검색어: some text missing (영어 - 힌디어)

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번역 추가





some text missing


कुछ पाठ गायब है

마지막 업데이트: 2017-05-21
사용 빈도: 5

추천인: 익명


autoreplaces some text you can choose


कुछ पाठ जिन्हें आप चुन सकते हैं , स्वचलित बदलता हैcomment

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 3

추천인: 익명


auto replaces some text you can choose


कुछ पाठ जिन्हें आप चुन सकते हैं , स्वचलित बदलेंname

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 3

추천인: 익명


you must enter some text to search for .


ढूंढने के लिए कोई पाठ भरें .

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 4

추천인: 익명


whether the buffer has some text currently selected


क्या बफर में कुछ पाठ चयनित हैं

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


it is the typeface that is applied to some text .


यह किसी पाठ में प्रयोग किया जाने वाला एक प्रकार का टाइपफेस है ।

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


create a new emoticon by assigning it an icon and some text


कुछ पाठ तथा एक प्रतीक आबंटित कर एक नया मनोभावचिह्न बनाएँ

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 4

추천인: 익명


a template to perform some text project wherein revit architecture opens the family editor .


किसी पाठ परियोजना को निष्पादित करने का एक टेम्पलेट जिसमें रेविट वास्तुकला कुटुम्ब संपादक को खोलता है ।

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


some text - books written by other people known to him mentioned that he had revised them .


उनकी परिचय - परिधि के कई अन्य लेखकों की लिखी हुई पाठ्य - पुस्तकों में इस बात का उल्लेंख था कि संशोधन उन्होंने किया है ।

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


snippet management is a componant of some text editors , program source code editors , ides , and related software .


कोड स्निपेट प्रबंधन कुछ पाठ्यांश संपादकों , प्रोग्राम स्रोत कोड संपादकों , इडस और संबंधित सॉफ्टवेयर का एक घटक / अवयव है .

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


this option is only available if some text is selected in the document. if available and enabled, only the selected text is printed.


इनक्लूड फ़ाइल: "% s" ढूंढने में अक्षम

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명
경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


in the inspection report that followed there was warm appreciation of the work of vidyasagar , but it also contained certain recommendations for replacement of some text books by others .


निरीक्षण की रिपोर्ट में विद्यासागर के काम की तारीफ़ के साथ - साथ कुछ पाठ्य - पुस्तकों में परिवर्तन - सम्बन्धी सिफ़ारिश भी की गई ।

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


welcome to getting things gnome ! , your new task manager ! in getting things gnome ! , everything is a task . from building a bridge over the pacific ocean to changing a light bulb or organizing a party ! if you are new to gtg , please take the time to read this , as it will provide you useful information about how to use gtg to organize your everyday life . creating and editing tasks : using gtg is easy : you organize what you have to do by creating new tasks . to do this , simply press the “ new task” button , edit the task by describing it , set some parameters , and that ' s it ! once a task done , you can close it by pressing the “ mark as done” button . in gtg , a task is automatically saved while you are editing it . no need to press any “ save” button ! try it : add some text to this task , close the window , and reopen it : your changes are still there ! about subtasks : in life , you often get more things done by refining them in smaller , more operational tasks . gtg helps to do just this by defining “ subtasks” . in gtg , those subtasks are considered as prerequisites that must be completed before being able to close their parent task . therefore , in gtg , a task might host one or several subtasks . those appear as links in the task description , just like the link below . to open and edit a subtask , simply click on its link ! try it yourself : open the following subtask : 1 @ 1 closing a task : in gtg , once you are done with a task , you can close it by pushing either the “ mark as done” or the “ dismiss” button . use the first one if the task is done , and the latter if you want to close it because it is not relevant anymore . want to try it ? try to close the subtask above for instance ! when you close a task , you will notice that all its subtasks will be automatically closed too ! indeed , gtg considers that if you have completed a given task , then you don ' t need to do its subtasks anymore . note that the tasks that you have marked as done or dismissed are listed in the “ closed tasks pane” which is hidden by default , but you can easily show it using the view menu . learn more about gtg : if you are interested in knowing more about gtg ' s other features , you will find more information here : 2 @ 1 3 @ 1 4 @ 1 5 @ 1 6 @ 1 7 @ 1 8 @ 1 you can also browse gtg documentation by pressing f1 or opening it using the help menu . we sincerely hope you will enjoy using gtg , and thank you for trying it out ! please send us bug reports and ideas for improvement using this web page : https : / / bugs . launchpad . net / gtg / + filebug if you want to get tips for using gtg or be informed about the newest features , also visit our blog at http : / / gtg . fritalk . com the gtg team .


हालात gnome ! हो रही है , अपने नए कार्य प्रबंधक के लिए आपका स्वागत है ! हालात gnome हो रही है ! , सब कुछ एक कार्य है . प्रशांत महासागर के ऊपर एक प्रकाश बल्ब बदलने या एक पार्टी का आयोजन करने के लिए एक पुल का निर्माण !

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명

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