Você procurou por: externalise (Inglês - Galês)

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however , i doubt whether it is wise for local councils to externalise their whole housing stock , although i accept that that must be done in some cases if we are to improve the standard of council houses


fodd bynnag , yr wyf yn amau a yw'n ddoeth i gynghorau lleol allanoli eu holl dai , er y derbyniaf fod yn rhaid gwneud hynny mewn rhai achosion os ydym am wella safon tai cyngor

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


we are not trying to externalise the internal but are trying to make necessary information available , while protecting the secure communications that are essential for us to be able to have direct contact with other government departments , and also maintain the integrity of the system


nid ceisio allanoli'r mewnol yr ydym ond ceisio sicrhau bod yr wybodaeth angenrheidiol ar gael , gan ddiogelu'r cyfathrebu diogel sydd yn hanfodol inni allu cael cysylltiad uniongyrchol ag adrannau eraill y llywodraeth , a hefyd cadw cyfanrwydd y system

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


will local authorities , where services are in need of significant improvement , be given sufficient time to bring about sustainable change , or will they be forced to externalise such provision to the private sector at an early stage ? how will the new best value process recognise the particular circumstances in wales , where geography or the local economy does not provide a large alternative private sector market able to pick up local authority service delivery ? how do local authorities reconcile the requirement to form new long-term partnerships for service delivery with the private sector , with the requirement to subject each arrangement to market testing and to comply with european commission procurement directives ?


lle bo angen gwella gwasanaethau'n sylweddol , a fydd awdurdodau lleol yn cael digon o amser i gyflwyno newid cynaliadwy , neu a orfodir hwy i roi darpariaeth o'r fath allan i'r sector preifat yn gynnar ? sut bydd proses newydd gwerth gorau yn cydnabod amgylchiadau penodol cymru , lle nad oes marchnad fawr arall ar gael yn y sector preifat a allai gyflwyno gwasanaethau'r awdurdod lleol , oherwydd daearyddiaeth neu gyflwr yr economi lleol ? sut mae awdurdodau lleol yn cysoni'r gofyniad i lunio partneriaethau hirdymor newydd gyda'r sector preifat i gyflwyno gwasanaethau , gyda'r gofyniad bod rhaid i bob trefniant gael ei brofi yn y farchnad a chydymffurfio â chyfarwyddebau caffael y comiswn ewropeaidd ?

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com

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