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none (do not read out)
xejn (taqrahiex)
Laatste Update: 2017-04-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
other (do not read out)
oħrajn (taqrahiex)
Laatste Update: 2017-04-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
it wants to sing out loud!
tixtieq tkanta b’vuċi qawwija!
Laatste Update: 2014-02-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
obd read out indicating significant malfunction
il-valur moqri mill-obd jindika funzjonament ħażin sinifikanti.
Laatste Update: 2017-04-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
the read-out of this college meeting can be found .
is-sinteżi ta’ din il-laqgħa tal-kulleġġ tinsab .
Laatste Update: 2017-04-26
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
detector arrays (including electronic interconnection or read out systems);
detector arrays (inklużi sistemi ta' interkonnessjoni elettronika jew read out);
Laatste Update: 2014-11-21
Gebruiksfrequentie: 4
the secretary-general read out the memo drafted by the secretariat appointing mr alexopoulos to grade ad 16.
is-segretarju Ġenerali qara l-memo stabbilita mis-segretarjat u li kellha l-għan li tagħti l-grad ta' ad 16 lis-sur alexopoulos.
where they are not elected by secret ballot, the order in which their names are read out to the house by the president shall determine the order of precedence.
meta ma jkunux ġew eletti b'vot sigriet, l-ordni li fih jinqara isimhom lill-kamra millpresident għandu jiddetermina l-ordni ta' preċedenza.
the stability of the read-out device and its associated circuit shall be such that successive indications of the same temperature do not vary by more than 0,001 oc.
l-istabbilità ta' l-istrument read-out u ċ-ċirkwit assoċjat tiegħu għandhom ikunu tali li indikazzjonijiet suċċessivi ta' l-istess temperatura ma jvarjawx b'iktar minn 0,001 °c.
the secondary-image separation can be read out as the distance between the points seen through the observation telescope (see figure 14).
is-separazzjoni tax-xbiha sekondarja tista’ tinqara bħala d-distanza bejn il-punti li jidhru mit-teleskopju ta’ l-osservazzjoni (ara figura 14).
their questions are read out (and interpreted) in the meeting room, and they hear the answer in their language through web-streamed interpretation.
id-domandi tagħhom jinqraw bil-leħen (u jiġu interpretati) fil-kamra tal-laqgħa, u l-parteċipanti remoti jisimgħu r-risposta fil-lingwi tagħhom permezz ta’ interpretazzjoni web-stream.
in open procedures, where the contract is awarded under the lowest price or lowest cost methods in accordance with article 161(4), the prices quoted in tenders satisfying the requirements shall be read out loud.
fi proċeduri miftuħa, meta l-kuntratt jingħata skont il-metodi tal-orħos prezz jew l-inqas kost skont l-artikolu 161(4), il-prezzijiet ikkwotati f'offerti li jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti għandhom jinqraw b'vuċi għolja.
the rapporteur-general read out the complete text of the compromise proposal, which consisted of the deletion referred to by ms davison and the addition of the following phrase after the word "forwarded":
ir-rapporteuse-Ġenerali taqra t-test kollu tal-proposta ta’ kompromess, li tikkonsisti fit-tneħħija indikata mis-sinjura davison kif ukoll iż-żjieda tal-frażi segwenti wara l-kelma “mibgħut”:
(o) participate in the read-outs of flight recorders, except cockpit voice or image recorders;
(f) tipparteċipa fil-qari tar-reġistrazzjonijiet tat-titjira, bl-eċċezzjoni tal-vuċi tal-kabina tal-pilota jew ir-reġistrazzjonijiet tal-immaġini;