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pre service

Senast uppdaterad: 2022-09-29
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


preservice teachers' responses to bullying scenarios: comparing physical, verbal, and relational bullying. sheri bauman, adrienne del rio journal of educational psychology 98 (1), 219, 2006 in the present study, 82 undergraduate students in a teacher education program responded to 6 written vignettes describing school bullying incidents. scenarios described physical bullying, verbal bullying, and relational bullying events. respondents rated relational bullying as the least serious of the 3 typ


preservice teachers' responses to bullying scenarios: comparing physical, verbal, and relational bullying. sheri bauman, adrienne del rio journal of educational psychology 98 (1), 219, 2006 in the present study, 82 undergraduate students in a teacher education program responded to 6 written vignettes describing school bullying incidents. scenarios described physical bullying, verbal bullying, and relational bullying events. respondents rated relational bullying as the least serious of the 3 types. participants had the least empathy for the victims of relational bullying and were least likely to intervene in relational bullying incidents. when asked to describe interventions they would use in these cases, the preservice teachers proposed the least severe actions for both perpetrators and victims of relational bullying compared with other forms of bullying. results were compared with those of practicing teachers in a previous study. implications for teacher education programs are discussed. two supplemental studies, conducted to address concerns about seriousness of bullying scenarios, are also described.(psycinfo database record (c) 2016 apa, all rights reserved)

Senast uppdaterad: 2023-05-28
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym

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