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Senast uppdaterad: 2015-03-16
Användningsfrekvens: 8

Referens: Wikipedia


political philosophy



Senast uppdaterad: 2011-01-10
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Wikipedia


beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after christ.


จงระวังให้ดี เกรงว่าจะมีผู้ใดทำให้ท่านตกเป็นเหยื่อด้วยหลักปรัชญาและด้วยคำล่อลวงอันไม่มีสาระ ตามธรรมเนียมของมนุษย์ ตามหลักการต่างๆที่เป็นของโลก ไม่ใช่ตามพระคริสต

Senast uppdaterad: 2012-05-04
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Wikipedia


chitchat translatethe consequences of our water policies extend beyond jeopardizing human health. tens of millions of people have been forced to move from their homes-often with little warning or compensation- to make way for the reservoirs behind dams. more than 20% of all fershwater fish species are now threatened or endangered because dams and water withdrawals have destroyed the free-flowing river ecosystems there they thrive. certain irrigation practices degrade soli quality and reduce agricultural productivity. groundwater aquifers are being pumped down faster than they are naturally replenished in pasts of india, china, the usa and elsewhere. and disputes over shared water resources have led to violence to raise local, national and international tensions. at the outset of the new millennium, however, the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change. the focus is slowly shifting back to the provision of basic human and environmental needs as top priority –ensuring ‘some for all’, instead of ‘more for some’. some water experts are now demanding that existing infrastructure be used in smarter way rather than building new facilities, which is increasingly considered the option of last, not first, resort. this shift in philosophy has not been universally accepted, and it comes with strong opposition from some established water organizations. nevertheless, it may be the only way to address successfully the pressing problems of providing everyone with clean water to drink, adequate water to grow food and a life free from preventable water-related illness. fortunately-and unexpectedly- the demand for water is not rising as rapidly as some predicted. as a result, the pressure to build new water infrastructures has diminished over the past two decades. although population, industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soar in developed nations, the rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers, rivers and lakes has slowed . and in a few parts of the world, demand has actually fallen.



Senast uppdaterad: 2017-02-05
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym

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