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Senast uppdaterad: 2023-11-02
Användningsfrekvens: 2


it's istanbul, not constantinople, that straddles the bosporus strait today. but more than half a millennium ago—on may 29, 1453—it was constantinople, then the last bastion of the roman empire, that fell to ottoman turks. today’s popular stories science & innovation quake split a tectonic plate in two, and geologists are shaken animals new crocodile species found hiding in plain sight it was also in its incarnation as constantinople that the city was declared the capital of the roman empire by emperor constantine in 330 a.d. before that, the site was a greek village called byzantine. the new capital had much to recommend it. it was easier to defend than rome since it jutted out on the water, it had seven hills just like rome—and it had a christian population, the preference of the emperor. the strait's golden horn, seen here, divides the city in two. the galata tower, built by genoans in 1348, presides over the picture. it replaced the tower of galato—known as the megalos pyrgos, or "great tower"—that was largely destroyed by catholic crusaders in 1204. situated at the entrance to the golden horn, the first tower was more than a vertical ornament: a monstrous chain stretched from the tower to the city's northern side, preventing unwanted ships from entering the inlet.



Senast uppdaterad: 2018-11-05
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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