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i'm done begging for your love


من دیگه محبت را گدایی نمیکنم

Laatste Update: 2021-07-11
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


you can give up everything for your love as a commoner,


شما براي عشقتون به عنوان يه شخص عاديمي تونيد هر کاري بکنيد

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


god , our father , lord and savior thank you for your love and favor .


خداوند . پدرما . مالک و نجات دهنده از عشق کمک تو متشکريم .

Laatste Update: 2011-10-24
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


chapter 6 in 20 sentences anthropologists are enamored by cultural patterns that tend to pervade cultures, and so was i. could it be that gift giving is a fundamental expression of love that transcends cultural barriers? is the attitude of love always accompanied by the concept of giving? those are academic and somewhat philosophical questions, but if the answer is yes, it has profound practical implications for north american couples. fred handed me the coconut and said, "juice for you." it was green, but i drank it-all of it-because i knew it was a gift of love. from early years, children are inclined to give gifts to their parents, which may be another indication that gift giving is fundamental to love. if receiving gifts is my primary love language, i will place great value on the ring you have given me and i will wear it with great the individual whose primary love language is receiving gifts, the cost of the gift will matter little, unless it is greatly out of line with what you can afford. if a millionaire gives only one-dollar gifts regularly, the spouse may question whether that is an expression of love, but when family finances are limited, a one-dollar gift may speak a million dollars worth of love. if your spouse's primary love language is receiving gifts, you can become a proficient gift giver. what of the person who says, "i'm not a gift giver. i didn't receive many gifts growing up. i never learned how to select gifts. it doesn't come naturally for me." congratulations, you have just made the first discovery in becoming a great lover. if receiving gifts is his/her primary love language, almost anything you give will be received as an expression of love. if you are a spender, you will have little difficulty purchasing gifts for your spouse; but if you are a saver, you will experience emotional resistance to the idea of spending money as an expression of love. if you discover that your spouse's primary love language is receiving gifts, then perhaps you will understand that purchasing gifts for him or her is the best investment you can make. you are investing in your relationship and filling your spouse's emotional love tank, and with a full love tank, he or she will likely reciprocate emotional love to you in a language you will understand. jan once said to me, "my husband, don, loves softball more than he loves me." "why do you say that?" i inquired. "have you based your conclusion that don loves softball more than he loves you on this one experience?" "oh, no," she said. physical presence in the time of crisis is the most powerful gift you can give if your spouse's primary love language is receiving gifts. ' "my wife said, 'my husband is more important than my job.' she spent the day with me. somehow that day, i felt more loved by her than ever before. i have never forgotten what she did. incidentally," he said, "she didn't lose her job. her supervisor soon left, and she was asked to take his job." that wife had spoken the love language of her husband, and he never forgot it. almost everything ever written on the subject of love indicates that at the heart of love is the spirit of giving. all five love languages challenge us to give to our spouse, but for some, receiving gifts, visible symbols of love, speaks the loudest. "i told her that i realized that what you said was really true and that learning the right love language was the key to helping another person feel loved. i said i was sorry that i had been so dense for all those years and had failed to meet her need for love. i told her that i really loved her and that i appreciated all the things she did for me and the children. i told her that with god's help, i was going to be a gift giver for the rest of my life."she said, 'but, jim, you can't go on buying me gifts every day for the rest of your life. chapter 7 18 sent acts of service before we leave jim and janice, let's reexamine jim's answer to my question, "do you feel loved by janice?" "oh, i've always felt loved by her, dr. chapman. she is the best housekeeper in the world. she is an excellent cook. she keeps my clothes washed and ironed. she is wonderful about doing things with the children. i know she loves me." jim's primary love language was what i call "acts of service." by acts of service, i mean doing things you know your spouse would like you to do. you seek to please her by serving her, to express your love for her by doing things for her. jesus christ gave a simple but profound illustration of expressing love by an act of service when he washed the feet of his disciples. jesus, who had instructed his disciples to love one another, gave them an example of how to express that love when he took a basin and a towel and proceeded to wash their feet.1 after that simple expression of love, he encouraged his disciples to follow his example. "well, i guess i expected it to be like my family. dad worked, and mom took care of things at the house. i never saw my dad vacuum the floor or wash the dishes or do anything around the house. since mom didn't work outside the house, she kept everything spotless, did all the cooking, washing, and ironing. and i guess i just thought that was the way it was supposed to be." hoping that mark was seeing what i was seeing, i asked, "mark, a moment ago what did you hear mary say when i asked her what really made her feel loved by you when you were dating?" he responded, "helping her with things and doing things with her." requests give direction to love, but demands stop the flow of love. "let's try something. i want each of you to sit on the steps of the church and make a request list. mark, i want you to list three or four things that if mary chose to do them would make you feel loved when you walk into the house in the afternoon. if making the bed is important to you, then put it down. mary, i want you to make a list of three or four things that you would really like to have mark's help in doing, things which, if he chose to do them, would help you know that he loved you." after five to six minutes, they handed me their lists. "you don't have to do these, you understand? if you do them it will be an act of love to mary." what we do for each other before marriage is no indication of what we will do after marriage. hundreds of individuals can identify with either mark or mary and acknowledge that the primary way that they feel loved is by acts of service on the part of their spouse. putting away shoes, changing a baby's diaper, washing dishes or a car, vacuuming, or mowing speaks volumes to the individual whose primary love language is acts of service. you may be wondering, if mark and mary had the same primary love language, why were they having so much difficulty? the answer lies in the fact that they were speaking different dialects. since acts of service was their primary love language, learning each other's specific dialect was relatively easy for them. we revert to being the people we were before we "fell in love." our actions are influenced by the model of our parents, our own personality, our perceptions of love, our emotions, needs, and desires. only one thing is certain about our behavior: it will not be the same behavior we exhibited when we were caught up in being "in love." that leads me to the second truth illustrated by mark and mary. you can give guidance to love by making requests: "i wish you would wash the car, change the baby's diaper, mow the grass," but you cannot create the will to love. each of us must decide daily to love or not to love our spouses. if we choose to love, then expressing it in the way in which our spouse requests will make our love most effective emotionally. my spouse's criticisms about my behavior provide me with the clearest clue to her primary love language. allowing oneself to be used or manipulated by another is not an act of love. chapter 8 15 sent love language #5 physical touch we have long known that physical touch is a way of communicating emotional love. physical touch is also a powerful vehicle for communicating marital love. for some individuals, physical touch is their primary love language. to the person whose primary love language is physical touch, the message will be far louder than the words "i hate you" or "i love you." a slap in the face is detrimental to any child, but it is devastating to a child whose primary love language is touch. a tender hug communicates love to any child, but it shouts love to the child whose primary love language is physical touch. since touch receptors are located throughout the body, lovingly touching your spouse almost anywhere can be an expression of love. explicit love touches obviously take more time, not only in actual touching but in developing your understanding of how to communicate love to your spouse this way. if a back massage communicates love loudly to your spouse, then the time, money, and energy you spend in learning to be a good masseur or masseuse will be well invested. implicit love touches require little time but much thought, especially if physical touch is not your primary love language and if you did not grow up in a "touching family." sitting close to each other on the couch as you watch your favorite television program requires no additional time but may communicate your love loudly. once you discover that physical touch is the primary love language of your spouse, you are limited only by your imagination on ways to express love. if your spouse's primary love language is physical touch, nothing is more important than holding her as she cries. why? because physical touch is a powerful communicator of love. my fears vanished when, after the seminar, pete said, "dr. chapman, i have been to many seminars, but i have never heard anyone describe patsy and me as clearly as you. that love language idea is true. i can't wait to tell you our story!" a few minutes after saying good-byes to those attending the seminar, we were in the car for our forty-five-minute drive to the airport. i said to pete and patsy, "what did you learn in counseling that turned your marriage around?" "in essence, dr. chapman," pete said, "we learned to speak each other's love language. the counselor did not use that term, but as you gave the lecture today, the lights came on. my mind raced back to our counseling experience, and i realized that's exactly what happened to us. we finally learned to speak each other's love language." "so what is your love language, pete?" i asked. running the hand through the hair, giving a back rub, holding hands, embracing, sexual intercourse-all of those and other "love touches" are the emotional lifeline of the person for whom physical touch is the primary love language. chapter 9 .. 13 sentences discovering your primary love language discovering the primary love language of your spouse is essential if you are to keep his/her emotional love tank full. having heard the five emotional love languages, words of affirmation quality time receiving gifts acts of service physical touch some individuals will know instantaneously their own primary love language and that of their spouse. what is your primary love language? what makes you feel most loved by your spouse? what do you desire above all else? if the answer to those questions does not leap to your mind immediately, perhaps it will help to look at the negative use of love languages. what does your spouse do or say or fail to do or say that hurts you deeply? if, for example, your deepest pain is the critical, judgmental words of your spouse, then perhaps your love language is "words of affirmation." if your primary love language is used negatively by your spouse-that is, he does the opposite-it will hurt you more deeply than it would hurt someone else because not only is he neglecting to speak your primary love language, he is actually using that language as a knife to your heart. another approach to discovering your primary love language is to look back over your marriage and ask, "what have i most often requested of my spouse?" whatever you have most requested is probably in keeping with your primary love language. " another way to discover your primary love language is to examine what you do or say to express love to your spouse. the husband who learned from his father to express love to his wife by giving her nice gifts expresses his love to his wife by doing what his father did, yet "receiving gifts" is not his primary love language. in what way do you regularly express love to your spouse? your method of expressing love may be an indication that that would also make you feel loved. her spouse has expressed love in many ways, and she is not certain which of those ways makes her feel most loved. the second is the individual whose love tank has been empty for so long that he doesn't remember what makes him feel loved. in either case, go back to the experience of falling in love and ask yourself, "what did i like about my spouse in those days? what did he do or say that made me desire to be with him?" if you can conjure up those memories, it will give you some idea of your primary love language. "the love you feel when your wife expresses love by physical touch is the same love your wife feels when you do the laundry. you may request things from all five love languages, but you will have more requests centering on your primary love language.


Laatste Update: 2024-01-07
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem
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