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kindly for your information see the materiel



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it is he who disposed the sea [for your benefit] that you may eat from it fresh meat, and obtain from it ornaments which you wear, and you see the ships plowing through it, that you may seek his bounty and that you may give thanks.


kuma shĩ ne ya hõrẽ tẽku dõmin ku ci wani nama sãbõ daga gare shi, kuma kunã fitarwa, daga gare shi, ƙawã wadda kuke yin ado da ita. kuma kuna ganin jirãge sunã yankan ruwa a cikinsa kuma dõmin ku yi nẽman (fatauci) daga falalarsa.

Laatste Update: 2014-07-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


would that you could see the unjust in the agonies of death when the angels will come forward with their hands outstretched to take their souls out of their bodies and say, "this is the day when you will face humiliating torment for the falsehood that you ascribed to god and for your contemptuously disregarding of his revelations."


kuma dã kã gani, a lõkacin da azzãlumai suke cikin mãyen mutuwa, kuma malã'iku sunã mãsu shimfiɗa hannuwansu, (sunã ce musu) "ku fitar da kanku; a yau anã sãka muku da azãbar wulãƙanci sabõda abin da kuka kasance kunã faɗa, wanin gaskiya, ga allah kuma kun kasance daga ãyõyinsa kunã yin girman kai."

Laatste Update: 2014-07-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

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