Você procurou por: pervert (Inglês - Galês)

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Última atualização: 2013-01-24
Frequência de uso: 1


that is typical of how you liberal democrats like to pervert the realities of a situation


mae hynny'n nodweddiadol o'r ffordd yr ydych chi ddemocratiaid rhyddfrydol yn hoffi gwyrdroi'r wir sefyllfa

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


is it not a fact that the representative body of local government in wales , the wlga , does not support pr ? is it not also a fact that the majority of those consulted on your consultation document did not support pr in local government , and do not , therefore , support this liberal democrat proposal to pervert democracy -- a proposal now sadly bolstered by plaid cymru ? does not the first-past-the-post system , which has stood the test of time in the uk , remain the preference of the majority ? to paraphrase janet , should we not now cast away pr , preferably with the liberal democrats in tow ?


onid yw'n wir nad yw corff cynrychioliadol llywodraeth leol yng nghymru , clllc , o blaid cynrychiolaeth gyfrannol ? onid yw'n wir hefyd nad oedd y mwyafrif o'r rheini yr ymgynghorwyd â hwy ynghylch eich dogfen ymgynghori o blaid cynrychiolaeth gyfrannol mewn llywodraeth leol , ac felly , nid ydynt o blaid cynnig y democratiaid rhyddfrydol yn awr i wyrdroi democratiaeth -- cynnig a ategir gan blaid cymru yn awr yn anffodus ? onid y system y cyntaf yn y ras , sydd wedi dal prawf amser yn y du , yw hoff ddewis y mwyafrif ? i aralleirio janet , oni ddylem gael gwared â chynrychiolaeth gyfrannol yn awr , o ddewis gyda'r democratiaid rhyddfrydol yn ei chanlyn ?

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com

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