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lista eżawrjenti
exhaustive list
Laatste Update: 2017-03-12 Gebruiksfrequentie: 2 Kwaliteit: Referentie:
din mhix lista eżawrjenti.
this is not an exhaustive list.
Laatste Update: 2014-02-06 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie:
għalhekk, mhijiex eżawrjenti.
it is thus not exhaustive.
Laatste Update: 2017-04-06 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie:
il-miri mhumiex eżawrjenti.
the targets are not exhaustive.
din il-lista mhijiex eżawrjenti.
this list is not exhaustive.
barra minn hekk (lista mhux eżawrjenti):
in addition (non-exhaustive list):
Laatste Update: 2017-04-26 Gebruiksfrequentie: 1 Kwaliteit: Referentie:
lista mhux eżawrjenti ta kriterji tinkludi:
a non-exhaustive list of criteria includes:
dan ir-rapport ma jqisx ruħu eżawrjenti.
the report does not claim to be exhaustive.
madankollu, dawk il-listi mhumiex eżawrjenti.
nevertheless, those lists are not exhaustive.
din m'hemmx għalfejn tkun lista eżawrjenti.
this need not be an exhaustive list.
dawn il-miri huma rappreżentattivi, u mhumiex eżawrjenti.
these targets are representative, not exhaustive.
7 katalogu eżawrjenti tal-attivitajiet talkunsill fl-2008.
7 catalogue of the council’s activities in 2008.
b’mod Ċar, eŻawrjenti u preĊiŻ dwar lilĦuq talobjettivi tagĦhom.
and accurate manner on the achievement of their objectives.
il-valutazzjoni mwettqa fir-rapport mhix maħsuba biex tkun eżawrjenti.
the assessment carried out in the report is not intended to be exhaustive.
dan id-dokument la huwa legalment vinkolanti u lanqas mhuwa eżawrjenti.
it is not a legally binding document and is not exhaustive.
għandha tiġi inkluża lista iktar iddettaljata, anke jekk din ma tkunx eżawrjenti.
a more detailed, even if not exhaustive, list must be included.
din hija lista indikattiva u mhux eżawrjenti u hi miftuħa għal suġġerimenti u proposti oħra.
this is an indicative and not exhaustive list, opened to other suggestions and proposals.
(għal iktar dettalji ara t-tabella mhux eżawrjenti fl-anness).
(for more details see the non-exhaustive table in the annex).
il-firxa eżawrjenti ta' valuri qed tintwera fit-tabella hawn taħt:
the exhaustive range of values is shown in the table below:
id-deskrizzjoni ta’ każijiet bħal dawn mill-kummissjoni m’hijiex eżawrjenti.
the commission's description of such cases is not exhaustive.