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전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.
anti-dandruff shampoo.
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 2
improved anti-dandruff shampoo
verbessertes anti-schuppen-shampoo
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 2
extra gentle and foaming.
extra sanft und schäumend.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
for an extra gentle epilation.
für eine einfache aufbewahrung.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
anti-dandruff shampoos
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 3
effective anti dandruff agent.
effektiver anti schuppen wirkstoff.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
a gentle shampoo, ideal for fine hair or brittle.
ein mildes shampoo, ideal für feines haar oder spröde.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
high lathering anti-dandruff shampoos
stankschÄumende antischuppenschampoos
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 2
nylon pin with rounded head, extra gentle on the scalp.
nylon-pin mit kugelkopf, besonders sanft zur kopfhaut.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
anti-dandruff composition for hair and scalp
zusammensetzung zur behandlung der haare und der kopfhaut gegen schuppen
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 2
- scalp tonic (anti-dandruff).
- tonikum der kopfhaut (anti-schuppen).
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
use of nanoscale active anti-dandruff ingredients
verwendung von nanoskaligen antischuppenwirkstoffen
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 3
anti- dandruff antiricomparsa found 87% of men.
anti-schuppen gefunden antiricomparsa 87 % der männer.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
extra gentle on the skin, thanks to the active ingredients in its formula available.
extra sanft auf der haut, dank der wirkstoffe in seiner formel vorhanden.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
use of cationic biopolymers to produce anti-dandruff agents
verwendung von kationischen biopolymeren zur herstellung von antischuppenmitteln
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 3
use of extracts from olive trees as anti-dandruff agents
verwendung von extrakten des olivenbaumes als antischuppenmittel
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 3
leave this in overnight to enable it to work effectively. wash the hair the following morning again with anti-dandruff shampoo.
am nächsten morgen empfiehlt es sich, das haar wiederum mit dem anti-dandruff shampoo zu waschen.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
pamper your hair with white truffle and pearl that provides an extra gentle, rich and moisturizing lather.
verwöhnen sie ihr haar mit weißem trüffel und perle, die einen zarten schaum sorgt , extra reichhaltige und feuchtigkeitsspendend.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
shampoos providing a superior combination of anti-dandruff efficacy and conditioning
haarwaschmittel mit verbesserten anti-schuppen und konditionierender wirkung
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 2
microemulsion containing anti-uv filters and/or anti-dandruff agents
mikroemulsion enthaltend uv-lichtschutzfilter und/oder antischuppenmittel
마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-28
사용 빈도: 3