You searched for: caballerote (Spanska - Engelska)

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Senast uppdaterad: 2013-06-12
Användningsfrekvens: 1


-medíos, sancho, con vuestro estado -respondió teresa-; no os queráis alzar a mayores, y advertid al refrán que dice: "al hijo de tu vecino, límpiale las narices y métele en tu casa". ¡por cierto, que sería gentil cosa casar a nuestra maría con un condazo, o con caballerote que, cuando se le antojase, la pusiese como nueva, llamándola de villana, hija del destripaterrones y de la pelarruecas! ¡no en mis días, marido!


"keep to your own station, sancho," replied teresa; "don't try to raise yourself higher, and bear in mind the proverb that says, 'wipe the nose of your neigbbour's son, and take him into your house.' a fine thing it would be, indeed, to marry our maria to some great count or grand gentleman, who, when the humour took him, would abuse her and call her clown-bred and clodhopper's daughter and spinning wench. i have not been bringing up my daughter for that all this time, i can tell you, husband.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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