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Laatste Update: 2012-06-12
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Wikipedia


venous thrombosis


ترومبوز سیاهرگی

Laatste Update: 2014-11-04
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2

Referentie: Wikipedia


the possible anatomic variations in each organ and its arterial and venous supply must be known by physicians, such as surgeons or radiologists, in order to identify them.


تغییرات آناتومیکی ممکن برای هر اندام و جریان‌های شریانی و وریدی آن باید توسط پزشکان مانند جراحان یا رادیولوژیست‌ها شناخته شود.

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Wikipedia


cyanoacrylate tissue glue has many uses. we describe a case involving a 27-year-old man with a low-flow venous malformation that affected.


چسب بافت سیانواکریلات است بسیاری از uses.we یک مورد که شامل یک مرد 27 ساله با ناهنجاری وریدی کم جریان است که تحت تاثیر توصیف می کنند.

Laatste Update: 2014-11-28
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


ace2 is present in most organs: ace2 is attached to the cell membrane of mainly lung type ii alveolar cells, enterocytes of the small intestine, arterial and venous endothelial cells and arterial smooth muscle cells in most organs.


ace2 در بیشتر اندام‌ها وجود دارد: ace2 به غشای سلولی سلول‌های حبابی نوع ii عمدتاً ریوی، انتروسیت‌های روده کوچک، سلول‌های اندوتلیال سرخرگی و سیاهرگی و سلول‌های عضله صاف بیشتر اندام‌ها می‌چسبد.

Laatste Update: 2020-08-25
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Anoniem


chalkley.12 they transplanted tumors of mammary gland carcinoma and sarcoma 37 into transparent skin flap chambers in mice to grow in the subcutaneous connective tissue. the tumors became vascularized by eliciting the sprouting of new capillaries from the vessels in the surrounding host tissue. this process is called angiogenesis.13 angiogenesis also occurred with implants of subcutaneous tissue and at the site of a wound. however, for tumors, it occurred 3 days after implantation, whereas it began 6 days after implantation of subcutaneous tissue or the infliction of a wound. the tumors only increased in size once they became pervaded by capillaries. the tumor vascularity increased, and angiogenesis continued to occur at the tumor edge to facilitate the increasing tumor size. the rvv, which was the relative proportion of the tumor area in the chamber covered by blood vessels, was measured daily using a method devised by chalkley.14 briefly, an eyepiece graticule is randomly placed several times, and the proportion of coincidences with vessels yields the rvv. the rvv increased and reached 50% only 7 days after implantation and maintained this level thereafter, which was twice the value in control chambers containing normal subcutaneous tissue. the tumor vasculature was a sinusoid-like plexus of vessels with large marginal draining vessels. there was no evidence that the new tumor vessels differentiated into venules or arterioles. they retained their capillary-like structure, having walls that contained only a single layer of endothelium, but their diameters were much larger than the capillaries in normal subcutaneous tissue. such observations revealed that the vasculature in tumors is chaotic compared to that in normal tissue (figure 1). the formation of the tumor vasculature was described in more detail by eddy and casarett.16 they studied the development of the vasculature in tumors of a malignant neurilemmoma of the syrian hamster as they grew in a transparent cheek pouch chamber. after tumor implantation, the veins and venules in the surrounding host tissue dilated and become tortuous. the arterial vessels were largely unaffected in comparison. the capillary sprouts of angiogenesis were seen to originate from the host venous vessels, although the magnitude of this activity may have obscured a similar activity in the host capillary bed. the capillary sprouts elongated and anastomosed with each other to establish a capillary-like network in the tumor. as soon as a tumor capillary anastomosed with the arterial end of a host capillary, the direction of blood flow changed so that the host arterial supply flowed through the tumor capillary network to the host venous system. anastomoses between the tumor capillaries and the host arterioles were seemingly random and occasionally resulted in inefficient blood distribution. for example, a single short capillary could conduct blood from a host arteriole directly to a wide capillary-like vessel, which drained to the tumor perimeter. as the tumor increased in size, the host venous vessels were remodeled and pushed away until finally being incorporated into the tumor. in contrast, the host arterial vessels remained in about the same location as the tumor grew around them. the tumor vessels maintained a capillary-like structure, including a number that progressively dilated and reached diameters as large as 200 µm in some cases (capillaries normally have diameters less than 12 µm). in the later stages of tumor growth, it was apparent that some vessels had become occluded. blood flow was restored if the chamber walls were separated by even a fraction of a millimeter. yamaura and sato17 further quantitated the development of the tumor vasculature morphology in tumors of rat ascites hepatoma growing in transparent chambers. at various days after tumor implantation, they measured the frequency distribution of vessel diameters and the rvv using chalkley’s method in the whole chamber. they also used these measurements to calculate the vascular length and surface area per unit volume of tissue. tumor angiogenesis began after 3 to 5 days. the sprouting of capillaries resulted in an increase in the proportion of vessels with diameters less than 10 µm


زمینه. متاستاز هماتوژن زمانی اتفاق می‌افتد که سلول‌های سرطانی آزاد شده از محل اولیه وارد رگ‌های خونی شده و به اندام‌های دور منتقل می‌شوند و در آنجا چسبیده و تکثیر می‌شوند. رگ زایی برای رشد و متاستاز تومور ضروری است و به تولید فاکتورهای رگ زایی توسط سلول های تومور بستگی دارد. مواد و روش ها. ما داده‌های 1184 مرد و زن بزرگسال ژاپنی مبتلا به سرطان معده را با توجه به ارتباط بین تهاجم عروقی و پتانسیل رگ‌زایی تومور و متا آنالیز کردیم.

Laatste Update: 2022-07-04
Gebruiksfrequentie: 3

Referentie: Anoniem

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