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Laatste Update: 2006-10-26
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
cynyddu cyd-ymwybyddiaeth a chyd-ddealltwriaeth o weithrediadau, gweithgareddau ac amcanion ei gilydd.
increasing mutual awareness and understanding of each other’s operations, activities and objectives.
Laatste Update: 2008-07-28
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1
christine chapman : do you agree that there are many areas of outstanding natural beauty in the south wales valleys and that there could be many more once the environmental damage left by heavy industry is eradicated ? will you join me in welcoming the impact that objective 1 is having on the natural environment of the valleys ? for example , in cynon valley , the cyd coed project has opened a cycle track , which is encouraging tourism and is hugely beneficial for local residents
christine chapman : a gytunwch fod sawl ardal o harddwch naturiol eithriadol yng nghymoedd y de ac y gallai fod llawer mwy ohonynt wedi i'r difrod amgylcheddol a achoswyd gan ddiwydiant trwm gael ei ddileu ? a ymunwch â mi i groesawu effaith amcan 1 ar amgylchedd naturiol y cymoedd ? er enghraifft , yng nghwm cynon , mae'r prosiect cyd coed wedi agor llwybr beiciau , sy'n annog twristiaeth ac sydd o fudd mawr i drigolion lleol