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i smiled because i liked it! so yes, i like



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i liked it because i felt a lot of peace.


me gusto ya que sentí mucha paz

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


i was going to the studio daily, and rather than as an obligation, it was because i liked it.


iba al taller cada día, y en vez de hacerlo como obligación, lo hacía porque me gustaba.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


i had practice to work with children and i liked it so much, that\'s why i want to continue my working with childre


tuve la práctica para trabajar con niños y me gustó mucho, por eso quiero continuar mi trabajo con los

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


i love the man who indulge me and give me everything i ask because i like it so please them.


me encantan los hombre que me consienten y me dan todo lo que pido por que asi mismo me gusta complacerlos.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


i liked it because i could learn more about the farc and the weapons


me gusto porque pude saber mas de las farc y de las armas

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


i liked it so much that at once i asked for political asylum and thus i came to stay here."


me gustó tan to, que en seguida pedí asilo político y ya me quedé aquí".

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Varning: Innehåller osynlig HTML-formatering


yes, i liked it. anything that benefits humanity is invaluably important.


sí me gustó. todo lo que trae beneficio a la humanidad es de una importancia incalculable.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


" bono described the lyrics as "just a short story really, except i left out a few of the verses because i liked it as a sketch.


el cantante describió la letra como "una historia corta realmente, excepto que dejé fuera unos cuantos versos porque me gustaba que fuera como un sketch.

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-03-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Varning: Innehåller osynlig HTML-formatering


paula marshall yes, i added the little pictures because i was trying out the blog tool’s gallery option but i like the larger pictures better.


paula marshall sí, agregué las imágenes poco porque trataba de opción de la herramienta blog galería pero yo prefiero las fotos más grandes.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


as explained the guide, some englishmen compared this architecture with disneyland, but i liked it, because i still had withdrawal symptoms for historic buildings.


según explicaba la guía, algunos ingleses comparaban aquella arquitectura con disneylandia, pero a mí me gustó, porque aún tenía el síndrome de abstinencia para ver edificios históricos.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


i went to school every day but not because i liked it. i would go to school for the daily breakfast of milk with oatmeal and the tasty cookies donated by caritas chile. at lunchtime, i always helped wash the dishes so they would give me leftovers to bring home for my younger brothers and sisters.


al colegio asistía todos los días, pero no era porque me gustara, era para tomarme el vaso de leche con cuáquer y las galletas de caritas chile. luego, el almuerzo, siempre ayudaba a lavar los platos para así llegar con algo de lo que sobraba a la casa, para mis hermanos menores.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


abel: i think that the way i ride comps has started to get a bit like that, i hate putting a foot down because i generally believe that i can make each move, so yes, i think i probably do take a lot of risks, on almost every move, unless it’s impossible.


abel: creo que mi forma de correr empieza a ser un poco loca a veces, me cuesta mucho sacar un pie, porque realmente creo que puedo hacer las cosas, asi que si, arriesgo en casi todo, a no ser que sea un tranco imposible.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


so he said yes. i liked that attitude; i understood his logic; because i suspect that i would have said yes if i was in his shoes. i told him this and that was how we started our strange relation.


de manera que dijo que sí. me gustó su actitud; entendí su lógica; sospecho que yo mismo habría dicho que sí, en su lugar. se lo dije, y así fue como comenzó nuestra extraña relación.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


the performance is really good, and i like the beauty products for myself, so why shouldn’t i also give them to others? i like my man well groomed, and i want it to be a good experience, so yes, i think that a shaver can actually be a great present.


el rendimiento es buenísimo y me gustan los productos de belleza para mí, así que, ¿por qué no regalárselos también a los demás? me gusta que mi chico esté bien afeitado y quiero que sea una buena experiencia, así que sí, creo que una afeitadora realmente puede ser un regalo fantástico.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


toledo also sign contemporary (how little i liked it because i found a possibly well-intentioned but failed in the planning purpose, everything and anything is contemporary) seemed to only want a program without nominally cover the results bullshit mattered to anyone.


también la muestra toledo contemporánea (que tan poco me gustó porque me pareció un propósito posiblemente bien intencionado aunque fallido en el planteamiento; todo y nada es contemporáneo) parecía únicamente querer cubrir nominalmente un programa sin que los resultados importaran una mierda a nadie.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


my decision not to buy would be based on my reaction to the contents; on the other hand i don't know how many album covers i've looked at but never asked to listen to nor have i ever bought an album because i liked its cover, and you can guess which is the hipper to design for. go figure.


mi decisión de no comprar se basa en mi reacción al contenido; por otro lado, no sé cuántas portadas de discos he mirado pero nunca me he parado a escuchar y jamás he comprado un disco porque me gustara su portada, y podéis imaginar para quién es más guay diseñar. figuraos.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


there have been some extraordinary events. first the other doctor, dr brencourt, seemed to be under some amazing assumption that i am close friends with the young manager of this project here, and his wife and children. i have only just moved in. i had barely met them. i asked for dr carlos betancourt’s help, as you know, in ridding the atmosphere in this house of some of the strangeness left by one of the previous tenants. this seems to come under the aegis of dr bretancourt who started giving me orders. he later came to see my house and said he knew someone who could decorate it tastefully. my taste is already impeccable, but he sent round a man from somewhere associated with the premises, and decided that i need to be monitored. he sent round several sensible remarks, too, to be fair, that at the same time seemed to create the impression that he is not in charge of the project, and neither am i. then, who is? (i will want the décor of the house to my taste, not that of some stranger.) i then, obviously from the stress of the previous few days, began to get puzzled about the set-up here. there is almost always stress and sometimes misunderstandings in a move. i have like this house since i first saw it …. two or three years ago. mr brentancourt didn’t ask me for my plans for the house, but simply said that nothing could be done without his permission. i thought that you were the manager and that nothing could be passed without your say-so. i will say no more until tomorrow. but i do not like being chased around the (very nice) premises by enmployees who have done absolutely untoward. both manual and his wife are solid gold. yet everything i said or did as somehow presented as being bizarre. i did ask dr betancourt for permission to do a couple of things, but he shied away from me. he finally got manuel’s wife over and apparently told her to keep an eye on me. i don’t know what his connection is with the house, and it is certainly not my business, but he has done his utmost to make me feel like an outsider from the start. now he has had a meeting with manuel’s wife telling her to monitor things. i was perfectly happy to move in here, accept things as they were, accept the authority of manuel as the manager, etc. yet an inexplicable unpleasant atmosphere has been manufactured. i asked mr bethencourt to return the keys a couple of times, but only because it’s never a good idea for too many people to have keys to property. that was the sole purpose. i cannot help but feel that this event, in which i have been a very bland bit player, had something to do with the owner’s origins lintention to rent to it to someone else. i get on with everyone there, including their animals. i like poultry. i like dogs. i liked the cosmopolitan crowd – japanese and american and my own british.. i had known manuel for around three years and respect him. i cannot imagine what on earth has curdled. i had asked dr betamcourt why there seemed to be some resistance to me moving in, and had at the same time wondered why he seemed so negative towards me. i put it down to his possibly not liking english people. we all have our dislikes and we mostly overcome them and live with them. but dr betamcourt, to whom i had offered nothing but courtesy, seems to have a grudge (hopefully, unwarranted!) against me. i am following his medical instructions because i respect him as a doctor, not because he is in charge of a cottage i would rent!! now. what is to be done? i want to rent the flat. i like it very much. i like the management. i like the friendly, congenial atmosphere. i have done no harm to the buildings, the ground or the animals, all of whom i like. i have treated neigbours with respect, as i always do. and suddenly, manuel’s wife is supposed to be keeping track of my correspondence. (there may be a reason for this that i am not aware of.) i sincerely don’t mind if there were genuine reasons for this attitude. every business runs itself in its own way. but for the bentancourt gentleman to be clearly expecting “reports” on me is most bizarre. i like the cottage, i like the other tenants, i like the management, i like the animals. i am absolutely baffled by this conversation. i am anxious to get free medical advice, believe me! kind regards to all and a good evening to all, there have been some extraordinary events. first the other doctor, dr brencourt, seemed to be under some amazing assumption that i am close friends with the young manager of this project here, and his wife and children. i have only just moved in. i had barely met them. i asked for dr carlos betancourt’s help, as you know, in ridding the atmosphere in this house of some of the strangeness left by one of the previous tenants. this seems to come under the aegis of dr bretancourt who started giving me orders. he later came to see my house and said he knew someone who could decorate it tastefully. my taste is already impeccable, but he sent round a man from somewhere associated with the premises, and decided that i need to be monitored. he sent round several sensible remarks, too, to be fair, that at the same time seemed to create the impression that he is not in charge of the project, and neither am i. then, who is? (i will want the décor of the house to my taste, not that of some stranger.) i then, obviously from the stress of the previous few days, began to get puzzled about the set-up here. there is almost always stress and sometimes misunderstandings in a move. i have like this house since i first saw it …. two or three years ago. mr brentancourt didn’t ask me for my plans for the house, but simply said that nothing could be done without his permission. i thought that you were the manager and that nothing could be passed without your say-so. i will say no more until tomorrow. but i do not like being chased around the (very nice) premises by enmployees who have done absolutely untoward. both manual and his wife are solid gold. yet everything i said or did as somehow presented as being bizarre. i did ask dr betancourt for permission to do a couple of things, but he shied away from me. he finally got manuel’s wife over and apparently told her to keep an eye on me. i don’t know what his connection is with the house, and it is certainly not my business, but he has done his utmost to make me feel like an outsider from the start. now he has had a meeting with manuel’s wife telling her to monitor things. i was perfectly happy to move in here, accept things as they were, accept the authority of manuel as the manager, etc. yet an inexplicable unpleasant atmosphere has been manufactured. i asked mr bethencourt to return the keys a couple of times, but only because it’s never a good idea for too many people to have keys to property. that was the sole purpose. i cannot help but feel that this event, in which i have been a very bland bit player, had something to do with the owner’s origins lintention to rent to it to someone else. i get on with everyone there, including their animals. i like poultry. i like dogs. i liked the cosmopolitan crowd – japanese and american and my own british.. i had known manuel for around three years and respect him. i cannot imagine what on earth has curdled. i had asked dr betamcourt why there seemed to be some resistance to me moving in, and had at the same time wondered why he seemed so negative towards me. i put it down to his possibly not liking english people. we all have our dislikes and we mostly overcome them and live with them. but dr betamcourt, to whom i had offered nothing but courtesy, seems to have a grudge (hopefully, unwarranted!) against me. i am following his medical instructions because i respect him as a doctor, not because he is in charge of a cottage i would rent!! now. what is to be done? i want to rent the flat. i like it very much. i like the management. i like the friendly, congenial atmosphere. i have done no harm to the buildings, the ground or the animals, all of whom i like. i have treated neigbours with respect, as i always do. and suddenly, manuel’s wife is supposed to be keeping track of my correspondence. (there may be a reason for this that i am not aware of.) i sincerely don’t mind if there were genuine reasons for this attitude. every business runs itself in its own way. but for the bentancourt gentleman to be clearly expecting “reports” on me is most bizarre. i like the cottage, i like the other tenants, i like the management, i like the animals. i am absolutely baffled by this conversation. i am anxious to get free medical advice, believe me! kind regards to all and a good evening to all, ctor


there have been some extraordinary events. first the other doctor, dr brencourt, seemed to be under some amazing assumption that i am close friends with the young manager of this project here, and his wife and children. i have only just moved in. i had barely met them. i asked for dr carlos betancourt’s help, as you know, in ridding the atmosphere in this house of some of the strangeness left by one of the previous tenants. this seems to come under the aegis of dr bretancourt who started giving me orders. he later came to see my house and said he knew someone who could decorate it tastefully. my taste is already impeccable, but he sent round a man from somewhere associated with the premises, and decided that i need to be monitored. he sent round several sensible remarks, too, to be fair, that at the same time seemed to create the impression that he is not in charge of the project, and neither am i. then, who is? (i will want the décor of the house to my taste, not that of some stranger.) i then, obviously from the stress of the previous few days, began to get puzzled about the set-up here. there is almost always stress and sometimes misunderstandings in a move. i have like this house since i first saw it …. two or three years ago. mr brentancourt didn’t ask me for my plans for the house, but simply said that nothing could be done without his permission. i thought that you were the manager and that nothing could be passed without your say-so. i will say no more until tomorrow. but i do not like being chased around the (very nice) premises by enmployees who have done absolutely untoward. both manual and his wife are solid gold. yet everything i said or did as somehow presented as being bizarre. i did ask dr betancourt for permission to do a couple of things, but he shied away from me. he finally got manuel’s wife over and apparently told her to keep an eye on me. i don’t know what his connection is with the house, and it is certainly not my business, but he has done his utmost to make me feel like an outsider from the start. now he has had a meeting with manuel’s wife telling her to monitor things. i was perfectly happy to move in here, accept things as they were, accept the authority of manuel as the manager, etc. yet an inexplicable unpleasant atmosphere has been manufactured. i asked mr bethencourt to return the keys a couple of times, but only because it’s never a good idea for too many people to have keys to property. that was the sole purpose. i cannot help but feel that this event, in which i have been a very bland bit player, had something to do with the owner’s origins lintention to rent to it to someone else. i get on with everyone there, including their animals. i like poultry. i like dogs. i liked the cosmopolitan crowd – japanese and american and my own british.. i had known manuel for around three years and respect him. i cannot imagine what on earth has curdled. i had asked dr betamcourt why there seemed to be some resistance to me moving in, and had at the same time wondered why he seemed so negative towards me. i put it down to his possibly not liking english people. we all have our dislikes and we mostly overcome them and live with them. but dr betamcourt, to whom i had offered nothing but courtesy, seems to have a grudge (hopefully, unwarranted!) against me. i am following his medical instructions because i respect him as a doctor, not because he is in charge of a cottage i would rent!! now. what is to be done? i want to rent the flat. i like it very much. i like the management. i like the friendly, congenial atmosphere. i have done no harm to the buildings, the ground or the animals, all of whom i like. i have treated neigbours with respect, as i always do. and suddenly, manuel’s wife is supposed to be keeping track of my correspondence. (there may be a reason for this that i am not aware of.) i sincerely don’t mind if there were genuine reasons for this attitude. every business runs itself in its own way. but for the bentancourt gentleman to be clearly expecting “reports” on me is most bizarre. i like the cottage, i like the other tenants, i like the management, i like the animals. i am absolutely baffled by this conversation. i am anxious to get free medical advice, believe me! kind regards to all and a good evening to all,

Senast uppdaterad: 2013-06-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym

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