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n ja mais bb



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sem regionalização e desenvolvimento regional ja mais haverá união política na europa.


what we are aktually seeing currently is the creation of a two-speed europe.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1


o fundo so cial europeu registou uma subutilização muito mais acentuada (595 milhões de ecus, ou se ja, mais de 14% das suas dotações disponíveis).


as in previous years, the appropriations allocated for the specific industrial development programme for portugal (pedip) in 1990 were used in full.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1


surpreende-me sinceramente o facto de, tanto quanto julgo saber, este parlamento não ter até à data feito qualquer referência à falência do bcci, que constitui afinal o maior colapso bancário ja mais ocorrido na história mundial.


being against violence i can't do that, because i don't believe in it, i know that every weapon which kills is ultimately turned on its user, and so the only thing i can do is to express, through the seemingly mild step of fasting, my wholehearted conviction and that of my radical party — which is international and which transcends party lines — and which currently feels the full weight of the shame which should be unbearable to each and every one of you, ladies and gentlemen, the shame that we are here in this house as members of a community which acts as mediator between aggressor and victim, the killer and the killed, and which out of cowardice towards the aggressor summons the people of slavonia but also out of cowardice does not summon the albanians of kosovo who make up 90 per cent of that region.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1


não se pretende neste volume substituir a apresentação das contas publicadas exigida pelo regulamento financeiro, mas gostaríamos de apresentar as informações essenciais sobre a execução do orçamento de 1987 de um modo que, esperamos, se ja mais acessível a todos aqueles que se interessam, a título pessoal ou profissional, pelas questões co munitárias.


we do not intend to replace the form of published accounts required by the financial regulation, but we aim to present the essential information about the implementation of the 1987 budget in a form which is, we hope, more readily accessible to those who take a personal or professional interest in community affairs.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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