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my dad means the world to me



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a word that means the world to me


mixed up

Laatste Update: 2021-04-21
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2

Referentie: Anoniem


i love you babe wholeheartedly you mean the world to me


ek is lief vir jou skat

Laatste Update: 2022-11-07
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


and have tasted the good word of god, and the powers of the world to come,


en die goeie woord van god gesmaak het en die kragte van die toekomstige wêreld,

Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


for unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak.


want aan die engele het hy die toekomstige wêreld waarvan ons spreek, nie onderwerp nie;

Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


let us wholeheartedly support mandela day and encourage the world to join us in this wonderful campaign.


kom ons ondersteun mandela dag volkome en moedig die wêreld aan om saam met ons aan hierdie wonderlike veldtog deel te neem.

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.


want god het sy seun in die wêreld gestuur nie om die wêreld te veroordeel nie, maar dat die wêreld deur hom gered kan word.

Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


to me, you are all the love in the world and all i can bring you is sorrow and despair.


jy is al die liefde in die wêreld en ek kan jou maar net ongeluk bring

Laatste Update: 2016-10-27
Gebruiksfrequentie: 7

Referentie: Anoniem


an american oil company manager once confessed to me that for oil, the us would come into any war in the world.


wes-duitsland is waar die grootste .. ..hoeveelheid kernwapens ter wêreld is. ons moet die sosialisme veilig hou.

Laatste Update: 2016-10-27
Gebruiksfrequentie: 7

Referentie: Anoniem


hi friend i just want to thank you for this weekend, we did some shopping went to movies to top it all the park. i love spending time with you it means the world to me. i miss you so much already please let's do it again soon, this was the best weekend ever.


i hope you had a nice weekend me and my family went to the beach for a swim,after we went skiing it was so much fun after we sat on the sun to dry off i had ice-cream. after we went back to house we had a braai at our back yard. please come with us next time.

Laatste Update: 2022-05-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


speech about cristiano ronaldo ronaldo is the best player in the world his jumped and his speed incourage's me to be good at soccer every time when i play soccer i think about him ronaldo is also known for his label cr7 to me ronaldo is the best player in the world that's why i love him


toespraak oor cristiano ronaldo ronaldo is die beste speler in die wêreld, hy het gespring en sy spoedvermoë is om elke keer goed te wees as ek sokker speel. ek dink aan hom. ronaldo is ook bekend vir sy etiket cr7. ronaldo is die beste speler in die wereld

Laatste Update: 2021-06-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2

Referentie: Anoniem


but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.


of hy ontvang nou in hierdie tyd honderd maal soveel: huise en broers en susters en moeders en kinders en grond, saam met vervolginge, en in die eeu wat kom, die ewige lewe.

Laatste Update: 2012-05-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


i also like myself because im  very special to me and i'm also special to my parents.  liking yourself  doesn't mean that you are selfish or wat but then its very popular to humans in the world


i also like myself because im  very special to me and i'm also special to my parents. liking yourself  doesn't mean that you are selfish or wat but then its very popular to humans in the world

Laatste Update: 2021-11-17
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


good day ladies and gentlemen my name is lebogang nkoana i will like to thank my teachers for teaching me and everything they have done for me and the second thing i will like to thank my parents too. today is there graduations day and i'm one of the people who are graduating today first we should thank god for this day i was waiting for this day and i want the little ones to go to school so that they can make there parents and teachers proud like i did today and i want the world to know that i want to be pilot.when i was in school my math teacher used to tell me that i must not seat on brain and i must use it and that changed my life since from that day i want the little ones to know that school comes first so they must always go to school .


goeie dag dames en here, my naam is lebogang nkoana. ek wil my onderwysers bedank vir die feit dat hulle my geleer het en alles wat hulle vir my gedoen het, en die tweede ding wat ek ook vir my ouers wil bedank. vandag is daar die gradeplegtigheidsdag en ek is een van die mense wat vandag afstudeer. ons moet god dank vir hierdie dag waarop ek gewag het en ek wil hê die kleintjies moet skool toe gaan sodat hulle ouers en onderwysers kan maak. trots soos ek vandag gedoen het en ek wil hê dat die wêreld moet weet dat ek

Laatste Update: 2021-03-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


my computer is very special to me. i got it as a birthday gift from my parents last year. my computer has a monitor which looks like a television screen. it has a central processing unit. it also has a mouse which is used to move the cursor. it also has a speaker. with my mother’s help, i have learnt how to type words using the keyboard. i have also learnt how to draw pictures on the computer. with the help of my computer, i am able to do my school projects quickly. i am able to gather a lot of information on various topics from internet, and make beautiful projects. my father showed me the seven wonders of the world on the computer screen through the internet. it was truly amazing! sometimes, with the help of my parents, i chat with my cousins staying in other countries. we also send pictures and letters to each other through e mail. i want to learn more about computers and make the best use of this wonderful birthday gift. back to home share


query length limit excedeed. max allowed query : 500 chars

Laatste Update: 2019-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem

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