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i am not good i am worst.


i am not good i am worst

Senast uppdaterad: 2022-06-18
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym


apology letteri am so sorry for they way i have been behaving lately. i just have so much doubt in everything. you have always been the constant in my life, and i know i have said that before, but it is the truth. i always see my self as the lesser of the relationship we have had. i am the one that makes the bad decisions. you have always been my compass and gravity. the past few years have just been so hard on both of us. i know i sure have not made it any easier. lately i have been so depressed and... well, hurt. i just do not know how to react to anything between us. i know i have become overbearing with jealousy and distrust. i am having a really hard time processing it. i have never felt this way in my entire life, and i just cannot control it. i know it can be done because i see what you have put up with over these years. i have been nothing but insensitive to you and.sanni,.. well, just an all around jerk. i have never meant to make you feel belittled or disrespected. i know i have, but it was not my intention. you know i am not really good at expressing my feelings unless they are on paper. so that is what this is an attempt at. i do trust you... i really and genuinely do. i do not trust others. we have been through so much and i know i have not been supportive to you in the ways that i need to. and i am not a mind reader. i do not want to guess anymore, i want to know what you need... what you want. i love you with every fiber of my being and i always will. i need work work past my issues as well. i have forgiven you for the past... but i can not forget what has happened. i know it is the same with you. i want and wish for us, not just you and me, but us as a family to be close again. i see it in sanni, the way she has almost distanced herself from me. the way she acts is so frustrating, it is like looking in the mirror and seeing the two of us mashed together. it breaks my heart to even try to know what she thinks of me. i see it in atte, she tries so hard to do everything right. she really does remind me of a young version of myself. i was the same way, i never seemed to please my mother wow she is so much like you it just scares me. you each have your best qualities, but i think the past couple of years have been amplifying the worst of our traits in them. i just want it all to end. i want us back! i want our family back! i want to enjoy the rest of my life with you and only you! i do not want to lose the best friend that i have ever had nor do i want to lose the only love i have ever had. i really do not mean to sound cheesy but you do “complete me.” if i did not know you, if i did not have you in my life, i would not be me. before you came into my life, i was on a one way ticket to no where. sure, things may have worked out fin


insurance act 1938

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-04-12
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym

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