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as no hearing date had been fixed by the



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therefore all companies were ordered to close which had been notified by the government to disconnect the covid19 network.


oleh itu semua syarikat diarahkan tutup yang telah diberitahu oleh pihak kerajaan bagi memutuskan rangkaian covid19.

Laatste Update: 2021-07-22
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2

Referentie: Anoniem


a contract of insurance policy which had been ratified by the principal after the occurrence of the insured event was not effective.


kontrak polisi insurans yang telah disahkan oleh prinsipal selepas berlakunya kejadian yang diinsuranskan tidak berkesan.

Laatste Update: 2022-01-01
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


in the case where the hotel accomodation that had been booked by the itp does not include breakfast, itp staff are entitled to use the contingency money to purchase their breakfast.


Laatste Update: 2020-12-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


(it also happened with the earlier messengers that for long they preached and people paid no heed) until the messengers despaired of their people, and the people also fancied that they had been told lies (by the messengers), then suddenly our help came to the messengers.


(orang-orang yang mendustakan ugama allah itu telah diberi tempoh yang lanjut sebelum ditimpakan dengan azab) hingga apabila rasul-rasul berputus asa terhadap kaumnya yang ingkar dan menyangka bahawa mereka telah disifatkan oleh kaumnya sebagai orang-orang yang berdusta, datanglah pertolongan kami kepada mereka, lalu diselamatkanlah sesiapa yang kami kehendaki.

Laatste Update: 2014-07-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


firstly, judge had underlined that the right prescribed under the federal court only right to gain adequate compensation and not the right of pre acquisition hearing. secondly, although the hockey stadium had been established on the land, the hockey stadium not totally for a public purpose as the use was for the association and subject to payment fees. therefore, the judge stated that the land could be acquired by the government. lastly, the provisions of section 9(1)(b) of the land acquisition act are directory and not mandatory


pertama, hakim telah menggariskan bahawa hak yang ditetapkan di bawah mahkamah persekutuan hanya hak untuk mendapat pampasan yang mencukupi dan bukannya hak untuk mendengar praperolehan. kedua, walaupun stadium hoki telah didirikan di atas tanah, stadium hoki bukan untuk tujuan awam sepenuhnya kerana kegunaannya adalah untuk persatuan dan tertakluk kepada bayaran bayaran. oleh itu, hakim menyatakan bahawa tanah itu boleh diambil alih oleh kerajaan. lfirstly, judge had underlined that the right prescribed under the federal court only right to gain adequate compensation and not the right of pre acquisition hearing. secondly, although the hockey stadium had been established on the land, the hockey stadium not totally for a public purpose as the use was for the association and subject to payment fees. therefore, the judge stated that the land could be acqu

Laatste Update: 2021-11-25
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem

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