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im really not feel well



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im really miss you


saya betul-betul rindukan awak.

Laatste Update: 2023-04-15
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


i don't feel well


hilang deria rasa

Laatste Update: 2021-06-05
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


does not feel suffocated to


rasa dikongkong

Laatste Update: 2023-03-30
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


i don't feel well today


tak sihat

Laatste Update: 2021-08-31
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


team, driver was not feel well. he otw to hub now from clinic


pengambilan terbalik

Laatste Update: 2023-12-20
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


im really apologies,i just got a batter offer by another company


saya sangat minta maaf, saya hanya mendapat tawaran adunan oleh syarikat lain

Laatste Update: 2020-02-05
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


do they really not know that allah is fully aware of what they hide and what they disclose?


(mereka berani berkata demikian) dan tidakkah mereka ketahui bahawasanya allah mengetahui apa yang mereka rahsiakan dan apa yang mereka lahirkan?

Laatste Update: 2014-07-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


besides that i also do not feel there is a two -way conversation between me and dr


selain itu saya juga tidak mersakan adanya percakapan dua hala diantara saya dan dr

Laatste Update: 2022-01-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 27

Referentie: Anoniem


does not feel the services provided because the staff are not very concerned about the customer or not very concerned in the selection of restaurateurs


tidak merasai servis yang diberikan kerana staff tidak begitu ambil berat terhadap pelanggan atau tidak begitu mementingkan servis dalam pemilihan restauran

Laatste Update: 2020-10-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


with this proposal, passengers also do not feel regret or hesitation to pay for the flight tickets they have purchased or booked.


dengan adanya cadangan ini juga penumpang tidak merasa menyesal atau ragu ragu untuk membayar ticket flight yang mereka sudah beli atau tempah.

Laatste Update: 2022-06-16
Gebruiksfrequentie: 3

Referentie: Anoniem


the believing men and women must not feel free to do something in their affairs other than that which has been already decided for them by god and his messenger.


dan tidaklah harus bagi orang-orang yang beriman, lelaki dan perempuan - apabila allah dan rasulnya menetapkan keputusan mengenai sesuatu perkara - (tidaklah harus mereka) mempunyai hak memilih ketetapan sendiri mengenai urusan mereka.

Laatste Update: 2014-07-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


god does not feel embarrassed to tell you the truth. when you want to ask something from the wives of the prophet, ask them from behind the curtain.


dan apabila kamu meminta sesuatu yang harus diminta dari isteri-isteri nabi maka mintalah kepada mereka dari sebalik tabir. cara yang demikian lebih suci bagi hati kamu dan hati mereka.

Laatste Update: 2014-07-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


people see us happy, people see us smile but people don't know how we hide our sadness and disappointment, others will not feel what i feel but myself


orang melihat kita bahagia, orang melihat kita tersenyum tetapi orang tidak tahu bagaimana kita menyembunyikan kesedihan dan kekecewaan kita, orang lain tidak akan merasakan apa yang saya rasa tetapi diri saya

Laatste Update: 2019-12-29
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


those who came to the city and to faith before them, love those who take refuge with them, and do not feel for themselves any need for what is given them, and give them preference over themselves even if they are indigent.


dan orang-orang (ansar) yang mendiami negeri (madinah) serta beriman sebelum mereka, mengasihi orang-orang yang berhijrah ke negeri mereka, dan tidak ada pula dalam hati mereka perasaan berhajatkan apa yang telah diberi kepada orang-orang yang berhijrah itu; dan mereka juga mengutamakan orang-orang yang berhijrah itu lebih daripada diri mereka sendiri, sekalipun mereka dalam keadaan kekurangan dan amat berhajat.

Laatste Update: 2014-07-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


they feel ashamed before men but do not feel ashamed before god, despite his being present with them when they plot at night, uttering things of which he does not approve; and indeed god is fully aware of what they do.


mereka menyembunyikan (kejahatan mereka) daripada manusia, dalam pada itu mereka tidak menyembunyikan (kejahatan mereka) daripada allah. padahal allah ada bersama-sama mereka, ketika mereka merancangkan pada malam hari, kata-kata yang tidak diredhai oleh allah.

Laatste Update: 2014-07-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


camera operator a camera operator has to perform vital roles within the camera department. they have a duty to support the director of photography and the director to accurately carry out their instructions regarding shot composition and development. so the camera operators main role is to overlook of the filming and film himself/herself. some of the things a camera operator may have to do will include things like looking through and operating the camera. the camera person whether boy or girl is responsible for physically operating the camera and maintaining composition and camera angles throughout a give scene or shot. so applying that to what we are doing the camera operator will have to make sure when filming the chat show they have to make sure all cameras are operating properly and need to makes sure the cuts go and so on. whoever the camera operator is for the chat show needs to be able to listen to what the director is saying and needs to be able to follow the instructions. a camera operator does not need a specific degree in filming but it helps if they have a national occupational standards for camera work and if they have plenty of experience in the filming industry. skills a camera operator may need: a camera operator needs to have a high understanding of cameras and they also need to be able to talk with anyone. this is very important because if they were filming a scene of two actresses and the actresses did not feel comfortable acting in front of the camera operator could lead to problems, also anyone on set or off set needs to be able to talk to the camera operator which is why it is essential they have good communication skills. a skill operator also needs to be able to take in instructions and do them to how the director wants them to be. a camera operator needs to have good it skills with good colour vision which is key for someone filming. they also need to have stamina because they would be working very long hours and will always be on their feet whether they are moving from camera to camera or carrying things in and out of the room (scene room). duties: a duty a camera operator will need is they will need to be able to take in camera directions, they also need to make sure their own time for work all the time and also make sure that all cameras are set up and prepared for filming so save time. another duty that is very important for a camera operator is they need to be able to multi task. hierarchies-camera operator overall the camera operator will be at the bottom of the structure because they do not really have an opinion to what they want to do with the filming and cutting most of the time the director would say i want it to cut here etc and they have to listen, they can also get told what to do by the presenter if the presenter is the person who wrote the script. so the camera operator does not have much important. underneath shows where the camera operator would be in the structure of hierarchies:


putaran sisi

Laatste Update: 2021-10-21
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem

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