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hey, there is no matter of surprise



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# there is no home like the one you've got #


tu casa es donde está mi hogar,

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 1


bolt! eja, shoku! # there is no home like the one you've got #


la casa es donde está mi hogar,

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 1


(180 + 170 ) * n (1 + 1) * n 350 * n 2*n then we can remove "n", which is in the numerator and the denominator at the same time, and obtain that the joint average size of the officers' class is: 350 / 2 = 175 cm anyway, there is a faster procedure that we should employ here, instead of the previous formula with the unknown "n", just using our numerical reasoning: if there are as many men as women in this class, and we know their respective average sizes (180 and 170 cm), then the average for the whole group (no matter if there are 100 women and 100 men, or just 1 woman and 1 man) has to be necessarily the direct average between both figures: (180 + 170) / 2 = 175 cm moreover, you can use the valuable help of the chart here, because we could visually deduce that the average between the two bars in class for officers, men (180 cm) and women (170 cm), has to be in the middle point between them, which is 175 cm. next we go to analyse the class for nco. initially, we could use the general formula, now supposing that the number of men is "m" and the number of women is "w" (because they are different in this class). 105


solution: in this exercise, they ask us about calculating average sizes of two groups, which is, in principle, quite easy. for every group (officers and nco here), we only need to multiply the number of candidates (men and women) by their respective size, and then divide it between the total number of candidates, as we would do to calculate any other type of average. the formula would be, in a simplified way: (number of men * their size) + (number of women * their size) number of men + number of women the issue here is that we do not know the number of men and women of each group, only their average sizes. however, we know the proportion between women and men in every group, and this is enough to obtain the average sizes and compare them, as we are going to explain. first, considering that in class for officers there are as many women as men, this is, the same number of both, we could get the joint average size3 of this class by using the following expression. let us suppose that the number of men (and women too) is "n". the average size of this class would be, according to the formula above: * 180) + (n * 170) n + n adding up in both, numerator and denominator: 3 the joint average size is the average size of the whole group (men and women together). 104

Последнее обновление: 2021-03-16
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно
Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование

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