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o brand awareness



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through consistent and continuous exposure through advertising, a business company can build brand awareness among target customers and the local population. the more often a brand is seen by customers, the stronger the awareness of that brand becomes.


melalui pendedahan yang konsisten dan berterusan melalui pengiklanan, business company dapat membina kesedaran jenama di kalangan pelanggan sasaran dan populasi setempat. semakin kerap jenama dilihat oleh pelanggan, semakin kuat kesedaran jenama tersebut.

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-05-08
Användningsfrekvens: 1


the company’s goal in the future is to provide satisfaction to customers both in terms of fabrics and services so that consumers are satisfied with all the efforts made by the company. furthermore, the company's major purpose is to raise sales percentage and profit from time to time in accordance with customer trends. duck will also increase the sharing on the website as well as social media about newly launched products and upcoming products in order to attract more users and be able to grow the business to a greater extent. in the long run, to increase brand awareness, duck will produce more attractive products that are worth the price so that more people will know about duck's products either in malaysia or around the world. the main goal of duck is to be known by many people on the world stage. in addition, the marketing place i.e. the physical store is also one of the contributors to increase the brand awareness. company aspires to open more physical stores in a country with a large population. furthermore, there are many promotions conducted by the company to increase customer value. such as new year promotions, "hari raya" promotions and more. with such promotions, the company can provide satisfaction to customers when making a purchase because the price offered is reasonable with consumer income.


matlamat syarikat pada masa akan datang adalah untuk memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan baik dari segi kain dan perkhidmatan sehingga pengguna berpuas hati dengan semua usaha yang dilakukan oleh syarikat. tambahan pula, tujuan utama syarikat adalah untuk meningkatkan peratusan penjualan dan keuntungan dari semasa ke semasa sesuai dengan trend pelanggan. duck juga akan meningkatkan perkongsian di laman web dan juga media sosial mengenai produk yang baru dilancarkan dan produk yang akan datang untuk menarik lebih banyak pengguna dan dapat berkembang

Senast uppdaterad: 2021-06-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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