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xenophobia has no place in that vision


nid oes lle i senoffobia yn y weledigaeth honno

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


i was pleased to see wales and christine leading europe after the xenophobia we saw in blackpool this week


yr wyf yn falch o weld cymru a christine yn arwain ewrop ar ôl y senoffobia a welsom yn blackpool yr wythnos hon

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


we do not want to hate our european partners , get into the blame game , and risk encouraging ugly xenophobia


nid ydym am gasáu ein partneriaid ewropeaidd , na dechrau rhoi'r bai a chreu perygl o annog casineb ffiaidd tuag at estroniaid

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


he made unfounded allegations against me of racism , xenophobia and of using language that was likely to incite violence


gwnaeth honiadau di-sail amdanaf o hiliaeth , senoffobia ac o ddefnyddio iaith a oedd yn debygol o ysgogi trais

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


it is only fair to say that there is one party in this assembly that unfortunately all too often displays xenophobia when it comes to european union matters


mae ond yn deg dweud bod un blaid yn y cynulliad hwn yn anffodus yn arddangos estrongasedd yn rhy aml pan ddaw i faterion yr undeb ewropeaidd

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


she was in a position to confirm that concerns about food safety from places such as france and germany had more to do with nationalism and xenophobia than with scientific evidence


bu mewn sefyllfa i gadarnhau bod y pryderon am ddiogelwch bwyd o leoedd megis ffrainc a'r almaen yn ymwneud â chenedlaetholdeb a senoffobia yn fwy na thystiolaeth wyddonol

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


when the argument is then extended to include emotive words such as ` xenophobia ', as huw lewis did , that is unacceptable


pan gaiff y ddadl ei hestyn wedyn i gynnwys geiriau emosiynol megis ` senoffobia ', fel y gwnaeth huw lewis , mae hynny'n annerbyniol

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


on alun cairns's and others ' contributions , this is not about whether you like europe or whether you think you are being accused of xenophobia


wrth ymateb i gyfraniad alun cairns a chyfraniadau eraill nid yw hyn yn golygu hoffi ewrop ai peidio neu a ydych yn cael eich cyhuddo o estrongasedd

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


however , on this occasion , i am more than happy to support david's condemnation of xenophobia and anti-english feelings wherever they arise


ar yr achlysur hwn , fodd bynnag , yr wyf yn fwy na bodlon cefnogi condemniad david o senoffobia a theimladau gwrth-seisnig pan fyddant yn codi

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


the first minister : i feared that my hopes that you would not descend to the occasion would be defeated again -- you obviously want to flog a few horses in the xenophobia derby


y prif weinidog : ofnais y byddai fy ngobaith na fyddech yn annheilwng o'r achlysur yn cael ei drechu eto -- mae'n amlwg eich bod am chwipio ychydig o geffylau yn y ras estrongasedd

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


my argument is not based on dogma , ideology or xenophobia -- quite the revers ; it is based on supporting britain's continuing membership of the eu and of the single market


ni seilir fy nadl ar athrawiaeth , ideoleg nac estrongasedd -- i'r gwrthwyneb a dweud y gwi ; fe'i seilir ar gefnogi aelodaeth barhaus prydain o'r undeb ewropeaidd a'r farchnad sengl

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


i was disappointed that john griffiths chose to use that phrase , and i will raise a point of order after the debate -- with your permission , deputy presiding officer -- on whether accusations of xenophobia are in order in the chamber


mae'r ffaith bod john griffiths wedi dewis yr ymadrodd hwnnw'n peri siom imi , a chodaf bwynt o drefn ar ôl y ddadl -- gyda'ch caniatâd chi , ddirprwy lywydd -- o ran pa un a yw honiadau o senoffobia mewn trefn yn y siambr

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com


christine chapman : as policy co-ordinator for cross-cutting issues , including equality of opportunity , will you join me in condemning the far-right policies of jean-marie le pen , who , as john griffiths reminded us , came second in the first round of the french presidential election on sunday ? do you agree that his success highlights how easily political apathy can nurture a culture of xenophobia ? do you also agree that the assembly must tackle racism head-on , and that political parties have a responsibility to encourage diverse representation , including representatives from black and ethic minorities ?


christine chapman : fel cydlynydd polisi ar gyfer materion trawsbynciol , gan gynnwys cyfle cyfartal , a wnewch chi ymuno â mi i gondemnio polisïau adain-dde eithafol jean-marie le pen , a ddaeth yn ail , fel yr atgoffodd john griffiths ni , yn rownd gyntaf etholiad arlywyddol ffrainc ddydd sul ? a gytunwch fod ei lwyddiant yn amlygu mor hawdd y gall difaterwch gwleidyddol feithrin diwylliant o gasineb at estroniaid ? a gytunwch hefyd fod yn rhaid i'r cynulliad fynd benben i'r afael â hiliaeth , a bod gan bleidiau gwleidyddol gyfrifoldeb i annog cynrychiolaeth amrywiol , gan gynnwys cynrychiolwyr o leiafrifoedd du ac ethnig ?

Última atualização: 2009-11-19
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Translated.com

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