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data were collected from a range of stakeholders in the automotive area and collated by a group of consultants led by tno in the netherlands.


id-data nġabret mingħand firxa ta’ partijiet interessati fil-qasam tal-karozzi u grupp ta’ konsulenti mmexxija mit-tno fl-olanda għamlu paragun bejn id-data differenti.

Laatste Update: 2017-04-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


data were collected from a range of stakeholders in the automotive industry and collated by a group of consultants led by tno in the netherlands.


informazzjoni nġabret minn firxa ta’ partijiet interessati mill-industrija tal-karozzi u ġiet eżaminata u kkomparata minn grupp ta’ konsulenti mmexxija mit-tno fl-olanda.

Laatste Update: 2017-04-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


information about short orders should be collated by the trading venue and published in summary form at least daily in order to also help competent authorities and market participants to monitor levels of short selling.


informazzjoni dwar ordinijiet skoperti għandha tinġabar miċ-ċentru tan-negozjar u tiġi ppubblikata f'forma sommarja għall-inqas kuljum sabiex tgħin lill-awtoritajiet kompetenti u lill-parteċipanti fis-suq jimmonitorjaw il-livelli tal-bejgħ bin-nieqes.

Laatste Update: 2017-04-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


in evidence collated by the unsc drc sanctions committee group of experts, detailed in its report of 13 february 2008, girls recovered from fdlr-foca had previously been abducted and sexually abused.


skont evidenza miġbura mill-grupp ta’ esperti tal-kumitat tas-sanzjonijiet rdk tal-ksnu, imniżżla fid-dettall fir-rapport tiegħu tat-13 ta’ frar 2008, bniet irkuprati mill-fdlr-foca kienu qabel ġew maħtufin u abbużati sesswalment.

Laatste Update: 2014-11-21
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2


spill-over effects from the exchange of commercially sensitive information can, for example, be minimised where data is collated by a joint purchasing arrangement which does not pass on the information to the parties thereto.


l-effetti ta’ spill-over mill-iskambju ta’ informazzjoni kummerċjalment sensittiva jistgħu, pereżempju, jiġu minimizzati fejn id-dejta tinġabar minn arranġament ta’ xiri konġunt li ma jgħaddix l-informazzjoni lill‑partijiet f’dak l-arranġament.

Laatste Update: 2017-04-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


the plant health checks may also be carried out at reduced frequency, if there is evidence, collated by the commission and based on experience gained from earlier introduction of such material of the same origin into the community as confirmed by all member states concerned, and after consultation within the committee referred to in article 18, to believe that the plants, plant products or other objects in the consignment or lot comply with the requirements laid down in this directive, provided that the detailed conditions specified in implementing provisions pursuant to paragraph 5(c) are met.


il-verifiki dwar is-saħħa tal-pjanti jistgħu jsiru wkoll inqas spiss, jekk hemm evidenza, miġbura mill-kummissjoni u ibbażata fuq l-esperjenza meħda minn introduzzjoni qabel ta' dan il-materjal ta' l-istess oriġini fil-komunità kif ikkonfermat mill-istati membri kkonċernati kollha, u wara konsultazzjoni fil-kumitat kif imsemmi fl-artikolu 18, biex wieħed jemmen illi l-pjanti, prodotti mill-pjanti jew oġġetti oħrajn fil-konsenja jew fil-lott jikkonformaw mar-rekwiżiti mwaqqfa f'din id-direttiva, sakemm il-kondizzjonijiet dettaljati speċifikati fid-dispożizzjonijiet li jimplimentaw skond il-paragrafu 5(c) jintlaħqu

Laatste Update: 2014-11-21
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2

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