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so when i sell them and then we share the money



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and then we invited people all over the world to build them and experiment with us.


e depois convidamos pessoas do mundo inteiro para construir e experimentar conosco.

Laatste Update: 2015-10-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


the uen group are welcome to vote against them and then we will see if it is left in or taken out.


o grupo uen pode perfeitamente votar contra e depois ser-se-á se essa parte se mantém ou não.

Laatste Update: 2012-03-23
Gebruiksfrequentie: 4


the budgets we present are always tight ones, and then we want to make ourselves more popular with the member states by not spending the money we have just argued over so passionately.


os orçamentos que apresentamos são sempre apertados, e depois queremos tornar-nos mais populares junto dos estados-membros, não gastando o dinheiro sobre o qual discutimos tão apaixonadamente.

Laatste Update: 2012-03-23
Gebruiksfrequentie: 6


we put them in bottles, refrigerate them, and then we reuse that bottle again and again and again.


colocamos em garrafas, e as refrigeramos, e depois reusamos as garrafas de novo e de novo e de novo.

Laatste Update: 2015-10-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


therefore, i would ask you to begin by stating all your questions, i will jot them down and try to answer them, and then we will have a more detailed discussion of the specifics that interest you most.


em seguida, podemos ter conversa mais detalhada sobre pontos específicos que os interessem mais.

Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


we eventually distance ourselves from them; and then we are forced to confront loneliness, the surprises of unknown bends in the road, and problems with the bicycle.


nós terminamos por nos distanciar deles; e então somos obrigados a enfrentar a solidão, as surpresas com as curvas desconhecidas, os problemas com a bicicleta.

Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


and then they repackage them and sell them out on markets for literally more money than a sterile syringe in the first place, which is quite bizarre.


e depois eles as embalam e vendem no mercado por literalmente mais dinheiro que uma seringa esterelizada, para começar. o que é bem bizarro.

Laatste Update: 2015-10-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


i repeat, we are waiting now for concrete proposals and then we will do our utmost to authorise them and, if necessary, add something more.


volto a repetir: neste momento, estamos à espera de propostas concretas e, quando elas chegarem, faremos todo o possível para as autorizar e, se necessário, proceder ainda a alguns acréscimos.

Laatste Update: 2014-02-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 6


only when we realize that we do not possess them, that they must live in accordance with their own inner motivation, do we stop trying to run their lives for them, and then we discover that we are able to live in harmony with them.


só quando damos conta de que não as possuímos, que elas devem viver de acordo com suas próprias motivações interiores, é que deixamos de tentar dirigir suas vidas e então descobrimos que somos capazes de viver em harmonia com elas.

Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


for that would mean that the fifteen member states and parliament would probably have to renegotiate all these details again in a longwinded procedure and then we would probably not decide the programme until before next year's summer recess and would not be able to spend the money this year. i would warn against that.


acrescentaria outra extravagância: a de apreciarmos aqui um relatório que é um relatório de codecisão — um processo, normalmente, de diálogo entre o conselho e o parlamento, intervindo a comissão como um excelente notário — quando

Laatste Update: 2014-02-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


negotiations need to be conducted with the central and eastern european states, because we have a vicious circle there: we buy the calves, we fatten them, and then we sell the meat back to those states at a reduced price.


É preciso negociar com os países da europa central e oriental, porque aí dispomos de um circuito: nós compramos os vitelos, eles são engordados aqui nos nossos países e a carne regressa mais barata a esses países.

Laatste Update: 2014-02-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 6


that 's where the money has to come from -from taxation -and then we can think about what we want to do for whom.


É daí que o dinheiro tem de vir, dos impostos, depois, poder-se-á pensar em quem ajudar.

Laatste Update: 2012-03-23
Gebruiksfrequentie: 4


we use the money provided for the purpose in the budget and immediately france — i just mention in passing — will finally drop its blackmailing policy, the agency gets a seat, and then we can decide to move the already existing environmental agency to a new seat.


para já, vai­se, portanto, instalar a agência do meio ambiente na comissão, na dg xi. utiliza­se o dinheiro afectado no orçamento para esse fim e, logo que a frança — e digo isto aqui por dizer — abandone finalmente a sua chantagem política e houver uma sede, então poderemos decidir quanto à deslocação dessa agência do meio ambiente para uma nova sede.

Laatste Update: 2014-02-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


as long as there is the attitude of forgiving it is i who am important, not the man who is supposed to have insulted me. so when i accumulate resentment and then deny that resentment, which you call forgiveness, it is not love. a man who loves obviously has no enmity and to all these things he is indifferent.


enquanto houver a atitude de perdoar, eu sou a parte importante, e não o homem que supostamente me insultou. assim, quando acumulo ressentimento e depois nego esse ressentimento, coisa que vocês chamam de perdão, isso não é amor.

Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


so when i have constituents in london and cheesemongers complaining to me about the fact that they have had to invest lots of money to make sure, for example, that the facilities they use to sell cheese meet eu standards that have been gold plated by british civil servants, and then they travel across to other member states and see cheese being sold openly in street markets and melting and they wonder about the application of community laws in other countries, it is time for us to show that we are strict about application of community law right across the eu.


assim, quando tenho eleitores em londres - menciono o exemplo de proprietários de queijarias que vêm ter comigo queixando-se de que tiveram de investir muito dinheiro para garantirem, por exemplo, que as instalações que utilizam para vender queijo cumprem as normas da ue, normas essas que foram reforçadas por funcionários públicos britânicos, e que, depois, ao viajarem por outros estados-membros, se deparam com queijos vendidos ao ar livre em mercados de rua - que se interrogam sobre a aplicação da legislação comunitária noutros países, creio que é tempo de mostrarmos que somos rigorosos a respeito da aplicação do direito comunitário em toda a ue.

Laatste Update: 2012-02-27
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2



finally, i entreat and warn the rulers of the nations especially those of the affluent countries, stop making nuclear weapons, and if you have made them already destroy them, and never, never sell them to others. you must know that the money you gain by the selling of weapons is the money of blood which will bring curse upon you and your country because they are capable of killing many innocent ones.


por fim, peço insistentemente e aviso os governantes das nações, sobretudo aos dos países ricos: parai de fabricar armas nucleares e se jÁ as fabricastes, destruÍ-as, e nunca, nunca as vendais a outros. vós deveis saber que o dinheiro que ganhais pela venda das armas é o dinheiro de sangue que trará maldição sobre vós e sobre o vosso país, porque são armas que podem matar muitos inocentes.

Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1



so this is the overall picture, and i must just repeat that the commission's attitude is that we must bring clarity to the financial issues and clearly share the burden, have clear responsibilities, clear obligations, and then we can also find better solutions to the infrastructure questions, but we cannot have any kind of reduction in the quality of education.


este é, portanto, o panorama geral, e devo repetir que a comissão defende a necessidade de introduzir clareza nas questões financeiras e partilhar claramente os encargos, ter responsabilidades claras, obrigações claras, para podermos encontrar melhores soluções para as questões das infra-estruturas, sem no entanto diminuir a qualidade da educação.

Laatste Update: 2012-02-27
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2



i mean, compared to all these people who hate me when i try to speak their language and hate me more when i don't, these people are just wonderful." and so you tour france with them, and then you get home and you invite them over for dinner, and what do you find?


quer dizer, comparados com todas estas pessoas que me odeiam quando tento falar seu idioma e me odeiam ainda mais quando não tento, estas pessoas são simplesmente maravilhosas." e assim você viaja a frança com eles, e então você volta pra casa e os convida pra jantar, e o que você descobre?

Laatste Update: 2015-10-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Waarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak


so when zaid had accomplished what he would of her, then we gave her in marriage to thee, so that there should not be any fault in the believers, touching the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished what they would of them; and god's commandment must be performed.


porém, quando zaid resolveu dissolver o seu casamento com a necessária (formalidade), permitimos que tu adesposasses, a fim de que os fiéis não tivessem inconvenientes em contrair matrimônio com as esposas de seus filhosadotivos, sempre que estes decidissem separar-se com a necessária (formalidade); e fica sabendo que o mandamento dedeus deve ser cumprido.

Laatste Update: 2014-07-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2



1 00:01:27,159 --> 00:01:34,159 its true that the hittites army has 60,000 troops camped outside kadesh, whats less clear is why 2 00:01:35,159 --> 00:01:40,159 the heittites had tried to cross the border, what else have you found out? 3 00:01:41,159 --> 00:01:44,159 they are anticipating an invasion by us, 4 00:01:45,159 --> 00:01:48,159 they think we are preparing an attack 5 00:01:49,159 --> 00:01:58,159 but i dont want to do, and wont do is sit here and wait until the hittites armies are outside our palace walls 6 00:02:08,159 --> 00:02:14,159 what do the entails say?, its doesnt say anything, they imply 7 00:02:15,159 --> 00:02:22,159 and thats open to interpretation, so interpret them if we will or wont do an pre emptive attack, is that a yes or no? 8 00:02:23,159 --> 00:02:25,159 and its not clear 9 00:02:33,159 --> 00:02:42,159 but something else is, in a battle a leader will be saved, and his saviour will someday lead 10 00:02:45,159 --> 00:02:52,159 and does the entrails say that we will abandon reason and be guided by yours? 11 00:03:00,159 --> 00:03:08,159 great gods, pharaoh drinks in your name and pray for victory over the hittites and delivery 12 00:03:09,159 --> 00:03:17,159 your first order of business when the time comes, you retire her, i will, but i dont know why my father wont 13 00:03:18,159 --> 00:03:29,159 but just in case, if you see me in any real danger, ride the other serious 14 00:03:30,159 --> 00:03:35,159 when i look at you i still see the two boys who grew up together close as brothers 15 00:03:36,159 --> 00:03:42,159 if for any reason you ever forget that, that these will remind you 16 00:03:44,159 --> 00:03:48,159 small enough to fit in the horse pack and not so long that you will trip over 17 00:03:49,159 --> 00:04:02,159 this is yours, you've got mine, thats right, thats how i want it, you have each others, to keep each other safe. promise me you will do that, always 18 00:05:34,159 --> 00:05:43,159 (( discussing about battle tacticts to leave moses out of danger )) 19 00:05:45,159 --> 00:05:47,159 we should concentrate our strengh to the second 20 00:05:48,159 --> 00:05:54,159 you should concentrate yours and fight, leave the rest to me 21 00:06:16,159 --> 00:06:35,159 (( warning about the egyptians coming to attack )) 22 00:10:18,159 --> 00:10:22,159 take ramsees..go! 23 00:11:10,159 --> 00:11:22,159 moses, what happened out there?, nothing. i asked the commanders the same thing, they too lied, and im tired of it 24 00:11:23,159 --> 00:11:35,159 he thinks something happened, but it didnt, meaning?, the high priestess, the prophecy, she said she couldnt see who would win, the other 25 00:11:38,159 --> 00:11:45,159 you saved my sons life?, yes 26 00:11:47,159 --> 00:11:54,159 sit, thank you is most efficient, thank you 27 00:11:55,159 --> 00:12:02,159 i know you dont believe in the priestess's prophecies...but i do believe, and i respect that 28 00:12:03,159 --> 00:12:10,159 but this doesnt make any sense, because you are not my blood 29 00:12:12,159 --> 00:12:21,159 its true you cant succeed me, not the usual way, not in anyway 30 00:12:25,159 --> 00:12:32,159 the people trust you more than him to lead 31 00:12:35,159 --> 00:12:57,159 the hettites chariot troops crash through our defense and began its attack, i found myself surrounded by the soldier, no shield bearer facing a desperate fight for my life. only with help of the gods did i defeat our attackers and rejoin our divisions, stop there! 32 00:12:59,159 --> 00:13:03,159 anything you like to rephrase? no, 33 00:13:05,159 --> 00:13:09,159 shall i go on, no for the rest its fine, whats next? 34 00:13:10,159 --> 00:13:21,159 a situation, the slaves, ramsees..what?...go up there meet with the vice roy, look around and make a report 35 00:13:22,159 --> 00:13:31,159 me?, it will be yours someday, to get interested in....what else? 36 00:13:39,159 --> 00:14:03,159 i'll go see the vice roy, no, i'll do it, but its beneath you?, its beneath any general, i'll do it, ramsees can we forget what happened on the battlefield?, if our positions have been reversed i would have saved your life 2 weeks ago, i know 37 00:15:16,159 --> 00:15:22,159 welcome to python, you'll get used to this land 38 00:15:37,159 --> 00:15:50,159 the vice roy seems to be enjoying a good share of his resources, this is not a job everyone wants to do my lord, a certain degree of comfort is necessary to keep up with spirits 39 00:15:53,159 --> 00:16:14,159 you know what the problem is?, people live too long these days, every year the death rate lacks further behind than the birth right..and these people reproduce like its a sport, is this a problem in growing work force?, oh no..of course not, its good for production, of course it is but only to a point. 40 00:16:15,159 --> 00:16:25,159 and that population wants you dead...yes its a problem, and so i deploy more troops to maintain it 41 00:16:26,159 --> 00:16:38,159 you start slaughtering people for no reason other than this theory, you will provoke the very thing you say, fine then give me the troops 42 00:16:39,159 --> 00:16:58,159 lets go down and talk to them, why on earth?, you are worried about sedition, lets find out if that worry is real, by you talking?, by looking at them when im talking to them, you can tell a lot about somebody..looking them in the eye 43 00:16:59,159 --> 00:17:18,159 well let me tell you something about hebrews, they are conniving combative people, do you know what israelite means in their own language?, he who fights with god, he who wrestles with god, there is a difference 44 00:17:19,159 --> 00:17:30,159 look im not as educated as you, but i have to deal with them everyday, i know what im talking about, you dont have to come, ill go down myself 45 00:18:09,159 --> 00:18:22,159 why is he being punished?, persistent follow maker my lord, why is he smiling?, he says he feels no pain my lord, they why whip him? 46 00:18:34,159 --> 00:18:40,159 you were not gathered up at random, i asked to see the elders 47 00:18:43,159 --> 00:18:49,159 come on what do you pray for?, we pray to see canaan again, canaan again? you'll never see it 48 00:18:50,159 --> 00:18:57,159 ive seen canaan, ive seen that its inhabited by tribes fiercer than the egypt's military so you want me returning to it or if you do from? 49 00:18:58,159 --> 00:19:07,159 god says otherwise, which god?, your god?, the god of abraham?, the god that said that you are special, that you are chosen, let me tell you...come here, come, come here 50 00:19:12,159 --> 00:19:14,159 he is wrong 51 00:19:16,159 --> 00:19:29,159 i can see that you are unconvinced, and thats a problem, this beliefs are from fanatics and they set out sedition when/and they still have revolution and it all starts with the elders, whats your name?, whats yours? 52 00:19:31,159 --> 00:19:37,159 i'll tell you, im moses, im son of (***) 53 00:19:40,159 --> 00:19:45,159 record this ones name and the rest of them and bring in the next group 54 00:19:47,159 --> 00:19:50,159 my name is (***) 55 00:19:57,159 --> 00:20:10,159 they sent me out to tell you (to meet at one of the israelites house) 56 00:20:15,159 --> 00:20:21,159 i see you've survived (meeting with the israelites), sorry to make you wait again, im not waiting 57 00:20:22,159 --> 00:20:27,159 how was your trip to the quary?, fine, you saw what im up against, hmm.. 58 00:20:28,159 --> 00:20:45,159 tell me is there anymore of my records i could get for you before you leave?, you can tell me has all of this been reported to memphis? was it approved? do you have a writing?, of course...on the record, then you dont mind if i check 59 00:20:47,159 --> 00:20:55,159 of course i dont mind, but i dont understand whats gone wrong?, have i done something to displease you? and if so is there anyway i could please you? 60 00:20:57,159 --> 00:21:02,159 you could stop living like a king, you are no one 61 00:22:06,159 --> 00:22:09,159 to a land filled with milk and honey 62 00:22:17,159 --> 00:22:24,159 can they at least wait outside? we are not dangerous, wait by the horses 63 00:22:27,159 --> 00:22:39,159 do you believe in conincidence?, as much as anything else, i dont think this is one, what is it?, you..coming to python..why did you come?, business 64 00:22:43,159 --> 00:22:45,159 sit 65 00:22:51,159 --> 00:23:03,159 who is your father?, i know you dont know his name, you were told he is a general in pharaoh's army, unnamed by your mother, i can see this is making you uncomfortable 66 00:23:04,159 --> 00:23:08,159 this will interest you, there is no general 67 00:23:09,159 --> 00:23:17,159 your mother whom you called mother has no children, you were born of the slaves, dont go, dont go.. 68 00:23:18,159 --> 00:23:33,159 its better for you that i do, im leaving, if you leave now, just come back because you know something is wrong, you have always felt it....please 69 00:23:35,159 --> 00:23:38,159 everybody out, out.. 70 00:23:49,159 --> 00:24:03,159 the year of your birth, there was a prophecy, that our leader would be born to liberate us from our bondage, so there was an order from memphis to kill every first born hebrew boy 71 00:24:04,159 --> 00:24:18,159 your parents didnt wait for that to happen, any chance of your survival was barely no chance, they handed you to your sister, she took you in a basket to the banks of the river 72 00:24:19,159 --> 00:24:42,159 and she floated you to where ramsees daughter was bathing, she took you and your sister miriam as a maid who raised you as her own, she probably loved you but she never told you or anyone else the are hebrew..true 73 00:24:45,159 --> 00:24:54,159 the truth is its only a story, you people are only good at story telling 74 00:25:06,159 --> 00:25:08,159 you...slave! 75 00:25:10,159 --> 00:25:12,159 you!! 76 00:26:00,159 --> 00:26:25,159 do you expect a reward for this information?, our reward is to be in service to you, that said if it were some token you have in mind or beyond that? wont refuse it, why am i to accept, what if im going to kill you, that would be sufficient payment, you people 77 00:27:09,159 --> 00:27:12,159 please..leave 78 00:27:21,159 --> 00:27:30,159 how did it go?, we'll talk about that another time, we can talk about it now, 79 00:27:32,159 --> 00:27:34,159 sit 80 00:27:40,159 --> 00:27:56,159 i took a thorough look at the city records, the man is clearly a thief, 81 00:28:00,159 --> 00:28:11,159 whats wrong moses?, you are sick, something else is troubling you, i can tell, no..nothing is 82 00:28:32,159 --> 00:28:40,159 may you be rejuvinated and protected by the gods every moment of your eternal life 83 00:29:34,159 --> 00:29:41,159 to your left, no your left, good 84 00:29:43,159 --> 00:29:56,159 it is..tall, monuments are monuments for a reason its inspiring, inspire what in this case? in this and in every case..power 85 00:29:58,159 --> 00:30:10,159 say it out loud whatever it is, the vice roy of python is outside (***) i dont know if we should deal with this, bring him in.. 86 00:30:22,159 --> 00:30:39,159 if you came here to beg for the king's forgiveness it wont work, arrest him, ah..wait, please, may i at least respond?, i beg you, its in your interest, then make it short, i will, to the king alone 87 00:30:40,159 --> 00:30:45,159 my advise is that he and the other generals also leave the room, 88 00:30:46,159 --> 00:30:57,159 great, thats real nice, well you are not his advisor, oh thats are, thats right 89 00:30:58,159 --> 00:31:04,159 moses..moses.. 90 00:31:07,159 --> 00:31:11,159 everybody but the vice roy..out 91 00:31:29,159 --> 00:31:31,159 terrible news.. 92 00:31:32,159 --> 00:31:34,159 there you are 93 00:31:36,159 --> 00:31:46,159 so..the vice didnt arrest him, you didnt take your chief's advices?, advice? 94 00:31:48,159 --> 00:32:03,159 oh he cant..uhh..(***) one who survived the attack and i told him i did not care, and then he told me the most unbelievable story 95 00:32:04,159 --> 00:32:15,159 he told me my sources were unreliable, he admitted that there were hebrew spies, you know what im talking about 96 00:32:17,159 --> 00:32:26,159 and what do you make of it?, i think its offensive and i think its ridiculous, of all people are hebrew 97 00:32:29,159 --> 00:32:33,159 how could i believe such a story? 98 00:32:37,159 --> 00:32:44,159 what if i take the chance of believing him?..what am i to do? 99 00:32:51,159 --> 00:33:04,159 mother..the man is a thief, my son discovers this, not you, and he reports it to your father who would have hand this thief if he hadnt been dying himself, you believe his nonsense 100 00:33:05,159 --> 00:33:17,159 all i want to know is if its true, i didnt ask for (***), you talk about this any longer we are dignified and i wont do that, answer the question..yes or no? was i talking to you?



Laatste Update: 2015-01-05
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

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