Você procurou por: bilik terlalu panas (Malaio - Inglês)

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bilik terlalu panas



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tanda terlalu panas


too hot sign

Última atualização: 2019-03-14
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


cuaca yang tidak menentu seperti hujan atau terlalu panas boleh menyebabkan kerja kerja imprint delay


erratic weather such as rain or overheating can cause imprint work delays

Última atualização: 2024-09-16
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


panas yang berlebihan. sifat tertutup dari ruang terkurung dapat meningkatkan risiko serangan panas atau runtuh akibat tekanan panas, jika keadaan terlalu panas. risiko ini dapat ditingkatkan dengan pemakaian alat pelindung diri atau kekurangan ventilasi


excessive heat. the enclosed nature of a confined space can increase the risk of heat stroke or collapse from heat stress, if conditions are excessively hot. the risk may be exacerbated by the wearing of personal protective equipment or by lack of ventilation

Última atualização: 2021-02-27
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Anônimo


pastikan bilik yang anda gunakan tidak terlalu panas atau sejuk. tambahan pula, pencahayaan yang digunakan harus berfungsi, dan pembelajaran anak anak kecil harus dihiasi dengan hiasan dan peralatan yang akan menarik perhatian mereka. untuk mewujudkan persekitaran yang positif, pastikan keselamatan dan kesihatan kanak kanak terlebih dahulu. contohnya, bersihkan persekitaran di sekeliling anda dan pastikan tiada sebarang pencemaran.


furthermore, the lighting used should be functional, and toddler learning should be decorated with decorations and equipment that will catch their attention. to create a positive environment, ensure the safety and health of children first. for example, clean the environment around you and make sure there is no pollution.

Última atualização: 2022-02-12
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo


faktor dominan yang menyumbang kepada masalah jerebu ialah pembakaran hutan secara besar-besaran. sebenarnya, keadaan cuaca di kawasan hutan hujan tropika memang terlalu panas sehingga boleh menyebabkan tumbuh-tumbuhan terbakar dengan sendirinya akibat suhu meningkat . hal ini berlaku demikian kerana fenomena pemanasan global yang sedang berlaku di muka bumi ini. di negara jiran kita, indonesia pembakaran hutan sering berlaku kerana pihak indonesia ingin membina infrastruktur yang baharu seperti bangunan, sekolah dan lebuh raya. hal ini mengakibatkan pembakaran hutan secara berleluasa. apabila angin bertiup dari sumatera ke malaysia, angin tersebut akan membawa jerebu bersama-sama ke negara kita. natijahnya, udara kita semakin tecemar sementelahan pula indeks pencemaran udara di negara kita melebihi paras berbahaya. oleh itu, pembakaran hutan akan menyebabkan asap dan debu serta bahan yang telah separuh bakar berterbangan di atmosfera lalu berlakulah jerebu.


the dominant factor that contributed to the haze problem is a burning forest on a large scale. actually, the weather conditions in the tropical rain forests are too hot so can cause plants to burn by itself due to the temperature rise. this happens because the phenomenon of global warming is happening on earth. in our neighboring country, indonesia forest fires often occur because the indonesia wants to build new infrastructure such as buildings, schools and highways. this resulted in widespread forest fires. when the wind is blowing from sumatra to malaysia, the wind will bring together the haze to our country. as a result, we are increasingly poisoned air moreover, the air pollution index in our country exceeds dangerous levels. therefore, forest fires will cause smoke and dust as well as materials that have been scattered in the atmospheric half-baked and then treat the haze.

Última atualização: 2016-02-10
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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