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some were the subject of lengthy negotiations, such as the netherlands resolution onmeasures to be taken to eliminate crimesagainst womencommitted in the name of honour, or romania’s resolution on promoting andconsolidating democracy.


nogle krævede lange forhandlingersom f.eks. nederlandenesresolution om foranstaltninger med henblik på at afskaffe æresforbrydelser begået mod kvindereller rumæniensresolution om fremme og konsolidering af demokratiet.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1


it cannot be ignored that the diversity ofthe se organisations' resources and agentsleads to differences in the dynamics of theirbehaviour and of their relations with theirsurroundings.for instance, volunteers aremainly found in the organisations of thenon-market sub-sector (mostly associa -tions and foundations), while the marketsub-sector of the se (cooperatives, mutualsocieties and similar companies) haspractically no volunteers except in socialenterprises, which are an evident exampleof a hybrid of market and non-market with is plural se which is asserting andconsolidating its place in a plural societydoes not signify a hotchpotch with noidentity or interpretative value.on thecontrary, the shared core identity of the seis fortified by a large and diverse group offree,voluntary microeconomic entitiescreated by civil society to meet and solvethe needs of individuals, households andfamilies rather than to remunerate orprovide cover for investors or capitalistcompanies, in other words, by not-for-profit organisations.over the past 200years, this varied spectrum (market andnon-market, of mutual interest or ofgeneral interest) has shaped the i r d sector, as identified here through the social economy approach.


det er umuligt at se bort fra, at socialøkonomiorganisationernes mange forskelligeressourcer og aktører fører til forskelle ideres adfærds dynamik og i deres relationermed omgivelserne.for eksempel finder manhovedsageligt frivillige i organisationerne iden ikkemarkedsbaserede sektor (især foreninger og stiftelser), mens den markedsbaserede sektor i socialøkonomien(kooperativer, gensidige selskaber og tilsvarende virksomheder) i praksis ikke harnogen frivillige undtagen i sociale virksom-

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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