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the economic fallout



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since his death, the late prime minister has been praised for the economic growth ethiopia has claimed to have recorded over the past two decades.


ሞታቸው ከተሰማ ጀምሮ፣ የቀድሞው ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር የኢትዮጵያ ኢኮኖሚ ላለፉት ሁለት ዐሥርት ዓመታት ላስመዘገበው የዕድገት ክብረወሰን ሲሞገሱ ከርመዋል፡፡

Laatste Update: 2016-02-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


if they go about doing it the way such that a husband shares a percentage of his income with his wife for her work, i don’t see how it makes the economic situation of the house any better or how it makes the woman independent and empowered.


ባልየው የገቢውን የተወሰነ ሽራፊ ለሚስቱ የሚያካፍል ከሆነ እንዴት የቤት ውስጥ ኢኮኖሚውን ሁኔታ እንደሚያሻሽለው እና ሴቷንም በገንዘብ ነፃነት እንዴት እንደሚያጠናክራት አይታየኝም፡፡

Laatste Update: 2016-02-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


power behind the hammer tom jones prayers tom’s prayers are so thoughtful and authentic to who we are as a ministry, that i often find myself jolted from the business of the day to be reminded of what is truly important and what motivates us for this work.” – mike carscaddon, executive vice president, international “residing in asia, our weekly senior leadership meetings come after a busy monday in bangkok, and the opening prayer of these gatherings always places equally the challenges and successes of the day in perspective.…we are all blessed with the words which tom jones shares each monday—god has gifted him as an important messenger. i know those that read these prayers will be equally blessed—in ways which god intends.” – rick hathaway, vice president, asia/pacific area/ now emea/   seeking god’s will in difficult times dear god, as we pause at the beginning of this -day– refocus our attention. – take away our wandering thoughts. – cleanse us by forgiving us failures which haunt us. – mold us into a team gathered to serve you and to seek only your will for our habitat for humanity mission. as we struggle together in a time of very tough circumstances and conditions, give us faith, strong enough to shape our decisions, that you are in ultimate control and that you will see us through. in christ’s spirit we pray, in whom we trust, and with whom we begin this sharing of your words . amen   the economics of jesus • habitat for humanity uses the term “the economics of jesus” to describe attitudes about money and resources that jesus initiated. • the economics of jesus teaches us to incorporate scriptural wisdom to guide our work. 1. god blesses what we offer and turns it into the miraculous. just as jesus fed thousands with the loaves and fish packed for a little boy’s meal (john 6:1- 14), • hence, god blesses our limited resources and meets the enormous need when we step out in faith and serve with love and compassion. • “rather than complaining about the meagerness of the resources, jesus took what was at hand, thanked god for it and put it to work. wonder of wonders, there was more than enough! • when we take what is given and go to work with it to do god’s will, the job can be accomplished. • skepticism and the human desire to be in control often stand in the way of our expecting great things, but habitat for humanity supporters can tell countless stories of times when god has blessed them in ways far greater than they ever could have imagined. 2. god expects us to share our resources. acts 20:35 reminds us of jesus’ words that it is more blessed to give than to receive. to live by the economics of jesus, we must become a sharing people. the result of living this way is amazing the key is to create a balance. god does not mean for us to go hungry or to do without adequate clothing and shelter. john the baptist clearly explained how we bridge the gap between poverty and affluence: “whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise” (luke 3:11). habitat for humanity continues this cycle of sharing through the concept of the tithe. around the world, when people make a gift to a habitat project, they begin a process that keeps on giving. in accordance with the old testament model of tithing, each habitat project is asked to give a 10-percent tithe on the money raised locally to help build homes in another location.   to give loving god, who gave your son; whose son gave his all; who gives us the gift of life and all the provisions for life: – • impart to us, in new ways, the secret of giving; • make us understand that the ultimate response to all you give us, is that we give to and for others. – • impress us a new that the christ who came not to be served, but to serve, and to give life for others, commands of us: “follow me.” so we commit to give, – to those. • and dear god, because giving is the ultimate secret to true life, help us better to challenge others to give. don’t ever let us be afraid to ask anyone to give anything to you,. • encourage us to not ever be – uncomfortable, or – embarrassed, or – afraid to ask others to give to you/for you. • convince us we do a favor for others when we help them give. we do commit to “give of our best to the master.” in whose name and way we pray. amen.


Laatste Update: 2021-02-05
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

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