검색어: tester (베트남어 - 영어)

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ngƯỜi kiỂm tra

마지막 업데이트: 2015-01-22
사용 빈도: 2


tôi đang là một người tester


what do you mean by it

마지막 업데이트: 2020-12-31
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


and author) (2005) "the testing practitioner", 3rd run, utn publishers, cn den bosch, the netherlands, isbn 90-72194-65-9* andreas spillner, tilo linz, thomas roßner, mario winter (2006) "praxiswissen softwaretest - testmanagement: aus- und weiterbildung zum certified tester: advanced level nach istqb-standard", 1st run, dpunkt.verlag gmbh, heidelberg, germany, isbn 3-89864-275-5* graham bath / judy mckay (2008) "the software test engineer’s handbook - a study guide for the istqb test analyst and technical test analyst advanced level certificates", rocky nook, usa; isbn 978-1-933952-24-6* andreas spillner / tilo linz / thomas rossner / mario winter (2007) "software testing practice: test management", a study guide for the certified tester exam istqb advanced level, rocky nook, usa, isbn isbn 978-1-933952-13-0* patrick hendrickx, chris van bael and alain bultink (2010), "advanced test management based on the istqb® syllabus", ps_testware, belgium, isbn 978-9090257273== xem thêm ==* cste* software testing* verification and validation (software)* andreas spillner, tilo linz, hans schäfer (2007) software testing foundations, 2nd edition: "a study guide for the certified tester exam" (foundation level – istqb compliant), rocky nook inc, santa barbara, california, usa; isbn 978-1-933952-08-6== tham khảo ==


and author) (2005) "the testing practitioner", 3rd run, utn publishers, cn den bosch, the netherlands, isbn 90-72194-65-9* andreas spillner, tilo linz, thomas roßner, mario winter (2006) "praxiswissen softwaretest - testmanagement: aus- und weiterbildung zum certified tester: advanced level nach istqb-standard", 1st run, dpunkt.verlag gmbh, heidelberg, germany, isbn 3-89864-275-5* graham bath / judy mckay (2008) "the software test engineer’s handbook - a study guide for the istqb test analyst and technical test analyst advanced level certificates", rocky nook, usa; isbn 978-1-933952-24-6* andreas spillner / tilo linz / thomas rossner / mario winter (2007) "software testing practice: test management", a study guide for the certified tester exam istqb advanced level, rocky nook, usa, isbn isbn 978-1-933952-13-0* patrick hendrickx, chris van bael and alain bultink (2010), "advanced test management based on the istqb® syllabus", ps_testware, belgium, isbn 978-9090257273== see also ==* cste* software testing* verification and validation (software)* andreas spillner, tilo linz, hans schäfer (2007) software testing foundations, 2nd edition: "a study guide for the certified tester exam" (foundation level – istqb compliant), rocky nook inc, santa barbara, california, usa; isbn 978-1-933952-08-6== references ==== external links ==

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명
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