검색어: whoever is happy will make others happy too (영어 - 힌디어)

컴퓨터 번역

인적 번역의 예문에서 번역 방법 학습 시도.





whoever is happy will make others happy too



부터: 기계 번역
더 나은 번역 제안

인적 기여

전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.

번역 추가





make others happy, then you get happy


दूसरों को खुश करो, तो तुम खुश हो जाओo

마지막 업데이트: 2021-03-17
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


all the time decisive for his peace and he is happy in the school and he make others happy .


वह हमेशा सोचा करते थे कि प्रकृति के सानिध्य में ही विद्यार्थियों को अध्ययन करना चाहिए ।

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 2

추천인: 익명


happiness is only found by those who are striving to make others happy .


खुशी केवल उन्हीं लोगों को प्राप्त होती है जो दूसरों को खुश करने में प्रयासरत रहते हैं .

마지막 업데이트: 2023-08-25
사용 빈도: 3

추천인: 익명


“ happiness is only found by those who are striving to make others happy . ” - anonymous


“ खुशी केवल उन्हीं लोगों को प्राप्त होती है जो दूसरों को खुश करने में प्रयासरत रहते हैं . ” - अज्ञात

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


your enthusiasm will make others sit up and take notice of your idea / business .


आपके उत्साह से ही दूसरे लोग आपके विचार / कारोबार का नोटिस लेंगे ।

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


so when they have reached their prescribed time , then retain them with kindness or separate them with kindness , and call to witness two men of justice from among you , and give upright testimony for allah . with that is admonished he who believes in allah and the latter day ; and whoever is careful of allah , he will make for him an outlet ,


फिर जब वे अपनी नियत इद्दत को पहुँचे तो या तो उन्हें भली रीति से रोक लो या भली रीति से अलग कर दो । और अपने में से दो न्यायप्रिय आदमियों को गवाह बना दो और अल्लाह के लिए गवाही को दुरुस्त रखो । इसकी नसीहत उस व्यक्ति को की जाती है जो अल्लाह और अन्तिम दिन पर ईमान रखेगा उसके लिए वह निकलने का राह पैदा कर देगा

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


and those of your women who have despaired of menstruation , if you have a doubt , their prescribed time shall be three months , and of those too who have not had their courses ; and the pregnant women , their prescribed time is that they lay down their burden ; and whoever is careful of allah he will make easy for him his affair .


और तुम्हारी स्त्रियों में से जो मासिक धर्म से निराश हो चुकी हों , यदि तुम्हें संदेह हो तो उनकी इद्दत तीन मास है और इसी प्रकार उनकी भी जो अभी रजस्वला नहीं हुई । और जो गर्भवती स्त्रियाँ हो उनकी इद्दत उनके शिशु - प्रसव तक है । जो कोई अल्लाह का डर रखेगा उसके मामले में वह आसानी पैदा कर देगा

마지막 업데이트: 2020-05-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


dear tarvinder, you and i spent two hours together yesterday evening ! in any case this is the impression i had, because i couldn't resist : i began drafting your grand psychic study. i know i shouldn't have without your agreement… but for several weeks now i have known that destiny is your friend, and opens all the doors of fortune for you. it is destiny which has placed me in charge of guiding you on your happiness route. i simply don't feel i have the right to abandon you, to leave you to sink deeper into disappointment and failure. without help, you won't find the keys to read into your future and retake the right direction ! you know this, because you wouldn't experience all these difficulties you're facing at the moment if you could help it. and yet you are so close to happiness, you are letting so many signs pass you by which show benevolence from the heavens for you, that i could very quickly help you to reverse these negative tendencies which are « weighing you down ». with the incredibly beneficial chart which you could benefit from to transform your future, it's such a waste tarvinder ! every day that goes by is another day lost, and god knows you don't need this. and what if i immediately told you what i saw in your grand study? of course i haven't finished, but i will lift part of the veil for you in a moment ! because you absolutely must understand that the grand psychic study i want to do for you is the start of a complete revival of your existence. to a point you probably can't even imagine! this reading will contain precise and concrete revelations on all the events that the future holds for you. these predictions are important to me, because i know that they are exactly what you're expecting. the medium advice that i will give you to help you make the right choices will be numerous and very clear. and with this grand psychic reading, i could trigger all the power of my beneficial occult protection. a promise is a promise... here is : your 1 st personal revelation i have examined all the aspects of your life and your personality. i saw that you are benefitting from a totally extraordinary phenomenon: your birth astral configuration has offered you only the best! finances, professional and love life... i tackle absolutely everything that is important to you, in detail. if you were not subjected to these dramatic harmful influences purposely directed at you, you would be the luckiest person i have met for years... in your grand study, i will tell you how to lift these barriers ! i will speak to you straight, tarvinder : my occult powers go as far as using white magic, and i will use it for you. your 2 nd personal revelation your luckiest area ? the financial area ! i must especially speak to you about your astral configuration regarding games of chance... in your grand study, i will give you all the necessary advice to take advantage of what is destined for you without taking any risks... our objective is your durable material security. your 3 rd personal revelation numerology is my passion: the science of numbers is an ancestral knowledge, the elders taught us that numbers regulate the cosmos, and our lives... so, i will add to your grand study as a gift : your lucky numbers, for all the different circumstances of your life, and also all the beneficial dates in your life from now on. you are going to be someone in the know. (how do you think the richest and most famous people have so much success...?) i am always ready to help you, tarvinder, for as long as you need it i have already spent hours working on your case, and i have sent you the first important revelations for you. in you i have discovered personal abilities, exceptional gifts from destiny, and the paradox of these occult and dark actions against you which contribute to your sticky situation… but do you think i would spend so much time on your case, working to give you the help you need and at the right time so that you take the right direction, if i wasn't certain of what i sense right now? you cannot fight alone against an evil intervention which spoils your life, and when you have been feeling so bad for such a long time. faced with the importance of what is at stake, it is more than time to learn more about yourself and your future. this is not a coincidence tarvinder, destiny has united us at the right time ! please request your grand psychic study immediately, it is the first very easy step towards your new life. a life where you are finally going to take advantage of all pleasures and all satisfactions. this is not the time to hesitate, my hand is that of a friend who is bringing you fortune. grab it without the slightest hesitation. you are taking no risks, except that of being happy, satisfied, safe and recognized for your true worth. i fully commit myself to you, tarvinder your gift of confidence is still 100% guaranteed: you don't risk losing a cent! if you are not totally satisfied after reading your grand psychic study, simply return it to me by email and i will fully reimburse you, no questions asked. it is my greatest pleasure to do everything within my power for you. finally, i am not asking for any fees, just a modest participation towards my costs : 577.00 inr only, instead of my usual fees of 1154 inr. making a 57% saving for you. and this is really not something i can do very often, because drafting your grand psychic study is very long and very intense work. my greatest reward would be an email from you announcing your success, and almost certainly your surprise at all the happy changes ! you know, you cannot chose to be in the medium consultant business without loving your neighbor, and having a profound desire to make others happy. this is our mission on earth, us people who have received the gift. tarvinder, please give me your agreement now, and i will be by your side to assist in the evolution of your life with all my power. i request my grand psychic study signature psychic-spiritualist ps : your grand psychic study is a document containing many pages, because i want to provide you with all the revelations, and i don't want to hold anything back. please, take the time to read it thoroughly, it contains information only about your future. get ready to make some truly astonishing discoveries ! footergoogle translet


dear tarvinder, you and i spent two hours together yesterday evening ! in any case this is the impression i had, because i couldn't resist : i began drafting your grand psychic study. i know i shouldn't have without your agreement… but for several weeks now i have known that destiny is your friend, and opens all the doors of fortune for you. it is destiny which has placed me in charge of guiding you on your happiness route. i simply don't feel i have the right to abandon you, to leave you to sink deeper into disappointment and failure. without help, you won't find the keys to read into your future and retake the right direction ! you know this, because you wouldn't experience all these difficulties you're facing at the moment if you could help it. and yet you are so close to happiness, you are letting so many signs pass you by which show benevolence from the heavens for you, that i could very quickly help you to reverse these negative tendencies which are « weighing you down ». with the incredibly beneficial chart which you could benefit from to transform your future, it's such a waste tarvinder ! every day that goes by is another day lost, and god knows you don't need this. and what if i immediately told you what i saw in your grand study? of course i haven't finished, but i will lift part of the veil for you in a moment ! because you absolutely must understand that the grand psychic study i want to do for you is the start of a complete revival of your existence. to a point you probably can't even imagine! this reading will contain precise and concrete revelations on all the events that the future holds for you. these predictions are important to me, because i know that they are exactly what you're expecting. the medium advice that i will give you to help you make the right choices will be numerous and very clear. and with this grand psychic reading, i could trigger all the power of my beneficial occult protection. a promise is a promise... here is : your 1 st personal revelation i have examined all the aspects of your life and your personality. i saw that you are benefitting from a totally extraordinary phenomenon: your birth astral configuration has offered you only the best! finances, professional and love life... i tackle absolutely everything that is important to you, in detail. if you were not subjected to these dramatic harmful influences purposely directed at you, you would be the luckiest person i have met for years... in your grand study, i will tell you how to lift these barriers ! i will speak to you straight, tarvinder : my occult powers go as far as using white magic, and i will use it for you. your 2 nd personal revelation your luckiest area ? the financial area ! i must especially speak to you about your astral configuration regarding games of chance... in your grand study, i will give you all the necessary advice to take advantage of what is destined for you without taking any risks... our objective is your durable material security. your 3 rd personal revelation numerology is my passion: the science of numbers is an ancestral knowledge, the elders taught us that numbers regulate the cosmos, and our lives... so, i will add to your grand study as a gift : your lucky numbers, for all the different circumstances of your life, and also all the beneficial dates in your life from now on. you are going to be someone in the know. (how do you think the richest and most famous people have so much success...?) i am always ready to help you, tarvinder, for as long as you need it i have already spent hours working on your case, and i have sent you the first important revelations for you. in you i have discovered personal abilities, exceptional gifts from destiny, and the paradox of these occult and dark actions against you which contribute to your sticky situation… but do you think i would spend so much time on your case, working to give you the help you need and at the right time so that you take the right direction, if i wasn't certain of what i sense right now? you cannot fight alone against an evil intervention which spoils your life, and when you have been feeling so bad for such a long time. faced with the importance of what is at stake, it is more than time to learn more about yourself and your future. this is not a coincidence tarvinder, destiny has united us at the right time ! please request your grand psychic study immediately, it is the first very easy step towards your new life. a life where you are finally going to take advantage of all pleasures and all satisfactions. this is not the time to hesitate, my hand is that of a friend who is bringing you fortune. grab it without the slightest hesitation. you are taking no risks, except that of being happy, satisfied, safe and recognized for your true worth. i fully commit myself to you, tarvinder your gift of confidence is still 100% guaranteed: you don't risk losing a cent! if you are not totally satisfied after reading your grand psychic study, simply return it to me by email and i will fully reimburse you, no questions asked. it is my greatest pleasure to do everything within my power for you. finally, i am not asking for any fees, just a modest participation towards my costs : 577.00 inr only, instead of my usual fees of 1154 inr. making a 57% saving for you. and this is really not something i can do very often, because drafting your grand psychic study is very long and very intense work. my greatest reward would be an email from you announcing your success, and almost certainly your surprise at all the happy changes ! you know, you cannot chose to be in the medium consultant business without loving your neighbor, and having a profound desire to make others happy. this is our mission on earth, us people who have received the gift. tarvinder, please give me your agreement now, and i will be by your side to assist in the evolution of your life with all my power. i request my grand psychic study signature psychic-spiritualist ps : your grand psychic study is a document containing many pages, because i want to provide you with all the revelations, and i don't want to hold anything back. please, take the time to read it thoroughly, it contains information only about your future. get ready to make some truly astonishing discoveries ! footer

마지막 업데이트: 2015-10-21
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명

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