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Laatste Update: 2014-10-03 Gebruiksfrequentie: 5 Kwaliteit: Referentie: Wikipedia
atm mreža
atm networking
Laatste Update: 2011-10-23 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie: Wikipedia
atm mrežni upravljač
atm network controller
atm brzi gigabitni eterswitch
atm fast gigabit etherswitch
Laatste Update: 2014-08-20 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie: Wikipedia
(atm) Članak 13.b
(asy) article 13b
Laatste Update: 2017-04-06 Gebruiksfrequentie: 2 Kwaliteit: Referentie: Wikipedia
pružatelji atm-a/ans-a
atm/ans providers
Laatste Update: 2017-04-06 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie: Wikipedia
Širokopojasne ( atm ) komutatorske mreže .
wideband ( atm ) switching networks .
Laatste Update: 2012-07-08 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie: Wikipedia
smanjiti troškove atm-a za 50 %.
cut atm costs by 50%.
atm 1335 ) , balzamarij iz xv . st . pr .
atm 1335 ) , balsamary from the 15th c.
atm 1334 ) , perla iz ii . tisućljeća pr .
atm 1334 ) , a perl from the 2nd millenium b. c. ( inv . num .
policija je prošle godine pokrenula operaciju atm.
police launched operation atm last year.
Laatste Update: 2016-01-20 Gebruiksfrequentie: 2 Kwaliteit: Referentie: Wikipedia
a usklađuju se s glavnim planom atm-a;
a be consistent with the atm master plan;
certifikacija paneuropskih pružatelja atm-a/ans-a
certification of pan european atm/ans providers
bitni zahtjevi za atm/ans i za kontrolore zračnog prometa
essential requirements for atm/ans and air traffic controllers
atm 1376 c ) , figurica besa od kamena ( inv . br .
atm 1376 c ) , a stone bes figurine ( inv . num .
atm 1376 ) , dvije figurica zeca od kamena ( inv . br .
atm 1376 ) , two stone rabbit figurines ( inv . nums .
atm 229 ) , šauabti iz kasnog srednjeg kraljevstva ( inv . br .
atm 229 ) , a shabti from the late middle kingdom ( inv . num .
atm 1344 ) , vrčić iz aleksandrije ( i . st . ; inv . br .
atm 1344 ) , a small jug from alexandria ( 1st c.
3.5 drugi ključni problem kojim se treba pozabaviti je rascjepkan sustav atm-a.
3.5 the second key problem to be addressed is that of a fragmented atm system.
atm 356 ) , brončani koptski svjećnjak ( vi . st . ; inv . br .
atm 356 ) , a bronze coptic candle-stick ( 6th c. ; inv . num .