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paul has a car but he doesn't cost it very often


paul ha una macchina ma non costa molto spesso

Последнее обновление: 2015-11-16
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


he has a joyous personality, but he doesn't have good japanese skills.


Él tiene una personalidad alegre, pero él no tiene buenas habilidades japonesas.

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


you are unlikely to use it very often.


eres poco proclive a utilizarla muy a menudo.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-13
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


it is a great reference guide and i use it very often.


como instrumento de consulta está muy bien.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-13
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


she bought him a car, but he didn't have a driver's license so he couldn't drive it anywhere.


ella le compró un coche, pero él no tenía carnet de conducir, de modo que no podía llevarlo a ninguna parte.

Последнее обновление: 2014-02-01
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


he doesn't possess a new, original form, of reading the word; but he has a very defined interpretation key.


no posee una forma nueva, original, de leer la palabra; pero sí una clave de interpretación bien definida.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-13
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


he is actually one of a kind and one of the most powerful and quickest of learners when it comes to magic, although he doesn't use it because of a few accidents when he was younger and because his mother erased his memory when he was young.


Él es realmente uno de una clase y uno de los más poderosos y más rápida de los estudiantes cuando se trata de magia, aunque no lo uso debido a algunos accidentes cuando era más joven y porque su madre borrar su memoria cuando era joven .

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


it is a safeguard clause in the interest of the markets. i am sure that, if this safeguard clause, this right to recall, existed, parliament would probably not use it very often.


es una cláusula de salvaguarda en beneficio de los propios mercados, y estoy seguro de que si esta cláusula de salvaguarda, este mecanismo de alerta existiera, probablemente el parlamento no lo utilizaría a menudo.

Последнее обновление: 2012-02-29
Частота использования: 3

Источник: Анонимно


god doesn't deal like this with people. he doesn't give up on them. he does not want any sinner's death, but he has a plan of salvation for them.


por ellos no se da por vencido. Él no quiere la muerte de ningún pecador, sino que tiene un plan de salvación para ellos.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-13
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


it is later revealed that the other runaways are aware of chase being hit by a car, but he apparently did not reveal to them further details of what happened.


más tarde se reveló que los otros runaways son conscientes de que chase fue golpeado por un coche, pero al parecer no les reveló a ellos más detalles de lo sucedido.

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


solar impulse 2 (si2) weighs as much as a car but has a wingspan greater than that of a boeing 747.


solar impulse 2 (si2) pesa lo mismo que un coche, pero tiene una envergadura superior a la de un boeing 747.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-13
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


the pastor doesn't need to give people permission to get a job, or buy a car. but, he does need leaders who support the vision that god's given him, instead of trying to change the vision to something else.


el pastor no necesita dar la gente permiso de conseguir un puesto o trabajo, ni comprar un carro. pero, sí necesita los líderes que apoyan la visión que dios le ha dado, en lugar de intentar de cambiar la visión a algo otro. ¿de dónde viene esta raíz de rebelión?

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-13
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


a laugh a day keeps the doctor away all over the world, groups of people meet early each morning for one reason: to laugh. but what makes them so happy? there are no funny stories or comedians _ everyone just laughs. at first, the laughter is forced. but after a few minutes, the laughter becomes real and fun. are these people crazy? that's exactly the reaction dr. madan kataria got when he asked some people at a park in mumbai, india, where he lives, to start a laughter club with him. four of those people somehow agreed, and they laughed with dr. kataria in one corner of the park. the small group of five quickly grew a to fifty. before long, the laughter club spread all over the world. why a laughter club? when dr. kataria was younger, he used to enjoy reading the section "laughter, the best medicine" in the magazine reader's digest. during his research as a doctor, he learned the many health benefits of laughter, so he thought, "if laughter is so good. why not start a laughter club"? what are the benefits of laughter? various studies show that laughter has a positive effect on the body. it helps remove the negative effects of stress, and it is an important element for maintaining good health. some doctors use laughter therapy to help their patients feel better. children can laugh up to 300 time a day, but as they become adults, most of the laughter stops. dr. kataria also observed the people from the countryside laugh easily and often. he himself used to laugh a lot when he was a kid, but he no longer laughs as much as an adult. this is true for most people as they get older: they laugh less. why is this so? and what kinds of people find it hardest to laugh? it seems that educated and successful people like doctors, scientists, journalists, and ceos of companies find it very hard to laugh. it must be because they are too busy and have too much responsability to laugh at little things. does this mean that success and wealth do not guarantee happiness? what do yoy think? traducir del ingles al español


a laugh a day keeps the doctor away all over the world, groups of people meet early each morning for one reason: to laugh. but what makes them so happy? there are no funny stories or comedians _ everyone just laughs. at first, the laughter is forced. but after a few minutes, the laughter becomes real and fun. are these people crazy? that's exactly the reaction dr. madan kataria got when he asked some people at a park in mumbai, india, where he lives, to start a laughter club with him. four of those people somehow agreed, and they laughed with dr. kataria in one corner of the park. the small group of five quickly grew a to fifty. before long, the laughter club spread all over the world. why a laughter club? when dr. kataria was younger, he used to enjoy reading the section "laughter, the best medicine" in the magazine reader's digest. during his research as a doctor, he learned the many health benefits of laughter, so he thought, "if laughter is so good. why not start a laughter club"? what are the benefits of laughter? various studies show that laughter has a positive effect on the body. it helps remove the negative effects of stress, and it is an important element for maintaining good health. some doctors use laughter therapy to help their patients feel better. children can laugh up to 300 time a day, but as they become adults, most of the laughter stops. dr. kataria also observed the people from the countryside laugh easily and often. he himself used to laugh a lot when he was a kid, but he no longer laughs as much as an adult. this is true for most people as they get older: they laugh less. why is this so? and what kinds of people find it hardest to laugh? it seems that educated and successful people like doctors, scientists, journalists, and ceos of companies find it very hard to laugh. it must be because they are too busy and have too much responsability to laugh at little things. does this mean that success and wealth do not guarantee happiness? what do yoy think?

Последнее обновление: 2014-11-21
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно
Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование

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