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consciously or unconsciously


secara sedar atau tidak sedar

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-04-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


2018 will see substantial developments in a number of areas that could have a profound impact on our investment choices in the long-term.the first is the grab for global influence. the existing world order is being shaken. the global financial crisis has already propelled china ahead of japan in the global economic ranks.the tussle for global influence between the us and china is also heating up, with china seizing the opportunity to take on the leadership mantle in key areas such as technology, artificial intelligence and climate change. the belt and road initiative, china’s infrastructure development programme, is a clear example of the nation’s goal to become a global leader.demographic changes and their impact on the global economic landscape will likely be another major development. over the next 25 years, the global population is projected to grow 29% to 9.8 billion with those over 65 set to double to 1.3 billion by 2050[1].the biggest impact, however, will likely be driven by millennials. by 2020, they will account for around 50% of the global workforce, and 75% by 2025[2]. one of the many consequences of this demographic shift is that millennials’ purchasing power, as they reach peak earnings, will likely overtake that of the baby boomers and artificial intelligence (ai) is another long-term theme that warrants close monitoring. the competitive environment will likely evolve quickly. ai could be a significant enabler for people and businesses.the key will be not only to understand where pricing pressure and power will be found, but also to spot innovation and disruption early. companies will need to consciously incorporate new skills and new talent pools to survive and thrive as technology becomes an increasingly important part of their worlds.the asset management industry will unlikely be immune from these forces. the industry, per se, is only exploring the very edges of the possible capabilities and changes that ai could wrought. smart (quick-read) data extraction, for example, could transform the nature of research, thus accelerating the investment making process.these long-term themes will likely introduce new investment opportunities for years to come. it is important to note that while adding strength to some equity markets and sectors, it will be to the detriment of others. the wise investor will want to be on the right side of that particular trade.for more insights on how markets might play out over the next year, read eastspring investment’s 2018 market outlook.


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Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-08
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym
Varning: Innehåller osynlig HTML-formatering

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