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just need you to warm me up



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while other people use their kettles to warm up water so they can be able to bath because bathing in cold water at times might cause you to have flu or worse. having electricity saves us a lot of troubles such as having warm water to be able to use and being able to cook proper meals to eat your family, while hospitals will at least have the right tools to deal with people on life support


kanti abanye abantu basebenzisa amathole abo ukuze bafudumele amanzi ukuze bakwazi ukugeza ngoba ukugeza emanzini abandayo ngezinye izikhathi kungase kubangele ukuthi unesifo somkhuhlane noma sibi kakhulu. ukuba negesi kusisindisa izinkinga eziningi ezifana nokuthola amanzi afudumele ukuze akwazi ukusebenzisa nokukwazi ukupheka ukudla okufanele ukudla umndeni wakho, kanti izibhedlela zizoba namathuluzi afanele ukubhekana nabantu ngokusekelwa ngokuphila

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-06-07
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


you can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. each card is hiding an operation, or the answer to it. in this game, these cards are hiding the two parts of an operation. you need to find the two parts of the operation, and bring them together again. click on a card to see what number it's hiding, then try to find the other card that goes with it, to make a whole operation. you can only turn over two cards in one go, so you need to remember where the numbers are hiding, then you can match them when you find their other half. you're doing the job of the equals sign, and the numbers need you to put them together and make a proper equality. when you do that, both those cards disappear! when you've made them all disappear, found all the operations, you've won the game! :)


uyawabona amanye amakhadi, kodwa awukwazi ukubona ukuthi kunani ehlongothini elinye. ikhadi ngalinye lifihle imisebenzi noma impendulo kuyona. kulomdlalo, lawamakhadi afihle izinxenye ezimbili zokusebenza. udinga ukuthola lezizinxenye ezimbili zomsebenzi, uzibuyise zihlangane futhi. chofoza ikhadi ukubona ukuthi inombolo yiphi efihliwe, uma uqeda zama ukuthola ikhadi elinye elihambisana nalo, ukwenza umsebenzi ophelele. unga vula amakhadi amabili ngesikhathi esisodwa, ngakho udinga ukukhumbula ukuthi izinombolo ezinye zifihlwe kuphi, ukuze uzifanise uma uthola inxenye enye. uyenza umsebenzi wophawu lokulinganisa, futhi izinombolo ziyakudinga ukuze wenze isilinganiso esifanele. uma wenza njalo, amakhadi womabili ayanyamalala! uma usuwenze wonke ukuthi anyamalale, uthole yonke imisebenzi, unqobile emdlalweni! :)

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-08-20
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym

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