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poslije mise , oni koji žele mogu posjetiti brdo ukazanja gdje se djevica marija prvi put ukazala djeci .
after mass , those who wish may visit the apparition hill where the virgin mary first appeared to the children .
"tada æe kraljevstvo nebesko biti kao kad deset djevica uzee svoje svjetiljke i iziðoe u susret zaruèniku.
then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
davne 1516 . godine blažena djevica marija ukazala se pastirici na otočiću zečevu, u samom srcu ninske biskupije .
long ago , in 1516 , the blessed virgin mary appeared to shepherds on the island of zeč evo , which is located at the heart of the parish of nin .
u sklopu knjižnice vrbničanina dinka vitezića u vrbničkom zadružnom domu triptih je blažena djevica marija sa svecima , iz 16 . st .
the dinko vitezić library in vrbnik contains a triptych of the blessed virgin mary with saints from the 16th century .
evo, djevica æe zaèeti i roditi sina i nadjenut æe mu se ime emanuel - to znaèi: s nama bog!
behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name emmanuel, which being interpreted is, god with us.
ono što me ljutilo u vezi s tom novom informacijom nije bilo što ću morati mijenjati datum svoje zabave sa svim svojim prijateljicama , ljutilo me što to znači da nisam djevica po horoskopu .
what was so upsetting about this new piece of information was not that i was going to have to change the date of my slumber party with all of my girlfriends , what was most upsetting was that this meant that i was not a virgo .
sad , ovdje se djevica marija pojavila na sandviču od sira -- koji sam zapravo držao u kasinu u las vegasu , naravno , jer to ovo amerika .
now , here 's the virgin mary made her appearance on a cheese sandwich -- which i got to actually hold in a las vegas casino , of course , this being america .
ali ako se i oeni, nisi sagrijeio; i djevica ako se uda, nije sagrijeila. ali takvi æe imati tjelesnu nevolju, a ja bih vas rado potedio.
but and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but i spare you.
selcuk ima mnogo povijesnih ostataka iz razdoblja ranog kršćanstva, uključujući i kuću za koju mnogi vjeruju kako ju je posjetila djevica marija, te brdo ayasoluk, na kojem je sv. ivan napisao svoje evanđelje.
selcuk has many historical remains of early christianity, including a house which many believe to have been visited by the virgin mary, and ayasoluk hill where st john wrote his gospel.
u franjevačkom samostanu na košljunu njegova je potpisana slika blažena djevica marija s isusom i sv . ivanom krstiteljem ( 1725 . ) i niz slika iz 1728 . s pjevališta crkve .
the franciscan monastery on koš ljun displays his signed painting blessed virgin mary and child and st. john the baptist(1725 ) and a series of paintings from 1728 in the church choir .
da netko dođe na moja vrata i slušam katoličku teologiju i dogmu prvi put u životu , i da kažu , " mi vjerujemo da je bog impregnirao vrlo mladu djevojku bez spolnog odnosa , i činjenica da je bila djevica luđački nam je važna -- ( smijeh ) -- i rodila je dijete , i to je sin boga , " mislila bi da je to jednako apsurdno .
if someone came to my door and i was hearing catholic theology and dogma for the very first time , and they said , " we believe that god impregnated a very young girl without the use of intercourse , and the fact that she was a virgin is maniacally important to us -- ( laughter ) -- and she had a baby , and that 's the son of god , " i mean , i would think that 's equally ridiculous .