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Senast uppdaterad: 2014-11-14
Användningsfrekvens: 3

Referens: IATE
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the tissue material to be examined is spleen, anterior kidney, and, in addition, either heart or encephalon.


il-materjal taċ-ċelloli li għandu jiġi eżaminat huwa l-milsa, l-kliewi ta’ wara, u oltre, jew il-qalb jew l-enċefalon.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-11-21
Användningsfrekvens: 2

Referens: IATE


whereas ovine and caprine tissues and fluids from the encephalon, spinal cord and the eyes and ingredients derived therefrom are practically not used in cosmetic products;


billi t-tessuti ul-fluwidi ta' l-ovini u l-kaprini mill-moħħ, mill-ispina dorsali u mill-għajnejn u l-ingredjenti estratti minn dawn prattikament ma jintużawx fil-prodotti kosmetiċi;

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-11-21
Användningsfrekvens: 2

Referens: IATE


whereas, according to currently available data, it has been possible to detect infectivity in the encephalon, the spinal cord and the eyes of bovine animals with bse;


billi, skond id-data disponibbli fil-preżent, saret ħaġa possibbli li wieħed jintebaħ bl-infettività fl-encephalon, fl-ispina dorsali u fl-għajnejn ta' bhejjem bovini bil-bse;

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-11-21
Användningsfrekvens: 2

Referens: IATE


whereas on 2 october 1996 the scientific committee on cosmetology delivered an opinion to the effect that risks linked to the utilization in cosmetic products of bovine, ovine or caprine tissues and fluids from the encephalon, spinal cord or eyes and ingredients derived therefrom cannot be excluded;


billi fit-2 ta' ottubru 1996 il-kumitat xjentifiku fuq il-kosmetoloġija ta fehmiet bir-riżultat li r-riskji marbuta ma' l-użu fil-prodotti kosmetiċi ta' tessuti u fluwidi ta' bovini, ovini jew kaprini mill-moħħ, l-ispina dorsali jew l-għajnejn u l-ingredjenti miksuba minnhom ma jistgħux jiġu esklużi;

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-11-21
Användningsfrekvens: 2

Referens: IATE


whereas the french government has informed the commission, pursuant to article 12 of directive 76/768/eec, that it has suspended for a period of one year the placing on the market, whether free of charge or for consideration, of cosmetic products and personal hygiene products containing extracts from the encephalon, the spinal cord or the eyeballs of bovine animals aged over six months and of ovine or caprine animals aged over 12 months;


billi l-gvern franċiż għarraf lill-kummissjoni, skond l-artikolu 12 tad-direttiva 76/768/kee, illi huwa ssospenda għal perjodu ta' sena t-tqegħid fis-suq, sew jekk bla ħlas kif ukoll jekk bil-ħlas, prodotti kosmetiċi u prodotti għall-iġjene personali li jkun fihom estratti mill-encephalon, l-ispina dorsali jew l-għajnejn ta' bhejjem bovini li jkollhom aktar minn sitt xhur u ta' bhejjem ovini jew kaprini li jkollhom aktar minn 12-il xahar;

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-11-21
Användningsfrekvens: 2

Referens: IATE

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