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songs of homecoming warriors


வரவேற்பதில் வீரர்கள் பாடல்கள்

Última atualização: 2015-06-26
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


favorite song of mine and my dad


எனக்கும் என் அப்பாவுக்கும் பிடித்தவர்

Última atualização: 2023-08-29
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


laugh and be merry, remember, better the world with a song, better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong. laugh, for the time is brief, a thread the length of a span. laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man. laugh and be merry: remember, in olden time. god made heaven and earth for joy he took in a rhyme, made them, and filled them full with the strong red wine of his mirth the splendid joy of the stars: the joy of the earth. so we must laugh and drink from the deep blue cup of the sky, join the jubilant song of the great stars sweeping by, laugh, and battle, and work, and drink of the wine outpoured in the dear green earth, the sign of the joy of the lord. laugh and be merry together, like brothers akin, guesting awhile in the rooms of a beautiful inn, glad till the dancing stops, and the lilt of the music ends. laugh till the game is played; and be you merry, my friends.


Última atualização: 2023-08-29
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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