part of four concordats pacelli concluded on behalf of the vatican with german states.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


jaffe associates on behalf of quoted companies alliance: «institutional investment and trading in uk smaller quoted companies» (2002).


jaffe associates on behalf of quoted companies alliance: ‘institutional investment and trading in uk smaller quoted companies’ (2002).

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-13
사용 빈도: 2


1.1 the purpose of this agreement ( hereinafter referred to as the « agreement » ) is to ensure that the ecb is able to net all existing positions under all outstanding transactions made between the ecb and the counterparty , regardless of any agent or agents authorised to act on behalf of the ecb through whom the transactions giving rise to those positions may have been effected , including the central bank of any member state of the european union which has adopted the euro as its currency , and regardless of which office ( including the head office and all branches ) of the counterparty may be involved in such transactions , and after taking into account the effect of any existing netting provisions in master or other agreements between the ecb and the counterparty and / or provisions of mandatory law that operate with similar effect that may apply to certain of such transactions .


1.1 the purpose of this agreement ( hereinafter referred to as the « agreement ') is to ensure that the ecb is able to net all existing positions under all outstanding transactions made between the ecb and the counterparty , regardless of any agent or agents authorised to act on behalf of the ecb through whom the transactions giving rise to those positions may have been effected , including the central bank of any member state of the european union which has adopted the euro as its currency , and regardless of which office ( including the head office and all branches ) of the counterparty may be involved in such transactions , and after taking into account the effect of any existing netting provisions in master or other agreements between the ecb and the counterparty and / or provisions of mandatory law that operate with similar effect that may apply to certain of such transactions .

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1

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