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the committee would invite the commission to study the possibility of creating a european consultative council on tourism as a concrete platform from which to develop the principle of cooperation at european level.
seetõttu kutsub emsk komisjoni üles uurima euroopa turisminõukogu loomise võimalusi kui konkreetset alust koostööpõhimõtte ellurakendamiseks euroopa tasandil.
in this regard, the committee points out that security of tenure for european prosecutors is absolutely necessary, especially where there are complaints against them.
sellega seoses juhib komitee tähelepanu sellele, et prokuröride tagandamatus on ilmtingimata vajalik, eriti siis, kui nende vastu esitatakse kaebusi.
for example, preparation for the establishment of a european prosecutor has slowed down temporarily pending ratification of the constitution.
komisjoni talituste dokumendis, mis avaldatakse samaaegselt käesoleva aruandega, on eiramisteadete alusel saadud statistika põhjal koostatud süvaanalüüs35.