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for when i feel sick or get injured



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i feel sick .


احساس ميکنم مريض هستم .

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


oh , mama . i feel sick .


اوه مامان احساس بدي دارم مطمئني نگاه کن خودت .

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


you okay no . i feel sick .


حالت خوبه نه . احساس مريضي ميکنم .

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


except for when i saw her .


بجز وقتي که اون دختر را ديدم .

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


ill move on when i feel like it .


من هر موقع دلم بخواد ادامه ميدهم .

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


and when i touch you i feel happy inside .


وقتي بهت دست ميزنم خوشبختي را در درونم حس ميكنم .

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


when i press little harder i feel cold at the fingertip


وقتی بیشتر فشار میدم در سر انگشتم احساس سرما میکنم

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


i feel like i can speak for the entire office when i tell you .


من فقط بهت ميتونم بگم که .

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


and for when i die , for them to sigh for never seeing me again .


و براي زماني که ميميرم ، از اينکه ديگه من را نميببينند افسوس بخورند .

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


whom should i vote for when i cannot even receive anaesthetic in the operating room?


من باید به چه چیزی رای بدهم و کدام رای را درصندوق بیاندازم وقتی که نمی توانم دراتاق عمل بیهوشی داشته باشم ؟

Laatste Update: 2016-02-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


when i see high school and middle school boys and girls wear taqiyah to school, i feel proud.


من وقتی می‌بینم که دختران و پسران دبیرستانی و متوسطه ئویغور تقیه می‌پوشند احساس غرور می‌کنم.

Laatste Update: 2016-02-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


and in fact, sometimes i feel a little sorry for the chicken on my dinner plate, when i think of how intense this brain system is.


و در واقع بعضی وقتا یک مقدار برای مرغی که توی ظرف شاممه متاسف میشم، وقتی که به پیچیدگی سیستم مغز فکر میکنم.

Laatste Update: 2015-10-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


but that's when i take out his letters and i read them, and the paper that touched his hand is in mine, and i feel connected to him.


اما هنگامی که من نامه های او را می خوانم، کاغذی که او با دستانش لمس کرده در دستان من است، و احساس می کنم با او ارتباط برقرار می کنم.

Laatste Update: 2015-10-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


and sometimes i feel like i can't really enjoy myself unless it's like a vacation, like when i get mondays and all those days off.


و گاهی اوقات حس می‌کنم به تمام معنا نمی‌توانم لذت ببرم تا زمانی که زمان تعطیلات شود، مثل وقتی که دوشنبه‌ها و بقیه روزها تعطیل هستند.

Laatste Update: 2015-10-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


and really, i feel as though, when i see the film -- i have a gesture she does, like this -- i feel like i am a continuation of her gesture.


و در حقیقت من فکر میکردم که دارم یک فیلم میبینم. من یک ژستی داشتم شبیه اونچه که اون داشت. من احساس میکنم که ادامه ژست های او هستم.

Laatste Update: 2015-10-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


it had been such an amazing trip for us - for me. my husband had taken me to a beautiful resort in the catskills and for some reason it had set me on fire. from the moment we got there, my pussy had taken over and all i could think about was being fucked, filled, used. i had touched and teased my husband into a frenzy. each time we went out i would push him into hidden corners and make him eat my dripping cunt. i would shove his fingers into my wetness. sometimes, i wouldn’t even wait until we were out of sight but instead just rub him and make him so wild for me, so desperate. i had made sam eat me and fuck me so hard in so many different ways. it was glorious. i felt so much love for him. i had seduced our limo driver, connor right in front of sam. he was nice young black stud and we ended up fucking right there in the car. the next day when we went out we fucked again in front of my husband. his huge black cock pushing my pussy open with sam there watching me filled with enjoyment, filled with lust, oh fuck, it made it so good. so very good. i love showing him what a naughty girl i can be and then reminding my husband later that i belong only to him. it makes my pussy just explode when i’m that naughty. as we fucked, i kept making sam suck his cock for me. i love that. i love what that does to me, to see my cock-sucking hubby preparing my lovers, preparing my pussy. he’s such a perfect little cuck. i know he loves it too so it make me even hotter when i make him do those things. oh fuck, even thinking about it now makes my pussy drip. it had been two amazing days like that - fucked and used by connor, fucked and served by my husband, teasing and teasing and being so wild. i didn’t care about anything but giving into my lusts, my desires. the more i could do to my little cucky, the more i could have my pussy fucked, the more slutty i could be, the more i loved it. i was out of my mind with lust. that evening, connor drove us to a local bar where i knew i would be able to pick up lovers. my pussy was aching as we walked into delray’s and i began looking around the room for cock to fuck. it didn’t take me long to find kenny and dave. i instantly began flirting with them and showing them what a nasty cock whore i was. it was working so perfectly. we had hardly gotten seated before they were buying me drinks with sam right there with me. my pussy began aching thinking about the things i was going to do to them and the things they were going to do to me, to my cuck husband. mmmmm, fuck, it made me so hot. i’m such a bad girl, such a naughty naughty girl. after a lot of flirting and dancing and touching, i had them both exactly where i wanted them, and even better, i had sam exactly where i wanted him. i could see it in his eyes. he loves to watch me flirt with other men, and the sluttier i am with them the better. rubbing them, letting them touch me turns him on so much. that turns me on even more than just thinking about being fucked by different studs. it’s all about how much sam loves it, how wild it makes me to be my husband’s naughty hotwife. oh god, my pussy was dripping and needing to be that dirty girl for him. i was so excited that i just had to make sam cum. i sent the boys away to wait for me while i attacked sam right there in the bar. i rubbed and touched him. i told him how badly i needed to be fucked by kenny and dave. i told him what a naughty girl i was. i pushed myself onto his lap and ground into him until i could feel him explode into his pants for me. it all made me so wet, so full of excitement. i desperately needed fucking. i always need fucking but now i had to have it. i had to be filled and stuffed with cock for my hungry pussy. i had to be a dirty little whore for my sam, for my little cock-sucking cuck. mmmmmm, oh fuck yes. i sent sam to the bathroom to clean up his mess while i took kenny and dave back to the limo, back to connor. after touching them and letting the boys grind against me, i could tell that kenny and dave were both so well built. dave was a black man and kenny was white, but i could feel that kenny’s cock was actually longer, thicker than dave’s. still, the thought dave and connor both using me - the thought of being fucked by those three huge cocks was making me out of control. i have a very strict rule about not fucking other men without sam there to watch, to see that i might be giving my pussy, my body away, but my heart, my love only belongs to my husband. only belongs to my sam. i love him so very much and so i won’t fuck other men when he’s not there. but, as long as they don’t actually go inside my pussy, as long as they don’t cum in me, actually fuck me, then everything else is okay. and at that moment, i was so deep into needing to be such a dirty little slut. i took kenny and dave to the limo and introduced them to connor. i opened the limo doors and sat down on the seat, half out of the car and began touching the three of them, rubbing their cocks. “mmmmm,” i moaned. “i can’t decide who is the biggest, but i can feel they are all such perfect cocks for this hungry little cock slut.” i rubbed harder and said, ‘i just need to see.” all three men unzipped and as i sat there, i found myself surrounded by three mouth-watering cocks. they couldn’t cum in me, sam wasn’t done cleaning up, but i had to have a taste. i lowered my mouth onto each of them and my pussy began to ache more. i didn’t want to stop sucking and feeling them in my mouth but i forced myself to. i leaned back into the limo and opened my legs and began touching myself. rubbing my dripping, cum filled cunt. i always keep a vibrator in my purse. i pulled it out and pushed it slowly into me, making myself moan and grind against my toy. “don’t just stand there, boys. once my little cuck husband gets here, you’re going to be fucking this beautiful pussy, but who gets to fuck it first?” i giggled and continued, “i think we need a little contest. whichever one of you can make yourself cum first for me can have first choice of where you want to fuck me, how you want to use this little cock whore in front of her little bitch husband. doesn’t that sound good?” i was already starting to feel my body getting close as i fucked myself with my vibrator, watching the three of them now wildly jerking their cocks for me. i looked up and saw sam coming and it was enough to push me over the edge. i was moaning wildly when he got there. i explained my little contest to him as he watched me fucking myself, watched the boys stroking harder. knowing that sam was there, knowing what was coming soon, i began exploding onto my vibrator as the boys stroked harder. my cumming, my screaming made dave spray so much fucking cum out of his huge cock. it was so hot. so very hot. “looks like we have a winner!” i cried out. i looked at sam and said, “it’s time, baby. let’s go back to the hotel and let your naughty wife show you just how slutty she can be. i need to be fucked hard, honey. i need my pussy so filled with cock, with cum. i need it, babe. you want that, don’t you, honey? you want your wife to be fucked so hard?” my pussy was on fire. sam looked at me and in response climbed into the limo. i pushed his face between my legs and felt him exactly where he always belongs. he began eating my naughty pussy as the connor got into the car to drive us and the other boys followed. by the time we had gotten back to the hotel, i had cum three times on sam’s face. he’s such a good little pussy slut. my sam can never get enough of eating my used cunt. it’s so fucking hot. when we got to the hotel, sam and connor and i went in and a few moments later, kenny and dave got there too. i walked over and kissed my sam so hard. i pulled him to me and let my body rub against his. “i love you so much, baby. i love knowing that no matter how much i give my pussy away, my ass, my body, no matter how much i let my lover’s use me, my heart, my love belong to you alone. nothing they do can ever change that. i am yours, your wife, your love.” i kissed him again and whispered, “but i am so fucking wet and need to be fucked so hard. i can’t wait to be your naughty little slut wife. i know you love it so much.” he moaned and my pussy nearly explode between my legs. i ran my hand up his crotch and said, “oh cucky, it’s going to be such a long night for both of us. i’m going to be fucked so hard for you, baby. your slutty cock whore wife is going to be used so much right in front of you. and you’re going to be so involved, baby. you’re going to suck so much cock for me tonight, and i’m going to fuck those cocks so hard. i can’t wait, baby. i just can’t fucking wait.” i ran my hand over him again and moaned, “mmmmmm, yes, baby. and from how hard my little cucky is i can tell that my little cock-sucking bitch can’t wait either. you’re such a good boy.” i kissed him again. ‘i love you so much baby. now you’ve got some work to do, honey, because your naughty girl needs to be fucked hard now.” i pushed him in front of dave and began to unzip his pants and pull him free. “line up, boys.” i said to the other guys. “my little cuck husband needs to get your cocks nice and hard for his fuck slut’s pussy. this little girl needs to be fucked and used so hard.” i pushed sam’s face into dave’s huge cock and said roughly, “suck it!” he loves it when i order him around. he loves being my little cuck and having me force him to do things. it’s so hot. so fucking hot. i pushed his head harder. “moan around that cock, you nasty little bitch. show that real man how much you love sucking his cock. how badly you want to get him ready for my naughty pussy! i want to hear my little cock whore enjoying himself on that nice black dick.” i ran my hands down his chest and played with his nipples. “oh honey, it turns me on so much to watch you do that. push your fingers into my wet pussy and feel how excited it makes me. i can’t wait to see you suck each of their cocks before they slide into me.” sam licked and sucked hard on dave’s cock then i took him and lay back on the bed while he began to push into my steaming cunt. oh fuck, it felt so good as he began to push me open with his massive cock. my pussy squeezing around him as he slowly entered me. i kept watching hubby move on to the next man, licking and sucking like a cheap whore - like the cock slut i was making him become. my pussy oozing pleasure as dave’s hard cock pushed deeper into me. oh yes, it was all so good. moaning, feeling him fucking me, watching my cuck husband suck connor’s cock, it ready for me just made me burn with delight and ache. my pussy sucking hard on dave’s delicious dick. mmmmmm, fuck. “hurry baby. i need connor’s cock in my married, willing ass. hurry!!!” it wasn’t long before i was on my knees. dave’s cock drilling into my cunt from below, connor’s cock filling my ass from above. i was turned so i could easily see my husband sucking on kenny’s massive cock. kenny was holding sam’s head so tightly, fucking so hard into his mouth. kenny’s eyes never left mine as he pounded and brutalized sam’s mouth. oh fuck, it was so hot, so very hot. my pussy aching more and more. the orgasm in me building to a frenzied level. i could tell kenny was really enjoying himself, fucking sam’s slutty mouth so hard. “oh that’s it, baby,” i said to kenny. “pound his fucking mouth. i want to see you cum so hard in that little cock slut’s mouth. show him how a real man cums. make him drip cum from his slut mouth as you rape into him. mmmmmmm, fuck yes, baby. take him! take him harder!! make him moan and squeal like the nasty little cock whore he is. the dirty little cock sucker he loves to be, he was made to me. fuck him hard!!!!” i was screaming at kenny, the fire in me out of control as i watched, being fucked so hard from two huge cocks. mmmmmm, yes. it was wonderful. “oh fuck him!!!! cum in that bitch!!!! make him gag!!!!!” my pussy squeezing so hard on dave’s hard cock. i could feel myself getting closer. feel my ass so full of connor’s beautiful cock, but i couldn’t take my eyes off of kenny bitch fucking my husband. “i love you so much baby. suck him so hard for me, suck all that cum into your slutty little mouth like a good boy for your wife. i love you, baby. show me how much you love me. suck him, fuck his cock with your mouth. oh fuck yes!!! oh yesssss!!!!!” kenny now had sam’s hair in his fist and was using it like a leash as he fucked harder, faster. i could hear him moaning, grunting into sam’s mouth. “please, baby. show me how much you love it. suck that cock like the dirty cock bitch you are. oh fuck yes!!” connor’s cock driving so deep into me. dave’s massive cock pushing my pussy apart. oh fuck i wanted this to last forever. ‘oh baby, i love you so much. do this for your naughty wife!” i could hear him starting to moan more as kenny fucked harder, faster into him. i heard kenny grunt hard and then massive amounts of cum flooding into sam’s mouth. he couldn’t begin to take it all as cum ran down his chin, dripped to the floor, sprayed everywhere as he coughed and sputtered as kenny shot load after load. the sight of it all, the sound of sam choking on cum made my pussy explode. i began cummint so hard as dave and connor fucked and fucked me. soon i felt so much cum flooding into me from my ass, from my fucked pussy. my husband gagging on kenny’s cum as he continued to fuck into sam’s dripping mouth. oh it was all so much. i exploded again as my pussy and ass felt so hot, so much cum. oh fuuuuck! sam sat on the floor, cum covering his mouth and chest. all i could do was watch and feel my love for him. i needed kenny’s cock in me so badly. i pulled him to me and sucked hard on the cum that was all over his cock, all in my hubby’s mouth. mmmmmm, fuck, it was so good. “do you want to see kenny fuck me, baby? fuck my cunt hard just like he fucked your mouth? you loved that, didn’t you, cucky? mmmmmm, fuck yes you did and now you get to see him fuck my pussy just like he brutalized your mouth. oh fuck yes!” sam groaned with pleasure as kenny pushed into me. i looked at connor and dave. “i hope you boys aren’t shy about fucking a naughty little cuck bitch. i want to see my hubby torn open by your huge cocks in his little cuck ass. take him, please. i want to see him fucked so hard. i want to hear him wildly moaning as he’s used by my lovers.” my pussy was feeling so good. kenny was so huge. i just kept offering myself to his cock, letting him push in deeper and deeper. “oh fuck baby, he feels so good i my pussy. i can’t get enough of his big fucking cock in my nasty little cunt. oh my god, baby. i’m still dripping with cum from dave and connor and now kenny is fucking more into me. oh yes, baby. it feels so good. i want to cum all over that fat cock.” i moaned and moaned as dave moved behind my husband and pulled him to his knees. i watched in anticipation as dave grabbed his hips and began sliding his huge cock into sam’s tight little ass. he began moaning, wiggling as dave pushed deeper into him “oh yes,” i moaned as i watched. “fuck his little tight asshole. oh fuck him so hard, rape into him and make the little slut cum so hard. i want to watch his cock explode from being fucked so hard from behind” kenny continued to drive down into my soaking pussy. i opened my legs and pulled on his body. “oh fuck, please, give that beautiful cock to me. fuck that pussy. fuck me so hard. make me scream and cum for you as you use my fucking cunt hole.” i looked into sam’s eyes. “he feels so good, baby. so fucking good. can you see how much i love this, love getting fucked so hard right in front of you. so very very good baby. i love you so much. do you love watching your wife fucked so hard, loving this much cock in her nasty pussy? mmmmmm, fuck, yes you do, oh you do. you do so much.” dave began fucking so hard into sam’s little ass as connor moved in front of him and shoved his cock deep into cucky’s mouth. my hubby looked so happy getting fucked hard, but i wanted more. “oh no, no, please. i want to see him used so much harder than that. i want to see both of you in his tiny dirty ass. i want to see you rip his fucking ass pussy apart. oh fuck him!!! dp his little bitch ass. please, oh please!” i was out of my mind wild. kenny’s cock kept pushing my cunt apart as i ached and lusted after seeing sam fucked and raped and used. i wanted to watch his body jerk and twitch apart as those two black cocks stretched him open so far. “take him. oh fucking take him!!!! show me how real men fuck a nasty little cock whore! do it!!!” i was getting wilder by the second. i suddenly had an idea. i told kenny to lie down on the bed and i moved on top of him, feeling his big cock slide all the way into my aching pussy. my ass was sticking up right at the edge of the bed. “drag my little cuck fuck whore over here. i want his cute little cock in my ass. i want to feel him fuck my ass while my hot black lovers fuck him senseless.” i waited as the boys dragged sam over to me. i pulled my cheeks apart and said, ‘spit on my asshole, baby. get it nice and wet then slide your sweet little cock inside me. i want to feel you fucking my ass as the boys fuck yours.” he did as he was told and began pushing his cock into my tight little hole. kenny began fucking up into me as sam pushed in from above. it all felt so good. “oh that’s it, baby. fuck my ass with your cock, honey. i feel so good when you fuck me like that. your cock feels so good in my tight little asshole.” as sam pushed into me, connor moved behind him and began to slide into hubby’s ass. as connor’s cock worked deeper into him, i could feel his own cock swelling, growing fuller. kenny was fucking my pussy so hard. it all felt so fucking good. “oh yes, fuck him. fuck his little asshole and make him cum in me. fuck him!!!” dave moved next to connor and began working his massive cock into sam’s tight little hole. he began to scream loudly as dave stretched him open, i could feel his body responding to the pleasure and the pain. sam’s cock was so full, throbbing in me as kenny fucked my pussy harder and harder. soon, both connor and dave were fucking hard into sam, forcing him to fuck into me as kenny pounded my cunt with his huge cock. all our bodies moving together. sam began making a low, guttural moan. i had never heard him make a noise like that, but it had my pussy burning with desire. i was so turned on. he let out a loud cry as his cock exploded into my ass. everything was a chain reaction. cum flooding into my ass made me begin cumming on kenny’s delicious cock. my cumming on his cock made kenny cum into my pussy. the feeling of having my pussy and ass filled with so much cum made me scream even louder. connor and dave both exploded at the same time, filling my husband with so much cum. i exploded again as we all continued fucking until we crumpled into a heap.. oh fuck, it was so good. so fucking good. i knew the night wasn’t over, but i could barely move. i felt sam kiss my neck as he lay on top of me dripping cum from his raped ass. mmmmmm, oh fuck, it was perfect. “i love you so much baby. so very very much.” he told me that he loved me too and i was so happy.


داستان وابسته به عشق شهوانی

Laatste Update: 2016-05-08
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2

Referentie: Anoniem

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