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zato je bilo sklenjeno, da imajo prej navedeni izdelki različne lastnosti in uporabo ter niso primerljivi s persulfati.


it was therefore concluded that the aforementioned products had different properties and applications and were not comparable to persulphates.

Laatste Update: 2010-09-05
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


(99) v nasprotju z izjavami nemčije pogoji udeležbe tib-a niso primerljivi s pogoji zasebnega investitorja, raithela.


(99) contrary to what germany maintains, the terms of the tib participation are not comparable to the terms offered by the private investor, mr raithel.

Laatste Update: 2010-09-10
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


(22) za spremljanje doseganja ciljev te direktive so potrebni zanesljivi in primerljivi podatki o količinah baterij in akumulatorjev danih na trg ter količinah zbranih in recikliranih baterij in akumulatorjev.


(22) reliable and comparable data on the quantities of batteries and accumulators placed on the market collected and recycled are necessary for monitoring whether the objectives of this directive have been achieved.

Laatste Update: 2010-09-23
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


(20) v skladu s členom 2(7) osnovne uredbe je bila normalna vrednost določena na podlagi cen ali konstruirane vrednosti v primerljivi državi.


(20) pursuant to article 2(7) of the basic regulation, normal value was established on the basis of the prices or constructed value in an analogue country.

Laatste Update: 2010-08-31
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


(11) ker ni bilo predloženih zahtevkov za tgo ali io in je bilo treba določiti normalno vrednost za proizvajalce izvoznike v lrk, je bil preveritveni obisk z namenom določitve normalne vrednosti na podlagi podatkov iz primerljive države opravljen v prostorih družbe:


(11) in the absence of any claims for met or it and of the need to establish a normal value for exporting producers in the prc, a verification visit to establish normal value on the basis of data from an analogue country took place at the premises of the following company:

Laatste Update: 2010-08-31
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

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