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that’s the reason why i stopped



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the reason why this is so is less the enormous amount of noise that is produced.


unobangela wokuba ibe ncinci, bubukhulukazi bengxolo obenziweyo.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1


the reason for this is that the mud or sand will be churned up.


isizathu soku udaka okanye isanti iyakuzama-zamisa.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1


the reason why a rating is not promoted will therefore be found if the five criteria are applied to his circumstances.


isizathu sokuba iireyithingi inganyuselwa kungoko ke ifumaneka ukuba isihlanu sendlela sibekwa kwiimeko zazo.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1


the reason was that the government, forever seeking economies, found them expensive to run.


isizathu saba sesi urhulumente , naphakade ukhangele iinkcitho yokonga , kwafumaniseka zona kuxabisa kakhulu ukuziqhuba .

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1


sometimes, i used to be scared of losing you because i have come to realize that i cannot live without you. you are the reason why i smile every single day of my life. you are the best friend i have the true angel of my life.


sometimes, i used to be scared of losing you because i have come to realize that i cannot live without you. you are the reason why i smile every single day of my life. you are the best friend i have the true angel of my life.

Senast uppdaterad: 2020-12-05
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


that is one of the reasons why it has long been the custom to build special icebreakers which cut a channel in the ice for the convoy that follows them.


kungoko ke ibise ifana nesithethe into yokwakha izaphuli-mkhenkce ezingaqhelekanga ezisika umbhobho emkhenkceni ukwenzela uluhlu olulandelayo.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


these aerodynamic advantages of these flying ships is the reason why they can be regarded as a novel type of transport vehicle, even though they are likely to enter service only in the distant future.


ezona zinto zilungileyo ngoshukumo-moya lwezinqanawa zibhabhayo, sisizathu sokuba kutheni kufuneka zithathwe njengohlobo lwenoveli yezithuthi zothutho, nangona zingenakho ukunceda kwikamva elimnyama qha.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


this is the reason why there is some justification for developing projects such as, for example, that for a 15,000-ton air-cushion vehicle, utopian though they may appear.


nanku unobangela wokuba kubekho ulungiso lokuvelisa olunje umzekelo ngeetoni ezingamawaka alishumi elinesihlanu, wesithuthi sokhuseleko-moya ilizwe elisemalandalahla lingabonakala.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


although the situation is still fluid it is apparent from the reasons given that the curve showing the reduction in transport costs when larger tankers or bulk carriers are employed will become much flatter than it is for the sizes attained up to the present.


nangona ubume bungekacaci kuyabonakala kwizizathu ezibekiweyo ukuba igophe elibonisa ukuncipha kwiindleko zothutho xa itanki ezinkulu okanye izithuthi zezambuku ziqeshiwe zakuncekelela kunobungakanani obungaphunyelelwayo ukuzokutsho ngoku

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


this is also one of the reasons why insurance rates increase faster than the ship's size.


sesinye sezizathu esibangela ukuba ixabiso lweinsurensi lonyuke ngokukhawuleza kunobungakanani benqanawa

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


tangible teacher brings the mind of a learner to a brighter side motivations go along, this is what mr. mtintso did for me and the great leader who makes other leaders be leaders. this is not just the best teacher, i call him a teacher who is the parents of all the learners in my previously school, and the name of the school is meyisi senior secondary school named after prince meyisi nonkonyana in 1950’s. this teacher teaches life sciences, he is the tall guy that have muscles as all man but have the big belly. when the new learners see him they see a ghost but if the stay with him they play with him like the way i saw him first time, so he is the funny guy who does everything at the same time like motivating and pushing the lesson to carry forward in an enthusiastic way. i started to know him when i was in grade 10, he was teaching life sciences and he did not want anything which is not concerned with the school that is why i did not like him and i was still young. he is what the teacher all learners pass with high levels in his class, it feels like we were playing with life sciences although he uses the switch. i did not mind that because i am used to be beaten by the big stick in the hand but he was using the small stick so he was playing to me. the reason why mr. mtintso is the best teacher is that he is always open, i mean he is always ready to talk everything and everything. every learner needs a teacher to talk to, every learner problems and be understandable so this what this teacher did to every learner. although i did not like to go to school if it holiday and on saturday but when it was him who was calling us to come we would come and i do not what was the reason because he was too serious and serious teachers are the not favorite teachers to the learners, that is the reason many learners fail because they do not like teachers or the way teachers do. i want to play with kids while educating them like he did because even if he was motivating us we would laugh then realize that what he was saying is so much useful to feed on and be full in yourself, i mean me. the are many careers to choose from but i have chosen to be a teacher so that i could teach, i mean i could bring back and produce more careers as the teachers who thought me back then. mr. mtintso we usually call him mtira by his nickname even now, just because he is the brother of the teacher who provides everything a learner need. all i am trying to say is that in those villages like mine you will never get a teacher like that so that is where i get the interest to become a teacher. i do not want to copy him but i want to use his strategy combining mine and i want to see that it would not encourages children in my village to see a young teacher. many kids drop out at school just because they are scared of teachers and they do not get the motivation if they face problems, it can be either be home or school work, but me i can say starting from grade 1 up to grade 9 i did not get even one motivation. i do not want to lie my parents were not supportive to my school work, they make sure you go to school with good uniform and you are not hungry only, they had never asked how many home works do you have, how is the school work going, but i understand because they are not educated and they will never ask something they do not know about. when i arrived at high school i found somebody who can motivate me and give me ideas on where and when i need them. this is the teacher who is the brother, the therapist, and teacher at the same time.



Senast uppdaterad: 2018-08-15
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym

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