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visiting my grandmother


when i went to visit my grandmother

Laatste Update: 2021-10-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


because her friends made her feel better by visiting her


because her friends made her feel better by visiting her

Laatste Update: 2020-10-19
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


i wrote this letter to tell you that i'll be visiting for december holidays


Laatste Update: 2023-10-27
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


on my december holidays i was at durban visiting my father h saturday morning he surprised us he said he must be ready for going to the beach


on my december holidays i was at durban visiting my father h saturday morning he surprised us he said he had to be ready for going to the beach

Laatste Update: 2018-01-28
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


my december holiday was so good i did have fine with my friends and familly we did have a lote off fine we did go and see lot off thing i was visiting a lote off plce and see a lot off people to like family firiends and we did have fina playing buskateball it was fine being in the team i hope thus year i am go to have the same its was a good holiday for 2019


my december holiday was so good i did have fine with my friends and familly we did have a lote off fine we did go and see lot off thing i was visiting a lote off plce and see a lot off people to like family firiends and we did have fina playing buskateball it was fine being in the team i hope thus year i am go to have the same its was a good holiday for 2019

Laatste Update: 2020-09-14
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2

Referentie: Anoniem


i dream of visiting disney land one day. i would like to play all the interesting games and toys i see on television. when i go and visit disney land i want to go with my mother and father as well as my aunt kiito and we will all have fun.


Laatste Update: 2023-09-25
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2

Referentie: Anoniem


grade 4 letters to their grandparents   as a part of their language arts program, the grade 4's recently practised their letter writing skills by writing letters to their grandparents. in the letter, each student thanked the grandparent(s) for everything they've done for them. you can scroll down this page, or click on a student's name below to go directly to their letter.   daria b.        nina c. christopher c.      jae c. julia d. iris d. sophie d. kyle d. james d. josh h. kelsey k. martin k. ashley k. olena k. daniel l. roman m. luba m. ola o. christian p.         caitlin p.       andriy r. catherine r.       garrett s. tyler s. nikhil s. julianne s. bri-ann t.     650 flora ave. winnipeg, mb., r2w2s5 march 18, 2002 dear grandma, i am thanking you for all the things that you have done for me. i thank you for taking me horse back riding. i am thankful that you have always been there for me. you cared and taught me. you wrote me letters and sent me gifts. when i was feeling sad you were there for me. when i needed a babysitter in five minutes you came and babysat me. when i was hungry and wanted cookies or cake you would bake them for me. whenever i was bored you played cards with me. when i wanted to rent a video game and my mom and dad were too busy to take me, then you would always take me. when my mom or dad had to go somewhere and i really did not want to go then you would let me stay with you. when i wanted to buy the cool new video game that just came out, you would buy it for me. when i needed help with my homework and my mom couldn't help me, you helped me. for all these things and more, i thank you, grandma love, daria b. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 april 2, 2002 dear baba and gido, this letter is just to say thank you for everything you've done for me. thank you for our house. if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have one. thank you for building our garage, picking me up from school on early dismissal days, for baking cookies with me, and praying for me. but most of all, for loving me. i love you very much. have a great year in 2002! see you soon. love, nina c. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 april 2, 2002 dear baba and gigi thank you for making me cookies, for believing in me, and for giving me gifts and money. thank you for caring and making me food. thank you for taking me to the river, helping me with sports, and helping me with stuff. thank you for giving me a push in life. thank you everything baba and gigi. love, chris c. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 march 11, 2002 dear grandma, i am writing you this letter to say thank you grandma. thank you for loving me and caring for me. thank you for watching me when mom goes out and for taking me places. thank you for always being there and for getting me slurpies and candy. thank you for the gifts and for always being nice. thank you taking me to mac's. you are the best grandma ever! love, jae c. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb ., r2w 2s5 march 18, 2002 dear grandma and grandpa, thank you for everything you have done for me and bought for me. thank you for the food you gave me and the money. thank you for the letters and presents. thank you for spending time with me, driving me places, taking me places, and playing with me. thank you for helping me with my homework. thank you for everything! ps- i love you love, julia d. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 march 18, 2002 dear dido and grandpa i am writing this letter to you because i love you. you need to know that i love you very much. thank you for all you have done for me and my sister. thank you for... being nice to me, going to the butterfly garden with me, doing puzzles with me, going for ice-cream and being my baby sitter. i hope you like my letter and i love you. love, sophie a. d. 650 flora ave. winnipeg, mb., r2w2s5 march 18, 2002 dear grandpa, i am writing this letter because you did a lot of things for me. so it's a change i should do something for you to thank you for all the things that you did for me! thank you for buying me stuff like toys, clothes and more. thank you for going camping with me and my family, teaching me, watching me in the morning, sending me letters, caring for me and loving me! thank you for everything you have done for me! love, iris d. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 april 2, 2002 dear grandparents, thank you for making food for us, for getting me restarant food on fridays, for always giving me money. thank you for taking me to the forks, and taking me fishing, for coming to the lake, for playing games with me, for going on the paddle boat at thelake, and for watching me while i fish off the dock. love, kyle d. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 april 2, 2002 dear grandma, thank you for taking me places. thanks for buying me food that i can eat. many thanks for helping me with my homework. i really like it when you cook lots of spaghetti and pasta. i liked it when you played card games with me like: rummy, lucky 9, 7, or 20, poker, and go fish. i also like it when you do magic tricks. i liked it when you took me to your friend's house so i can play with their grandchildren. have a safe trip to the philippines. love, james d. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 march 18, 2002 dear papa, i've been thinking about you, papa, and all the things you've done with me. i enjoyed going in the truck on the ice then drilling a hole and fishing. i also liked going for rides on the tractor. my favorite thing was when you gave me those boxing gloves so i could get in the house without being attacked by the dogs. another memory was going on the quad and chasing the bull. all these things are why you are special to me. love, josh h. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w2s5 march 18, 2002 dear grandma, i want to thank you for all the gifts that you have given me, buying me clothes and letting me sleep over at your house. i hope that you live for many years and continue loving me for as long as you live. i hope that you will be kind, generous, supportive and comforting to me for many years. love, kelsey k. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 april 2, 2002 dear grandparents thank you for always giving me apple pies and blueberry pies. thank you for giving me lots of treats. i really like all the christmas presents you gave me and all the nice suppers you invited us to. i remember we always get salad , mashed potatos, gravy, vegetables, and turkey. yummy! you are the best grandparents i could ever have. thank you for being my grandparents. love, martin k.     650 flora avenue. winnipeg, mb., r2w 255 march 18, 2002 dear baba, i am writing this letter to you because i love you. thank you for taking me to garden city all the time. thank you for all the wonderful gifts you give me.thank you for my mom's life. you have done so much for me and my family that i can't thank you enough. my last thing i want to say is thank you for being there for me. love, your granddaughter, ashley k. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 march 18, 2002 dear dido, i am writing to you because i want to thank you for some things in the past that you have given, done, or taught me. thanks for all the money and presents you give me. thank you for letters and phone calls at my birthday or anytime. thank you for kind words and advice, because really if you didn't, i wouldn't be as happy as i am now! thanks for being there when i'm sad or lonely. but most of all, thank you for being who you are, a great dido. love, 0lena k. p.s: i love you! 650 flora avenve winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 april 2, 2002 dear grandparents, i thank you for my gifts and all the nice things you give to me. all the food and all of the dessert you have are good. thank you for my toys and for sending me to this school. you are very good grandparents. you help me with my home work. you are very nice to me. love. daniel l. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 march 18, 2002 dear baba and gigi, i am writing to you because i'm thanking you for the things you've done for me. thank you for all the things you've done for me like taking me to topo gigio's and buying me things like a game boy. these are some things i thank you for taking me to: wendy's, the movies, and to walmart! thank you very much for caring and loving me. love, roman m. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 255 march 18, 2002 dear baba and dido, this is to thank you for everything you do for me, like cooking, making pie, going to the park, and playing with me. most of all thanks for loving me. p.s i can't wait to see you in poland. love, luba m. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 255 march18, 2002 dear grandma, thank you for picking strawberries with me. thank you grandma for cooking supper for me, playing with me, helping me, and giving me gifts. thank you for loving me and forgiving me. i wish the best for you! love, ola o. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 april 2, 2002 dear baba lil, i am writing this to you because i am thanking you for the things you've done. one thing is for my presents like my "spider man 2" game and my money. thank you for making me motzah ball soup and knitting me mittens, slippers and hats. thank you for taking me places like the park and the bus tour. last but not least, for loving me as much as i love you. i am glad i have you as a baba! love, christian p. 650 flora ave. winnipeg, mb., r2w2s5 march 18, 2002 dear gigi, thank you for playing badminton with me, the gifts you give me for my birthdays and christmas, and other special occasions. thank you for playing golf with me, taking me skating and driving me to the park. i am looking forward to going to the lake and to your house. love, caitlin p. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 april 2, 2002 dear baba, i am writing a letter to you saying i am thankful for what you have done for me. here are some things i am thankful for: thank you for cleaning the house. thank you for making dinner, and for helping me with my homework. i want to thank you for helping me with everything like bringing me gifts on my birthday that made me happy. love, andriy r. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb. , r2w 2s5 march 18, 2002 dear, grandma and grandpa, i just want to write to you and say a little thank you. thank you for the vest. i wouldn 't have got it without you! you are so kind and say good things. you are always helping me. you never stop encouraging me when i fail at something. thank you for teaching me. i know my math facts because of you. thank you for spoiling me.everyone needs to be spoiled now and then.thank you for baby sitting me. wow, i have the greatest grandparents in the world! hope to see you soon! love, catherine r. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 april 2, 2002 dear grandma and grandpa, thank you for taking me to edmonton to see my new cousins. i liked when we went to wisconsin. i really enjoyed that. thanks for my air hockey table. i think my hockey jersey is neat. i spent all the money that you gave me. i really enjoyed going to wapesi lake. i enjoyed going golfing. thanks for everything. love, garrett s. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 march 18, 2002 dear grandma, this letter i wrote is now dedicated to you, grandma. i thank you for loving me, thanking me for what i am, having faith in me for what i try to accomplish, giving me pride in sports, and most of all letting me say kind words you trust. grandma, thank you for taking me to a different place in the country. from you i have accomplished knowledge, forgiveness, and last but not least, love and hope for my family. thank you ! love, your grandson (tyler) 650 flora ave winnpeg, mb., r2w 255 april 2, 2002 dear nana, this letter is for everything you 've done for me. i want to say thank you. i like when you phone me. thank you for gifts that i like. thank you for visiting me here in canada. i like it when you take me places in india. there are a lot of things to thank you for, but i cannot write it all down. well thank you for everything. love, nikhil s. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w 2s5 march 18, 2002 dear grandma, the reason i am writing to you is to thank you. i thank you for baking and cooking, mending clothes and helping me. i also thank you for giving me gifts, driving me home from school, for coming over on fridays when i have no school, taking me to the park and taking care of my dog when my parents were at work. well grandma, i thank you for all the things you do and hopefully in the summer you can bring zorka the dog to our house or i could come play with her. love, julie s. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, mb., r2w2s5 april 2, 2002 dear grandpa, i'm sending you this letter to thank you.thank you for the treats, hugs, money, dresses, pants, tops, food, love, taking care of me, ice cream and, books. when will you come over and babysit? when will you quit teaching driving? my grades are great. i almost scored twice in soccer. i hope to see you again sometime soon. love, bri-ann t.


Laatste Update: 2021-05-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem
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