전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.
번역 추가
마지막 업데이트: 2012-01-18 사용 빈도: 1 품질: 추천인: Wikipedia
bien, bien, libby.
know, it’s simple.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13 사용 빈도: 1 품질: 추천인: Wikipedia
* robin, libby.
마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03 사용 빈도: 1 품질: 추천인: Wikipedia
¿puede ver a libby?
and actually, can you see libby?
마지막 업데이트: 2015-10-13 사용 빈도: 1 품질: 추천인: Wikipedia
hija libby para las festividades.
to the festivities.
viste el valor de libby
dress up the value of marine
la sede del condado es libby.
its county seat is libby.
se saben pocos detalles sobre libby.
only a few personal details are known about libby.
el premio nobel - willard frank libby
the nobel prize - willard frank libby
haremos un examen en vivo para ver cómo está libby.
so we're going to actually do a live exam to sort of see how libby's doing.
el caso libby y la guerra interna en estados unidos
the war debate on iran
hemos señalado que libby está buscando el perdón de bush .
we have stated that libby is anticipating a pardon from bush.
en lugar de eso , tuvimos la 'justicia para scooter libby'
we got 'scooter libby justice' instead.
usted está aquí:juego: viste el valor de libby juego
game: dress up the value of libby game - game: dress up the value of libby game
stone es como una versión de libby chessler de sabrina la bruja adolescente.
stone is this series' version of libby chessler from the live action series.
el 14 de mayo de 2009, matt y libby tuvieron su primer hijo, mae wachter.
on may 14, 2009, matt and libby welcomed their first child, sailor mae wachter.
queridas liza y libby, gracias por el comentario sobre vuestra estancia en mi apartamento.
dear liza and libby, thank you for your comment about your stay at my apartment.
en su pecho tiene un corazón cerrado lleno con el nombre de su esposa, libby.
also, on his chest there is a locked heart filled with his wife's name libby.
el sindicato de crédito logró los objetivos trimestrales en junio y septiembre de 2010, indicó libby.
the credit union achieved the quarterly targets in june and september, 2010, libby wrote.
al principio de la cuarta temporada, libby es enviada a una escuela pupila y no aparece nunca más.
at the start of season 4, libby was sent off to boarding school and was never seen again.