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Från: Maskinöversättning
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studii cu frecventa
full time studies
Senast uppdaterad: 2016-04-29
Användningsfrekvens: 1
organizatii de invatamant altii
educational organisations others
Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1
comentariu de subventii de invatamant de la 12 mai 2010 :
comment by educational grants on 12 may 2010:
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1
doar 10–20% din locurile institutiilor de invatamant superior vor fi cu plata.
only 10–20 percent of places in the higher education system will be paid.
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1
dovada de acceptare la studii eliberata de ministerul educatiei si cercetarii, din care sa rezulte ca va urma o forma de invatamant de zi;
the proof of acceptance for studies issued by the ministry of education and research, which shall indicate that he/she will attend day courses;
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1
de fapt, in statele unite, sistemul de invatamant a functionat destul de bine.
in fact, in the united states, the teaching system has worked fairly well.
Senast uppdaterad: 2015-10-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1
delimitarea zonelor cu frecventa, a zonelor unde au fost semnalate putine exemplare si a zonelor neinfestate.
the delimitation of the frequency areas, of the areas where there were signaled few specimen, and of the uninfected areas.
• accesul la toate formele si nivelurile de invatamant si de pregatire profesionala, inclusiv la acordarea burselor de studiu;
• access to all forms and levels of education and professional training including to granting of scholarships;
acestea sunt inceputurile a ceea ce reprezinta acum un efort cuprinzator de reformare a sistemului de invatamant din bosnia si hertegovina (bh).
these are the beginnings of what is now a comprehensive effort to reform education in bosnia and herzegovina (bih).
"sprijin pentru continuarea educatiei pentru specialisti si tineri care traiesc cu hiv/sida", vizand completarea studiilor pentru copiii si tinerii care nu au putut frecventa cursurile scolare ale unei unitati publice de invatamant.
"support for continuing education for specialists and youth living with hiv/aids", setting the sights on the termination of studies for children and young people who could not go to the school classes of a public institution of education.