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forest, grove, wood refer to an area covered with trees. a forest is an forest, grove, wood refer to an area covered with trees. a forest is an extensive area, preserving some or all of its primitive wildness and usually having game or wild animals in it: sherwood forest; the black forest. a grove is a group or cluster of trees, usually not very large in area and cleared of underbrush. it is usually tended or cultivated: a shady grove; a grove of pines; an orange grove; a walnut grove. woods (or a wood ) resembles a forest but is a smaller tract of land, less wild in character, and generally closer to civilization: lost in the woods; a wood covering severalextensive area, preserving some or all of its primitive wildness and usually having game or wild animals in it: sherwood forest; the black forest. a grove is a group or cluster of trees, usually not very large in area and cleared of underbrush. it is usually tended or cultivated: a shady grove; a grove of pines; an orange grove; a walnut grove. woods (or a wood ) resembles a forest but is a smaller tract of land, less wild in character, and generally closer to civilization: lost in the woods; a wood covering several forest, grove, wood refer to an area covered with trees. a forest is an extensive area, preserving some or all of its primitive wildness and usually having game or wild animals in it: sherwood forest; the black forest. a grove is a group or cluster of trees, usually not very large in area and cleared of underbrush. it is usually tended or cultivated: a shady grove; a grove of pines; an orange grove; a walnut grove. woods (or a wood ) resembles a forest but is a smaller tract of land, less wild in character, and generally closer to civilization: lost in the woods; a wood covering several


తెలుగులో అటవీ వ్యాసంforest, grove, wood refer to an area covered with trees. a forest is an extensive area, preserving some or all of its primitive wildness and usually having game or wild animals in it: sherwood forest; the black forest. a grove is a group or cluster of trees, usually not very large in area and cleared of underbrush. it is usually tended or cultivated: a shady grove; a grove of pines; an orange grove; a walnut grove. woods (or a wood ) resembles a forest

Последнее обновление: 2015-08-06
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно

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