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conductordesde el colegio quieren enfatizar primero, que la encuesta enviada es para, por ahora, valorar el quórum que hay. en función del número de alumnos se están planteando la opción de hacerlo más espaciado, una semana por curso en función del número de inscritos. por ello es muy importante que se responda a esa encuesta lo antes posible.

Senast uppdaterad: 2020-12-20
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


trductor gogle


plaza de toros

Senast uppdaterad: 2015-05-05
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


c/trductor gogle


c / trductor gogle

Senast uppdaterad: 2019-11-30
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


trductor goglepre-announcement: new cifsrf call for proposal in 2015 canada’s international development research centre (idrc) and foreign affairs, trade and development canada (dfatd) are pleased to provide advanced notice about the upcoming 2015 open call for proposals. the call will be officially launched in early february 2015 as part of the second phase of the canadian international food security research fund (cifsrf phase 2 or the “fund”). general information about cifsrf can be found at: the purpose of this advanced notice is to give potential proponents enough time to search for suitable partners and discuss opportunities for collaboration, in anticipation of the official launch of the call for proposals. this letter indicates the overall direction that the 2015 open call will take, and outlines the focus and general requirements that successful proposals will need to meet. the call will support projects that aim at developing, testing and applying ways to scale up food security and nutrition innovations. with a strong focus on taking effective, pilot-tested, innovations to a wider scale of use and application, this call will fund projects that promise consistent and meaningful development outcomes (i.e. reaching important numbers of end-users) through the testing, demonstration and effective deployment of scaling up models, delivery mechanisms and approaches. it will request short proposals that convey a concise but sharp, feasible business case for the innovation they are proposing to scale up. the size of the projects funded by this call will be in the range of cad $0.5 to $1.5 million, which will allow applicants to focus on specific, achievable development outcomes at scale while reducing overall project management tasks. while not mandatory, the leveraging of non-government of canada resources –particularly those from the private sector– to either implement the scale-up initiative or as a possible post project investment will be viewed favourably. a one step selection process will be used. this will allow for a shorter timeframe to assess and approve proposals. the submission deadline will likely be late march, 2015. projects are anticipated to begin in october 2015. the expected duration of the projects will be up to 28 months. research, development and private sector organizations from canada and from eligible countries in the global south will be eligible for this call (see cifsrf eligible country list). proposals must be submitted by a partnership composed of two or more organizations; at least one of which must be a canadian organization. successful proposals will require clear participation of business-oriented private sector organizations; at least one of the key implementing partners must be a private sector organization (private company, business-focused ngo, investment organization, etc.).past cifsrf grantees and applicants should take special note of the changed focus, requirements and format of proposals expected for this call. past and current grantees may apply to this call provided they meet the partnership requirements and their proposal follows the guidelines for the 2015 call. cgiar centers may only participate as third party collaborators. full information will be posted on the idrc competitions website and will also be disseminated through the cifsrf listserv in early february 2015. inquiries on the upcoming call will not be returned until the official launch of the call. best regards, the cifsrf team


trductor gogle

Senast uppdaterad: 2015-01-25
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym

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