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had he been alive, the former iraqi dictator would have turned 74 today.


জীবিত থাকলে সাবেক এই স্বৈরশাসক আজ ৭৪ বছরে পা দিতেন।

Laatste Update: 2016-02-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


the peace corps whose head­quar­ters is in wash­ing­ton is active in 74 coun­tries around the globe.


এই শান্তিরক্ষী বাহিনী, যার সদর দপ্তর আমেরিকার ওয়াশিংটনে, তা বিশ্বের প্রায় ৭৪ টি দেশে কাজ করছে।

Laatste Update: 2016-02-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


some 74 percent of the respondents disagree with such measure, arguing that the government is censoring free speech by invoking national security.


৭৪ শতাংশের কিছু বেশি উত্তরদাতা এই নিরীক্ষার সঙ্গে মতানৈক্য প্রকাশ করেছেন এবং তাঁরা মনে করে যে, সরকার জাতীয় নিরাপত্তা বাহিনীর দ্বারা তাঁদের বাক স্বাধীনতাকে রহিত করতে চাইছে।

Laatste Update: 2016-02-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


the homes of 74 hindu families in the southeastern noakhali district were burned; more videos can be found in this post :


এ হামলায় ৭৪ টি হিন্দু পরিবারের বসতবাড়ি আগুন লাগিয়ে পুড়িয়ে ফেলা হয়।

Laatste Update: 2016-02-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


mafiha and sarvari were sentenced to death, and the other two were each sentenced to 10 years in prison, five years in exile, and 74 lashes.


মাফিহা এবং সাভারিকে মৃত্যুদণ্ড এবং অন্য দু’জনকে ১০ বছরের কারাদণ্ড, পাঁচ বছরের নির্বাসন ও ৭৪টি করে বেত্রাঘাত প্রদান করা হয়।

Laatste Update: 2016-02-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


do earthquakes occur in the upper mantle or only in the crust of continental lithosphere? in the himalayan convergence zone, a bi- modal distribution of brittle strength in the crust and upper mantle with a ductile transition in the lower crust has been used to ex- plain the existence of subcrustal hypocentres under the southern ti- betan plateau (e.g. chen & molnar 1983; chen & kao 1996; zhu & helmberger 1996; chen & yang 2004). other authors have sug- gested that elastic thicknesses of continents are less than or equal to the seismogenic thickness, that both are less than the crustal thick- ness, and that continental earthquakes occur in the crust while the upper mantle deforms as a weaker ductile layer (e.g. maggi et al. 2000a; jackson 2002a,b; jackson et al. 2004; mckenzie et al. 2005; mitra et al. 2005). both sides of this controversy use the hypocentres and focal mechanisms of many of the same earthquakes in their in- terpretations of the continental lithosphere in the himalayan region. determining the source parameters of additional earthquakes and careful analysis of their focal depths near the crust–mantle boundary provide further fuel for this controversy. studies using p -wave first motions, synthesis of body waves and moment tensor inversions of earthquakes show largely under- thrusting, east–west and north–south extension in the shallow crust beneath the himalaya and the southern tibetan plateau (chen & molnar 1983; baranowski et al. 1984; molnar & lyon-caen 1989; randall et al. 1995; kumar 1998) as well as strike-slip and east– west extension at depths > 70 km under the southern tibetan plateau (chen et al. 1981; molnar & chen 1983; zhu & helmberger 1996; harvard university department of geological sciences 2005). these solutions represent much of the focal mech- anism record in the himalaya and the southern tibetan plateau (tables 1 and 2). analysis of earthquakes recorded by a local seis- mic network can provide himalayan deformation information which might be missed by analysis of intermittent earthquakes detectable teleseismically. the himalayan nepal tibet seismic experiment (himnt) was a seismic network of 29 broad-band stations deployed in 2001–2003 (fig. 1). in this paper, we analyse earthquake source parameters for 17 of the best quality events recorded by the himnt network (fig. 2). we supplement the himnt data with data from the broad- band experiment in western bhutan in 2002–2003 (velasco et al. 2007), data from the global seismic network station lsa in lhasa, china, and short period vertical component data from the permanent seismic network of the department of mines and geology nepal. we determine fault parameters, which are cross checked with first motion polarities, and focal depths using a moment tensor inversion 718 c  2007 the authors journal compilation c  2007 ras earthquake processes of the himalayan collision zone 719 ta bl e 1 . fault plane solutions from previous studes. no. date lat ◦ n lon ◦ e depth km mag. p az. p pl. t az t pl. source 1 1/12/1965 27.4 87.84 15 5.9 m b a 180 30 0 60 no. 3 baranowski et al. (1984) 2 8/1/1973 29.59 89.17 85 4.9 m b a 184 37 89 6 no. 8 molnar and chen (1983) 3 3/24/1974 27.73 86.11 16 4.8 m b a 185 43 5 47 no. 9 baranowski et al. (1984) 4 9/14/1976 29.78 89.54 90 5.4 m b a 185 72 290 5 chen et al. (1981) 5 6/19/1979 26.74 87.48 21 5.2 m b a 103 86 341 2 no. 23 ni & barazangi (1984) 6 11/19/1980 27.39 88.80 44 6.0 m b a 166 15 73 12 no. 59 ekstr ̈ om (1987) 1 7 1/10/1986 28.66 86.57 85 5.5 m b a 348 40 96 20 no. 134 ekstr ̈ om (1987) 1 8 8/20/1988 26.73 86.59 51 6.4 m b a 209 35 65 49 no.t9 chen and yang (2004) 9 12/21/1991 27.90 88.14 70 4.7 m w 157 6 252 3 no.355 zhu & helmberger (1996) 10 3/7/1992 29.44 89.37 80 4.2 m w 210 27 303 3 no.67 zhu & helmberger (1996) 11 4/4/1992 28.15 87.98 80 4.8 m w 6 31 277 3 no.95 zhu & helmberger (1996) 27 1/31/1997 28.06 85.34 13 5.9 m l b 312 30 181 58 kumar (1998) note: summary of the focal mechanisms from 1965 to 2005 within our study region. we replaced the hypocentres of the moment tensor solutions from the harvard centroid moment tensor catalog with the hypocentres labelled deq from the ehb catalog (engdahl et al. 1998). a from chen & yang (2004). b from pandey et al. (1999). ta bl e 2 . harvard cmt events with hypocentres from the ehb catalogue (engdahl et al. 1998). no. date lat ◦ n lon ◦ e depth km mag. p az. p pl. t az t pl. 12 10/29/1988 27.87 85.65 13.7 5.2 m w 205 16 353 71 13 4/9/1989 29.16 90.06 11.2 5.1 m w 155 70 260 5 14 3/20/1993 29.01 87.36 14.1 6.2 m w 355 68 92 3 15 3/20/1993 29.02 87.36 16.1 5.1 m w 273 60 83 30 16 7/3/1996 30.08 88.14 5.3 5.6 m w 356 82 90 1 17 7/3/1996 30.12 88.21 45.2 5.0 m w 249 72 80 18 18 7/31/1996 30.20 88.16 12.1 5.4 m w 25 58 258 21 19 11/3/1997 29.05 85.41 9.5 5.5 m w 61 72 276 15 20 7/20/1998 30.17 88.22 11.6 5.7 m w 85 76 281 13 21 7/21/1998 30.27 88.18 10.3 5.0 m w 124 88 304 2 22 8/25/1998 30.25 88.17 20.4 5.8 m w 2 74 268 1 23 8/28/1998 30.26 88.26 25.0 5.0 m w 0 90 289 0 24 9/30/1998 30.05 88.11 12.0 5.1 m w 285 71 65 15 25 10/5/1998 30.24 88.26 38.8 5.2 m w 85 72 286 17 26 3/26/2005 28.44 87.846 78.0 4.7 m w 331 19 68 20 note: summary of the focal mechanisms from 1965 to 2005 within our study region. we replaced the hypocentres of the moment tensor solutions from the harvard centroid moment tensor catalogue with the hypocentres labelled deq from the ehb catalogue (engdahl et al. 1998). 80 ̊ 80 ̊ 82 ̊ 82 ̊ 84 ̊ 84 ̊ 86 ̊ 86 ̊ 88 ̊ 88 ̊ 90 ̊ 90 ̊ 92 ̊ 92 ̊ 26 ̊ 26 ̊ 28 ̊ 28 ̊ 30 ̊ 30 ̊ 0 100 200 km nepal china india bhutan bangladesh kathmandu bira bung gaig hile ilam jana jiri namc phap phid rumj sind thak tuml sukt laze saja onrn ssan saga dinx rbsh nail mnbu xixi rc14 maza doch chuk pa r o bumt ta s h lsa 60 ̊ 60 ̊ 70 ̊ 70 ̊ 80 ̊ 80 ̊ 90 ̊ 90 ̊ 100 ̊ 100 ̊ 110 ̊ 110 ̊ 10 ̊ 10 ̊ 20 ̊ 20 ̊ 30 ̊ 30 ̊ 40 ̊ 40 ̊ 50 ̊ 50 ̊ china india 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 meters figure 1. station locations of the himalayan nepal tibet seismic experiment (himnt), a program for array seismic studies of the continental lithosphere (passcal) broadband seismic project of the university of colorado at boulder, binghamton university, the department of mines and geology of nepal, a nd the institute of geology and geophysics of the chinese academy of science. triangles are himnt broadband station locations, circles are broadband st ations from the 2002 to 2003 bhutan experiment (velasco et al. 2007), diamonds are stations of the national seismological network of nepal, and the square is gsn station lsa. grey scale signifies topography in meters. c  2007 the authors, gji , 171, 718–738 journal compilation c  2007 ras 720 t. l. de la torre et al. 83 ̊ 83 ̊ 84 ̊ 84 ̊ 85 ̊ 85 ̊ 86 ̊ 86 ̊ 87 ̊ 87 ̊ 88 ̊ 88 ̊ 89 ̊ 89 ̊ 90 ̊ 90 ̊ 91 ̊ 91 ̊ 92 ̊ 92 ̊ 26 ̊ 26 ̊ 27 ̊ 27 ̊ 28 ̊ 28 ̊ 29 ̊ 29 ̊ 30 ̊ 30 ̊ 0 100 200 km 0 20 60 100 hypocenter depth km kathmandu mf t mb t mc t the himal a y a tibe t an pl a tea u br ahmaputr a v alle y gang es plain the himal a y a figure 2. subset of seismicity from 2001 october to 2003 april located by himnt (monsalve et al. 2006) (large circles) and earthquakes from 1964 to 2005 of the ehb catalogue (engdahl et al. 1998) (small circles). note three distinct groups of seismicity: (1) along the himalayan front 60 km depth. barbed lines along the himalayan front represent approximate locations of the main central thrust (mct), the main boundary thrust (mbt), and the main frontal thrust (mft). normal faults on the tibeta n plateau are spiked lines. red line denotes cross section in fig. 4. method. these results are combined with previously published fo- cal mechanisms to describe the seismotectonics of the himalayan region (figs 3 and 4). nine of the earthquakes presented here were at focal depths near the crust–mantle boundary and the hypocentres and deformation styles of these earthquakes are examined in detail. 2 microearthquake pattern under the eastern nepal himalaya and southern tibetan plateau earthquakes recorded during the 2001–2003 himnt deployment range in magnitude from m l 2.0–5.0 and have hypocentres in three distinct spatial groups (fig. 2) (monsalve et al. 2006). the first group is a narrow band of earthquakes at hypocentral depths 60 km trending wnw to ese beneath the high himalaya and southern tibetan plateau. the hypocentres are close to the crus


হিমালয় ভূমিকম্প পিডিএফ উপর প্রবন্ধ

Laatste Update: 2017-01-07
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

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