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on february 14, 2020, the feng zhang group described a protocol of using the crispr-based sherlock technique to detect sars-cov-2, which detects synthetic sars-cov-2 rna fragments at 20 × 10-18 mol/l to 200 × 10-18 mol/l (10-100 copies per microliter of input) using a dipstick in less than an hour without requiring elaborate instrumentation.
di 14-ê sibata 2020-an de, komê feng zhang protokola karanîna rêbaza sherlock li ser bingeha crispr ji bo naskirina sars-cov-2 , ku perçe sars-cov-2 rna di 20 × 10-18 mol/l bo 200 × 10-18 mol/l (10-100 kopî bo her mîkrolitera tşketî) rave kiriye bêyî ku pêwîstî bi amûrên rastîn hebe pê bikaraîna dilopekê di kêmtir ji yek saetê.