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Laatste Update: 2014-12-09
Gebruiksfrequentie: 3

Deze centrering kan foutief zijn.
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Laatste Update: 2011-10-23
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


the abu halima family, al atra area


Семья Абу-Халима, район Аль-Атра

Laatste Update: 2016-12-04
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


music format: mp3, wma, ogg, flac, ape, aac, ac3, atra, dts


Форматы музыки: mp3, wma, ogg, flac, ape, aac, ac3, atra, dts

Laatste Update: 2018-02-21
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


*"brachionopus annulatus" (purcell, 1903)*"brachionopus leptopelmiformis" (strand, 1907)*"brachionopus pretoriae" (purcell, 1904)*"brachionopus robustus" (pocock, 1897)*"brachionopus tristis" (purcell, 1903)"ceratogyrus" (pocock, 1897) synonym of coelogenium purcell, 1902type species: "ceratogyrus darlingi"transferred to other genera:"ceratogyrus ezendami" → "augacephalus ezendami""ceratogyrus nigrifemur" → "augacephalus nigrifemur""ceratogyrus raveni" (smith, 1990) → "pterinochilus chordatus"in synonymy:"ceratogyrus bechuanicus" (purcell, 1902) and "ceratogyrus schultzei" (purcell, 1908) = "ceratogyrus darlingi""ceratogyrus cornuatus" (de wet & dippenaar-schoeman, 1991) = "ceratogyrus marshalli"*"ceratogyrus brachycephalus" (hewitt, 1919) — botswana, zimbabwe, south africa, the greater horned baboon*"ceratogyrus darlingi" (pocock, 1897) — zimbabwe, mozambique, the african rear horned baboon, curved horn baboon*"ceratogyrus dolichocephalus" (hewitt, 1919) — zimbabwe*"ceratogyrus hillyardi" (smith, 1990) — malawi*"ceratogyrus marshalli" (pocock, 1897) — zimbabwe, mozambique, the straight horned baboon*"ceratogyrus meridionalis" (hirst, 1907) — malawi, mozambique, the , zimbabwe{an} gray baboon*"ceratogyrus paulseni" (gallon, 2005) — republic of south africa*"ceratogyrus pillansi" (purcell, 1902) — zimbabwe, mozambique*"ceratogyrus sanderi" (strand, 1906) — namibia, zimbabwe, the sandy horned baboon"eucratoscelus" (pocock, 1898)type species: "eucratoscelus constrictus"transferred to other genera:"eucratoscelus tenuitibialis" (schmidt & gelling, 2000) → "pterinochilus lugardi"in synonymy:"eucratoscelus longiceps" (pocock, 1898) and "eucratoscelus spinifer" = "eucratoscelus constrictus"*"eucratoscelus constrictus" (gerstäcker, 1873) — kenya, tanzania*"eucratoscelus pachypus" (schmidt & von wirth, 1990) — tanzania"harpactira" (ausserer, 1871)type species: "harpactira atra"*"harpactira atra" (latreille, 1832) — south africa*"harpactira baviana" (purcell, 1903) — south africa*"harpactira cafreriana" (walckenaer, 1837) — south africa*"harpactira chrysogaster" (pocock, 1897) — south africa*"harpactira curator" (pocock, 1898) — south africa*"harpactira curvipes" (pocock, 1897) — south africa*"harpactira dictator" (purcell, 1902) — south africa*"harpactira gigas" (pocock, 1898) — south africa*"harpactira guttata" (strand, 1907) — south africa*"harpactira hamiltoni" (pocock, 1902) — south africa*"harpactira lineata" (pocock, 1897) — south africa*"harpactira lyrata" (simon, 1892) — south africa*"harpactira marksi" (purcell, 1902) — south africa*"harpactira namaquensis" (purcell, 1902) — namibia, south africa*"harpactira pulchripes" (pocock, 1901) — south africa, the african golden blue leg{ged} baboon, slate gray leg(ged) baboon*"harpactira tigrina" (ausserer, 1875) — south africa"harpactirella" (purcell, 1902) synonym of "luphocemus" {denis, 1960}type species: "harpactirella treleaveni"transferred to other genera:"harpactirella flavipilosa" (lawrence, 1936) → "pterinochilus lugardi""harpactirella latithorax" (strand, 1908) → "euathlus vulpinus""harpactirella leleupi" (benoit, 1965) → "idiothele nigrofulva"*"harpactirella domicola" (purcell, 1903) — south africa*"harpactirella helenae" (purcell, 1903) — south africa*"harpactirella insidiosa" (denis, 1960) — morocco (dubious)*"harpactirella karrooica" (purcell, 1902) — south africa*"harpactirella lapidaria" (purcell, 1908) — south africa*"harpactirella lightfooti" (purcell, 1902) — south africa*"harpactirella longipes" (purcell, 1902) — south africa*"harpactirella magna" (purcell, 1903) — south africa*"harpactirella overdijki" (gallon, 2010) — south africa*"harpactirella schwarzi" (purcell, 1904) — south africa*"harpactirella spinosa" (purcell, 1908) — south africa*"harpactirella treleaveni" (purcell, 1902) — south africa"idiothele" (hewitt, 1919)type species: "idiothele nigrofulva"in synonymy:"idiothele crassispina" (purcell, 1902) and "idiothele leleupi" (benoit, 1965) = "idiothele nigrofulva"*"idiothele mira" (gallon, 2010) - south africa, the south african blue footed trapdoor baboon*"idiothele nigrofulva" (pocock, 1898) — southern africa"pterinochilus" (pocock, 1897) synonym of "pterinochilides" {strand, 1920}type species: "pterinochilus vorax"transferred to other genera:"pterinochilus breyeri" → "augacephalus breyeri""pterinochilus constrictus" and "pterinochilus spinifer" → "eucratoscelus constrictus""pterinochilus crassispinus" and "pterinochilus nigrofulvus" → "idiothele nigrofulva""pterinochilus junodi" and "pterinochilus nigrifemur" → "augacephalus junodi""pterinochilus meridionalis" → "ceratogyrus meridionalis""pterinochilus schoenlandi" → "trichognathella schoenlandi"in synonymy:"pterinochilus affinis" (tullgren, 1910), "pterinochilus brunellii" (caporiacco, 1940), "pterinochilus carnivorus" (strand, 1917), "pterinochilus raptor" (strand, 1906), "pterinochilus raveni" (smith, 1990), "pterinochilus sjostedti" (tullgren, 1910), and "pterinochilus widenmanni" (strand, 1906) = "pterinochilus chordatus""pterinochilus flavipilosus" (lawrence, 1936), "pterinochilus pluridentatus" (hewitt, 1919), and "pterinochilus tenuitibialis" = "pterinochilus lugardi""pterinochilus hindei" (hirst, 1907), "pterinochilus leetzi" (schmidt, 2002), and "pterinochilus mamillatus" (strand, 1906) = "pterinochilus murinus""pterinochilus mutus" (strand, 1920), "pterinochilus obenbergeri" (strand, 1920), and "pterinochilus occidentalis" (strand, 1920) = "pterinochilus simoni"*"pterinochilus alluaudi" (berland, 1914) — kenya*"pterinochilus andrewsmithi" (gallon, 2009) — northwestern kenya*"pterinochilus chordatus" (gerstäcker, 1873) — east africa, the kilimanjaro mustard baboon*"pterinochilus cryptus" (gallon, 2008) — angola*"pterinochilus lapalala" (gallon & engelbrecht, 2011) — waterberg mountains of limpopo province, south africa*"pterinochilus lugardi" (pocock, 1900) — eastern and southern africa, the dodoma fort hall baboon*"pterinochilus murinus" (pocock, 1897) — angola, central, eastern, southern africa, the usumbara orange baboon, mombasa golden starburst , "obt"*"pterinochilus raygabrieli" (gallon, 2009) — southcentral kenya*"pterinochilus simoni" (berland, 1917) — angola, congo*"pterinochilus vorax" (pocock, 1897) — angola, central, east africa"trichognathella" (gallon, 2004) [monotypic?


"augacephalus" gallon, 2002* "augacephalus breyeri" (hewitt, 1919) — Южная Африка, mozambique, swaziland* "augacephalus junodi" (simon, 1904) — east, Южная Африка"ceratogyrus" pocock, 1897* "ceratogyrus brachycephalus" hewitt, 1919 — botswana, zimbabwe, Южная Африка* "ceratogyrus darlingi" pocock, 1897 — zimbabwe, mozambique* "ceratogyrus dolichocephalus" hewitt, 1919 — zimbabwe* "ceratogyrus ezendami" gallon, 2001 — mozambique* "ceratogyrus hillyardi" (smith, 1990) — malawi* "ceratogyrus marshalli" pocock, 1897 — zimbabwe, mozambique* "ceratogyrus meridionalis" (hirst, 1907) — malawi, mozambique* "ceratogyrus paulseni" gallon, 2005 — Южная Африка* "ceratogyrus pillansi" (purcell, 1902) — zimbabwe, mozambique* "ceratogyrus sanderi" strand, 1906 — namibia, zimbabwe"eucratoscelus" pocock, 1898* "eucratoscelus constrictus" (gersta"cker, 1873) — kenya, Танзания* "eucratoscelus pachypus" schmidt & von wirth, 1990 — Танзания"harpactira" ausserer, 1871* "harpactira atra" (latreille, 1832) — Южная Африка* "harpactira baviana" purcell, 1903 — Южная Африка* "harpactira cafreriana" (walckenaer, 1837) — Южная Африка* "harpactira chrysogaster" pocock, 1897 — Южная Африка* "harpactira curator" pocock, 1898 — Южная Африка* "harpactira curvipes" pocock, 1897 — Южная Африка* "harpactira dictator" purcell, 1902 — Южная Африка* "harpactira gigas" pocock, 1898 — Южная Африка* "harpactira guttata" strand, 1907 — Южная Африка* "harpactira hamiltoni" pocock, 1902 — Южная Африка* "harpactira lineata" pocock, 1897 — Южная Африка* "harpactira lyrata" (simon, 1892) — Южная Африка* "harpactira marksi" purcell, 1902 — Южная Африка* "harpactira namaquensis" purcell, 1902 — namibia, Южная Африка* "harpactira pulchripes" pocock, 1901 — Южная Африка* "harpactira tigrina" ausserer, 1875 — Южная Африка"harpactirella" purcell, 1902* "harpactirella domicola" purcell, 1903 — Южная Африка* "harpactirella helenae" purcell, 1903 — Южная Африка* "harpactirella insidiosa" (denis, 1960) — morocco* "harpactirella karrooica" purcell, 1902 — Южная Африка* "harpactirella lapidaria" purcell, 1908 — Южная Африка* "harpactirella lightfooti" purcell, 1902 — Южная Африка* "harpactirella longipes" purcell, 1902 — Южная Африка* "harpactirella magna" purcell, 1903 — Южная Африка* "harpactirella schwarzi" purcell, 1904 — Южная Африка* "harpactirella spinosa" purcell, 1908 — Южная Африка* "harpactirella treleaveni" purcell, 1902 — Южная Африка"idiothele" hewitt, 1919* "idiothele nigrofulva" (pocock, 1898) — southern Африка"pterinochilus" pocock, 1897* "pterinochilus alluaudi" berland, 1914 — kenya* "pterinochilus chordatus" (gersta"cker, 1873) — east Африка* "pterinochilus cryptus" gallon, 2008 — angola* "pterinochilus lugardi" pocock, 1900 — southern, east Африка* "pterinochilus murinus" pocock, 1897 — angola, central, east, southern Африка* "pterinochilus simoni" berland, 1917 — angola, Конго* "pterinochilus vorax" pocock, 1897 — angola, central, east Африка"trichognathella" gallon, 2004* "trichognathella schoenlandi" (pocock, 1900) — Южная Африка== ischnocolinae ==ischnocolinae включает пауков всего мира.

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

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